How to capitalize on a a girls IOIs without coming off needy.


May 2, 2023
I have a situation with a girl in my school (250 students approx.) that for the last 5 months bombarded me with IOIs (staring, waiting in front of my class with her friend/with a classmate (a social butterfly).The recent one was in the elevator, she was next to me and I saw her in my peripheral turning her face and looking at me, then she laughed when I said a kinda lame joke) I ignored her.

a month ago I've found her ig she didn't accept my follow request so that's why I ignored her hard this past week (normally I look at her from time to time).

My problem is that when I decide that I don't care about girls and that nothing will happen, I act cool, attractive and effortlessly flow socially (although I tend to go hard on girls negging and making jokes at their expense dunno why) i.g. the elevator thing, normally I get anxious whenever I cross paths with her because I get into my head debating if I should talk and what to say. I don't because the moment I sense some nerves rising I chose not to act because I know that I'll look nervous and she'll lose interest and know that I didn't approach her not because of my disinterest but because I'm scared.

I could switch my brain off (usually I put a show joking/talking a lot and I get into the flow) but then all the things I read on GC go out of the window and I act with no structure.

Those last couple of days she pulled back I didn't show up everywhere. Maybe she gave up.
She's my best option in the school, tho I have some others but they all know each other so I have one shot. (Or not, what the worse thing that can happen? I rather be labeled as a player than a pussy).

So my questions are: How to go about establishing contact if she doesn't do one of her stunts, wouldn't that be in-congruent acting all uninterested then go talk to her? Should I mention/joke about her chasing all this time or act like it didn't happen? The moment that my mind detects that there is a chance of getting with a girl, a switch flips and get all nervous, needy and in my mind, how to mitigate against this?
How fast should I take things while also keeping her chasing? Lastly, I couldn't think my way around not becoming low value & needy once my mind detects that things are progressing between me and the girl, I'm in deep scarcity despite all the possibilities. Should I spam approach whom ever shows interest and go fast until one sticks then the scarcity goes away?


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Nov 7, 2023
Yes (to the last question)

As for the original girl, that window probaluy already closed. You can srtill give it a shot though if you want to be sure.

Approaching girls isnt needy, someone has to make the first step and ideally that shoulkd be you.

It"s only chasing when you tried to approach, she wasnt interested! and you keep insisting. even that works sometimes though.


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Dec 27, 2014
Are there no other ways for you to meet more girls? Seems like this is the last girl left in the universe lol
Can you meet more girls anywhere else? Seems like that will solve all the pressure you're putting on yourself with this girl