Learning to Pick Up Chicks in my Day To Day


Space Monkey
space monkey
Feb 19, 2014
Hey guys,

I want to change my source of women from online to in real life. Over the last 2 years, I have met 23 girls online, and I slept with 11 of them. The ones I didn't sleep with I fucked up the interaction by not showing sexual intent and being afraid to escalate... (This was my problem in the early interaction) or getting to needy and saying some cringy shit.l, but I learned. I am at the point where I feel like I can confidently sleep with 50 percent of the girls I meet online.
But now I want to be able to confidently pick up chicks I meet in my day to day because I noticed the girls that give me indicators of interest are far more attractive, especially at the 2 gyms i go to.
I also go to popular coffee shops to work and I also get a lot of IOI. I live in downtown Toronto by the way.
My social circle is descent but not spectacular. I was in a relationship for 10 years so I never really cultivated that circle very well. This year it grew a bit. My immediate social circle is high value... 2 of my buds make over 400k and are social, but one is married and the other ditched most of his friends which are dead weight and he is struggling to find someone as well. One guy is jacked and descent at day game pick up so I started learning from him. In terms of girls, I never cultivated friendships with girls outside of work because of my ex gf. So I am not sure how to maximize my social game in that sense.
So I am asking for advice on how to start learning how to approach girls in real life and how to get over approach anxiety and any other advice that will change my mindset about the whole topic.
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