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Socializing  2021 in review and the state of seduction as we enter 2022


Tribal Elder
Tribal Elder
Nov 11, 2019
Another ugly year was 2021 the trend continues were seduction is becoming in USA specifically very troublesome, so here is my review of the good, the bad and the ugly... For me is biz as usual, so this is not about skills, since when it comes to women i have no issues, i am on cruise control, this is about the state of men and seduction in general from someone actually there out every weekend. When i specifically talk about this i am talking about "consistency" referring to supply and demand of women out there on a regular basis vs special events for example... Crap 20 dudes per women at clubs or 100 dudes per women online, or day game ratios of 1 in 100 (i read something like this, horrible)

Some of the good:

- The fashion trends are really nice, we saw a shift towards sneakers, same with fitness, and improvements in science and hormones to help your fundamentals (looks and style).

- Following the above the women styles are really awesome the more nakedness' the better, with the booty shorts, the short dresses' and mini skrits, see through stuff etc... pretty much is acceptable to women to be practically naked out.....

- the fitness trend continues specially in usa were most women since young age, getting in shape and actually lifting, tons of breast and booties surguries, and the technology as i said improving so it looks real and well done in the majority were you could not even tell.... I banged a blonde that had fake books (i hate fake boobs, but i had no idea they were fake till i did some type of weird complement in which i was trying to say how nice the boobs were they had to cost a lot in plastic surgury, fuck my life, i was expecting to say "no they are actually real" but they were fake as she confessed....

- Getting shape and making money was very easy last year, in USA after 2010 most "men" type jobs involving housing and construction and other "men" type sectors jobs that dissapear with the housing collapse that took the economy to total shit... Came back times 50 in USA, making most of us money one way or another.... It was also a really good job market with a lot of demand for jobs and increase in wages, since nobody wants to work.... Also the improvements in technology, surgery, hormones, information help the cause....

- Seducers with game when they met a girl, got more attraction times a million than ever along with power (i will put this as a good but is a weird good).... In other words if you are good with women(which is a really really small minority).... When you hooked a girl she would get 0 to 100 type attraction... (good for a super minority but bad for everyone else, i will explain later in the cons).

- We saw a really bump more than other years of women out in the major holidays and events (i think this had something to do with corona but not sure).

- Physical game is really back, is also almost more important now a days than verbals (a change in trends). But this is my opinion, there was a point i was doing more verbals that cause lays vs physical now it has reverse (this is just my observation i may be wrong, i wonder if is because is less guys touching now a days?)

Some of the bad:

- The pua industry is becoming total shit, you have horrible teachers boarderline justin wayne lights, bad role models that make seduction look bad (lay count obsession for example vs meet to lay ratios, personal goals etc...)

- We saw a small niche of seducer fighting with other seducers which totally undermines the seduction community as a whole i called this posturing. I even saw people couple of weeks back shitting on torero making hours tribute to torero facepalm...

- since the sexual market place is total crap, we saw how we had a massive exodus of problem oriented solutions (seduction community) to delay communities, red pill once you are in shape, you money is right, and you are the best of yourself THEN women get a memo now they will chase you, crap.... Or give up don't try community since is all about looks (black pill) or lets way till the sexual market place levels (men go their own way)... Total shit crap, vs guys grinding it out with seduction which in turn is one of the reasons guys out there got 0 game even with good fundamentals, so helping the guys with actual game get that 0 to 100 attraction i talk about....

- Following the above since the sexual market place is total shit, most guys are not getting the same level of reference experiences with women, sexual experience, real live women understanding and relationships that we got to enjoy in a bit more favorable market place. This works in our favor since the guys good with women had 1000s of successful reference field experience, relationship, women dynamics etc... this translate in the seduction which is not fair at all to other dudes that even if they try won't be able to compete.

- The player is a dying breed... I see the "naturals" that were really good couple of years back, not even coming out, locking in women, or just disappearing

- The pua industry has teachers that were really good coming back to the industry some for validation, some for money that are kjing cause is clearly they are not there on the field, making a fool of themselves which is sad... Cause at one point this guys were actually legit.... other putting out total shit content that does not work now a days or does not even apply to USA.

- following the above we have a lot of pua teachers that smartly got the fuck out of usa/England to a more favorable sexual market places such as Colombia, Brazil, Easten Europe, Thailand, Mexico.... good for them, but a lot of the stuff they teach will be hard to relate to usa (though is a minor thing, and most methods work everywhere is just the usa market place has become total crap).

- The street urgies total post corona "Sodom and Gomorrah" and women having to "go back to work in real jobs vs only fans/ticktok" prediction of the red pillers, never happened on the contrary.... Corona, still around and those predictions never happened nor are they going to happen, another one of their virgins crap theories.

- Again the numbers meet to lay ratios have gone to total shit from all type of cold approach (i don't care what joe blow guru said, what i say is the bible take it to the bank, I am out there every weekend i see what is going on, i will give you some actual solutions later)...

- The fucking horrible tatoo ink trend on women is getting worst, horrible disgusting shit in usa, actually hot women looking like shit with tatoos...

- In this market place the maiting market is becoming crazy, you need to have fundamentals, know how to do a to z aspects of seduction, from opening to close almost flawlessly which is again a problem with guys that even though they are trying, learning, grinding, they are not getting those many dick in pussy experiences over than over that help developing into an actual gamer... This mating process was not like this back in the days even if you approach you could have a shot of success with women just by the natural mating process (i know this sounds like mental masturbation but I knew a lot of guys that did not know what they were doing with girlfriends now a days, good luck with this)....

- The obisity epidemic specially in usa is becomming beyond horrible (i am not talking about thick women, with fat tits and asses, which i luv, i am talking fat as in fat roles), not only the sexual market place is shrinking we got obesette, tatoos etc... to deal with....

- A lot of gurus are actually paying for sex in different ways which is pathetic either rent for pussy, or salt daddy or some other pussy for money transaction or q pro puo transaction for me this is pathetic... (and people ignore this like nothing)

- soical justice culture i did not believe in is a problem. I have 0 doubt in my mind that this is why Tom Torrero end it (i don't think it was financial)... I was in a hormone forum, i ask if i can transmit hormones (tesoterone) to women when i ejaculate, cause i notice change in her behavior out of the blue.... I got totally humiliated, boarderline called a rapist, got kicked out of the group etc... by women and men including moderators (i was like wholly fuck we are in deep shit! Not exagerating here).

- Clubs and night venues gone to shit..- All bottle services, is design to total separate "bottle service" with "general population" what this is causing a death in my opinion of the larger clubs i used to recommend due to volume, this is pointless now again multiple clubs is better.....

- you are competing with so many men that is bad for women and in some cases cause analysis paralysis on their part that is...(this is worst on online dating)

- Social media is also fucking up women and causing reality distortions in them...

Here are some solutions:

- Keep grinding is my solution number 1 you can still get laid and lot, but you need to be consistent, find a day or 2 preferably no less than 2 to CONSTANTLY SARGE, the excuse of work, running biz etc... is just excuses i am sure you can find some type to consistant sarge i have done and cont. doing it for more than 20 years... (again getting rid of drugs and alcohol help with this)

- Cross game and when you cross game, cross game on the cross game (sounds like a rap).- You need preferably to combine all games, an ideal situation in my opinion is going about your day day game, online when you are in the toilet or waiting in line, night game once or twice a week. But lets say you day game you need to constantly go to different malls or parks or ____ fill in the blank to see how target rich they are... On online at least 4 apps, online is not tinder for fuck sake, tinder is actually in my opinion the worst. IN night game as i have been saying minimum, specially now 3 venues, close to each other walking distance, go out different nights to see the best night aka women actually comming out in your city.

- If you don't have a follow up method (for me texting) good luck getting laid all the time with ons, ons are becoming harder and harder, dtf not comming out (again i can care less what joe blow guru said, field test for yourself nd i am not talking halloween or _____ special event when women came out)...

- move out of usa to a more fucking normal sexual market place, usa is just getting ridiculous.

- move from a major city for example Miami, to a more favorable sexual market place for example WEst palm (hotter women than Miami and Broward, less competition). In other words move from a major city Miami, to a second or 3 type city (palm beach in my case 3rd type city in south Florida)... This may have also draw backs cause less quantity but more quality, but less male competition. ( I am not competin with professional sports players for example).

- Lock in a girl/girls even if an ok girl vs personal 10 keep her or help her with fixer upper game. While you improve and hunt (i already explain how to do both in different articles). This is hard to do though without the experience.

- improve logistic live walking distance from clubs/day game etc...or get a ban like jeffy shit

- This is a GEM I DISCOVERED.- For some reason Latin type clubs have not been affected as much by the trends. IN Latin clubs (i don't really like them but) it seems they are stuck in 2010, lol, in other words women are out there, you can find dtfs, etc... it seems latin only clubs, have not change and gotten better cause of the popularity or reggatton which promotes sexual escalation and lack of courtship the 2 problems i always had with latin clubs... This is something i will explore more since that was never my target club, but i seen this.

- I can't believe i am going to advice this but, clubs that allow under 21 with wrist bands, again in those clubs stuck in 2010, i assume cause since they are letting under 21 in you have decent ratios.

- pre doing online, make sure your pictures, profile etc... super on point and pay for services for example tinder gold... Cause if you do it wrong from day one the algorithem will destroy you for good....

- Fundamentals have to be on point all the time (i recently gain a bit of weight on the winter, right away i am going crazy on full time get back in shape mode) i don't want to fuck around with this market place.

Anyways guys you can share or disagree or whatever, i am always open to discussion...I just feel bad for newer generations they have the info. and tools (with all the stuff available) but horrible sexual market place...

- Avoid social media and social media type seduction.
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Staff member
Jan 1, 2020
Nice post Skills.

1. Women walk around naked on the street because guys have a hormonal imbalance, less T in general, and things are getting trickier with all the FRA/radfem noise, which in turn makes guys more careful about being physical or direct with these same girls turning them on. Also, girls on the pill are acting more masculine.

2. I agree with you that physical game is still there, and also with your analysis that this is due to guys being less physical in general. I was at a house party for NYE and could have smashed a girl but it was too late and I needed to work on 1 Jan so I let her go. It all started with her holding my waist and then me holding hers, and next thing I know this girl is rubbing my whole torso inside my t-shirt (I was wearing a white tee inside a green button-down) and rubbing herself up to me she was so horny. She was drunk though and it was already 4:00am and I knew if I took her home I wouldn't sleep at all. Once I get the contract I seek later this month I can be more liberal with losing sleep.

3. I agree that girls are a bit starved due to the weird social sitch regarding COVID - I see more girls staring at me when I walk on the street. My friend came to visit in Nov and he was saying "it's a famine!" coz he noticed girls staring at him too. This is a great situation for guys with game to capitalize.

4. I think now more than ever it's important to learn conversational mastery (Major Mark, etc.) and get more into light hypnosis, seduction oriented topics, and indirect verbals, as you basically need her to ask you to stick it in to avoid getting in trouble for "rape." The article killed Torero, physically and metaphorically, I agree with you. It's the Boston witchhunt all over again in the form of the Social Justice Inquisition.

5. Regarding your point about social media. If this includes apps like Telegram and WhatsApp, I have to disagree with you. I've been able to socialize (and date) in 2021 basically due to chat groups using these apps. If you mean things like LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram - then maybe, I don't know, as I don't use them much.


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Nov 20, 2012
To make my opinion short,

Customer Problems Today and pressing one
- Time
- Context (Chase already going to change his messaging, which is awesome)
- tHe last 5% (Chase article)
- the 0.5

Girlschase and all of us who played a part in this forum must literally solve how our members can save time, while moving them from where they are to the next logical step,

and understanding their 0.5. That small nuance.

I don't think any of us need to disagree with you. That will be totally missing the point and really unproductive. I do believe that It seems like all the world problems today that appears bigger than it actually is, because the need for tribal approval, are actually individual issues needing to be address and then how to help people use it in their ordinary lifes.

- soical justice culture i did not believe in is a problem. I have 0 doubt in my mind that this is why Tom Torrero end it (i don't think it was financial)... I was in a hormone forum, i ask if i can transmit hormones (tesoterone) to women when i ejaculate, cause i notice change in her behavior out of the blue.... I got totally humiliated, boarderline called a rapist, got kicked out of the group etc... by women and men including moderators (i was like wholly fuck we are in deep shit! Not exagerating here).

According to my TikTok in Asia, Jordan Peterson is considered an enemy.

An enemy. Hilary Clinton is an idol. :)

So yeaaaaaaaaappppp, sorry to Girlschase members. If you read what Chase responded to my Covid secrets post, you will realize that we are in deep shit as a society. I don't care where you are. Western hemisphere or Eastern hemisphere.

What I have discovered in 2021
- Alex Becker Hyros doesn't take phone calls. Million dollar business
- Million dollar Properties sold via ZOOM
- society can't differentiate reality especially Gen Z

The problems are big but the silver lining is that we can actually see the fundamental structure of the problem, if that makes sense.



Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Nov 20, 2012
My friend came to visit in Nov and he was saying "it's a famine!" coz he noticed girls staring at him too. This is a great situation for guys with game to capitalize.




Tribal Elder
Tribal Elder
Nov 11, 2019
Nice post Skills.

1. Women walk around naked on the street because guys have a hormonal imbalance, less T, in general, and things are getting trickier and trickier with all the FRA/radfem noise, which in turn makes guys more careful about being physical or direct with these same girls turning them on. Also, girls on the pill are acting more masculine

2. I agree with you that physical game is still there, and also with your analysis that this is due to guys being less physical in general. I was at a house party for NYE and could have smashed a girl but it was too late and I needed to work on 1 Jan so I let her go. It all started with her holding my waste and then me holding hers, and next thing I know this girl is rubbing my whole torso inside my t-shirt (I was wearing a white tee inside a green button-down) and rubbing herself up to me she was so horny. She was drunk though and it was already 4:00am and I knew if I took her home I wouldn't sleep at all. Once I get the contract I seek later this month I can be more liberal with losing sleep.

3. I agree that girls are a bit starved due to the weird social sitch regarding COVID - I see more girls staring at me when I walk on the street. My friend came to visit in Nov and he was saying "it's a famine!" coz he noticed girls staring at him too. This is a great situation for guys with game to capitalize.

4. I think now more than ever it's important to learn conversational mastery (Major Mark, etc.) and get more into light hypnosis, seduction oriented topics, and basically indirect verbals, as you basically need her to ask you to stick it in to avoid getting in trouble for "rape." The article killed Torero, physically and metaphorically, I agree with you. It's the Boston witchhunt all over again in the form of the Social Justice Inquisition.

5. Regarding your point about social media. If this includes apps like Telegram and WhatsApp, I have to disagree with you. I've been able to socialize (and date) in 2021 basically due to chat groups using these apps. If you mean things like LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, maybe, I don't know, as I don't use them much.

telegram and wassap or google voice no social media... Social media tiktok, insta, facebook... Mainly obviously instagram and tiktok... You are a bit luckier you are not in usa to may knowladge, usa is a total shit show...


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Dec 21, 2021
I think the community underestimates how drastically the pandemic accelerated the long-running destruction of cold approach that has been happening ever since 2013 (rise of Tinder and Instagram).

It's not like "oh it's just a little bit harder". It's now an order of magnitude harder.

Most results from pre-2020 are now essentially obsolete as far as expectations, and almost all advice pre-2013 is essentially obsolete.

The "Summer of Love" many hoped for just hasn't materialized. Disappointing.

I can say from personal experience and that of many wings that Miami and New York nightgame are completely fucked compared to 2019. In Miami we practically have to form a brain trust just to figure out how to pull and close consistently. Everything has gone social circle/exclusive/bottles like you mentioned.
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Tribal Elder
Tribal Elder
Nov 11, 2019
I think the community underestimates how drastically the pandemic accelerated the long-running destruction of cold approach that has been happening ever since 2013 (rise of Tinder and Instagram).

It's not like "oh it's just a little bit harder". It's now an order of magnitude harder.

Most results from pre-2020 are now essentially obsolete as far as expectations, and almost all advice pre-2013 is essentially obsolete.

The "Summer of Love" many hoped for just hasn't materialized. Disappointing.

I can say from personal experience and that of many wings that Miami and New York nightgame are completely fucked compared to 2019. In Miami we practically have to form a brain trust just to figure out how to pull and close consistently. Everything has gone social circle/exclusive/bottles like you mentioned.

correct! I am glad, you witness, is a total shit show!


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Sep 20, 2015
Someone was talking about this recently, think it might have been a Chase article on the main site, that things have been shifting in a more conservative direction. I think the pandemic accelerated that, as generally stressful environment/life events cause society to shift into a more conservative mode (think about what happened after 9/11, etc.) It's probably a survival thing. In addition to what people have noted above, I would add the following deeper trends that I think are underpinning a lot of the changes people are seeing:

  • It's becoming less "cool" to be single/independent, and more "cool" to be in LTRs, especially among younger generations.

    For a good number of years, there was a long drift towards individualism, as a reactionary response to the highly codependent and commonly religious values of the boomer/sub boomer generations... Bestselling books like "The subtle art of not giving a fuck", "X laws of power and influence for dummies", teaching Machiavellian principals and such. Also for women-specific audience stuff, this was whatever the latest stage of feminism was, for men it was redpill/PUA stuff, etc. Now we are seeing a the younger generations returning to more of what we would call "traditional" gender norms, with the addition of the widespread acceptance of gender non-duality and general acceptance of LGBTQ+

  • Similarly, mental health issues are becoming destigmatized, therapy is cool now, which allows younger people develop maturity faster (without having to bang XXX people), and to have healthier relationships sooner than we did

    While statistics say young people are having less sex, I think it's more the case that many are just having less partners, since most surveys just measure body counts, not how many times people are banging the same others.

  • "Alpha Male" == Toxic Masculinity and similar beliefs are becoming more and more the norm

    Most of the really attractive (hot + good personality) girls I've been friends with through work or social stuff that are now in the 18-21 range are dating kinda beta/pussy guys imo... But this is seen as cool now, nerds are cool, anime weebs and such are seen as cool, similar to how mental health problems are "cool" now... And the latest wave of feminism has driven many "leader"/alpha females to seek out supportive, beta partners. There was a thread or article on this site a while back about a number of girl celebrities who have publicly dated "beta" characterized dudes (which as seen in public may or may not be true in private, but still) which again, many girls look up to these women. In other words, as men and women are competing on a more level playing field, Dominant type men are seeking out Supportive type women, and Dominant type women are seeking out Supportive type men.
So again, all of this can basically be summarized by saying, USA society is becoming more conservative after a period of liberalism... So the pendulum swings...


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Nov 20, 2012
Is there actually any evidence of this? I'm skeptical.


But it's perception. I'm not sure if it's POB or Skills or both of them.

It's the perception of conformity despite Gen Z be like "DIVERSITY DIVERSITY DIVERSITY".

Here's to destroy any Females and Gen Z, ever. MUAHAHAHAHAHA

p.s: With great power, comes great responsibility (it's still voluntary. You don't owe Zac, anyone on Girlschase, or this people a living)



Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Oct 18, 2018
I notice this too guys... the game has become much harder. I am not American btw. Getting girls attracted is not the problem but mainly logistics, people staying inside.. I really notice that I am super harsh on myself to maintain peak everything in order to work the margins. Covid restrictions are killing the environment. Never have I ever put so much pressure on myself and that is saying something.


Tribal Elder
Tribal Elder
Nov 11, 2019
Someone was talking about this recently, think it might have been a Chase article on the main site, that things have been shifting in a more conservative direction. I think the pandemic accelerated that, as generally stressful environment/life events cause society to shift into a more conservative mode (think about what happened after 9/11, etc.) It's probably a survival thing. In addition to what people have noted above, I would add the following deeper trends that I think are underpinning a lot of the changes people are seeing:

  • It's becoming less "cool" to be single/independent, and more "cool" to be in LTRs, especially among younger generations.

    For a good number of years, there was a long drift towards individualism, as a reactionary response to the highly codependent and commonly religious values of the boomer/sub boomer generations... Bestselling books like "The subtle art of not giving a fuck", "X laws of power and influence for dummies", teaching Machiavellian principals and such. Also for women-specific audience stuff, this was whatever the latest stage of feminism was, for men it was redpill/PUA stuff, etc. Now we are seeing a the younger generations returning to more of what we would call "traditional" gender norms, with the addition of the widespread acceptance of gender non-duality and general acceptance of LGBTQ+

  • Similarly, mental health issues are becoming destigmatized, therapy is cool now, which allows younger people develop maturity faster (without having to bang XXX people), and to have healthier relationships sooner than we did

    While statistics say young people are having less sex, I think it's more the case that many are just having less partners, since most surveys just measure body counts, not how many times people are banging the same others.

  • "Alpha Male" == Toxic Masculinity and similar beliefs are becoming more and more the norm

    Most of the really attractive (hot + good personality) girls I've been friends with through work or social stuff that are now in the 18-21 range are dating kinda beta/pussy guys imo... But this is seen as cool now, nerds are cool, anime weebs and such are seen as cool, similar to how mental health problems are "cool" now... And the latest wave of feminism has driven many "leader"/alpha females to seek out supportive, beta partners. There was a thread or article on this site a while back about a number of girl celebrities who have publicly dated "beta" characterized dudes (which as seen in public may or may not be true in private, but still) which again, many girls look up to these women. In other words, as men and women are competing on a more level playing field, Dominant type men are seeking out Supportive type women, and Dominant type women are seeking out Supportive type men.
So again, all of this can basically be summarized by saying, USA society is becoming more conservative after a period of liberalism... So the pendulum swings...
Causation correlation any evidence of all this


Tribal Elder
Tribal Elder
Nov 7, 2019
Good Post and matches a lot of what I'm seeing in London, UK too.

TLDR: The start of the seduction has got slightly harder but the end part of the seduction part has gotten easier.

LifeHack: Not enough people talk about this. Even in "hard" markets e.g. metropolitan cities there are "easy" girls e.g. au-pairs, tourists, uni students. Rather than going for Ukrainian ice queens who're getting flown out to Dubai by Sheikhs why not get a pretty new to your city student?

Honestly don't know why this isn't mentioned enough but hey. Each to their own.

Getting New Girls

1. Online - has definitely got harder. Way to succeed is paid multiple apps, good pictures or niche down e.g. BDSM scene or hit up girls who have the same music taste as you/you can tell like "your look". For me this tends to be white girls who like hip hop or afrobeat *shrugs*

If I was Asian I'd hone in on white girls who like K-Pop, Latina - focus on girls who like Reggaeton. List is endless just needs creativity. This can be applied to night game venues too.

2. Nightgame - Has stayed the same if you go to the right places. It's compulsory to go to bars/clubs with good ratios e.g. downtown places with bottle service/promoters etc. If you can't do that going to "girly" cocktail bars (think made for instagram with lots of pink, flowers on the wall to take pictures) has the same effect. Just make sure it's not over the top as you can potentially stick out in a bad way. It's a balancing act.

3. Daygame - Has stayed the same. Just as effective as before but you run into more girls with boyfriends post covid coupling up and the world being an uncertain place

Retaining Girls

Has gotten easier. Girls seem to push for commitment quicker but will funnily enough stick around longer than before if you don't fully offer it. Had multiple girls between 20/21 that were casual FB's for 12 months+ with very little drama or push back.

Think this is due to low level competition which I'll expand below


Men have sadly deteriorated. Many factors for this outside the scope of this post but in general most men aren't even trying and out of the ones who are, even fewer actually know what they're doing.

As skills said this is great for people with good game but a grind for everyone else.

Random society observations

> The West has gotten "softer". There are pros and cons to this. As a 1st gen immigrant I find it interesting to watch.

> Self-help, exercise and growth is in fashion. Long may it continue to be honest this is a positive thing in my book.

> Young girls are more left wing political and "apparently" won't date right wing guys. This is a massive shit test at best and not really a big deal. I just say all politicians are liars and that I don't mind paying taxes to help people out. 99% time it doesn't come up in conversation as I'm focusing on more fun topics.

> People are living in online bubbles. For men with little experience red pill, black pill whatever pill is getting more toxic. I even find myself going down the black hole and I have great reference points. That area of the internet should be avoided like the plague after getting the key takeways:

Work on your fundamentals/game, understand she can leave whenever. That's literally all they say in many different forms.

> People have by and large remained the same. Go outside and you'll see average looking guys with pretty women (which apparently doesn't happen according the "pill side of the internet"), people are friendly at bars as long as you look presentable and

99% of people are just trying to get by and be happy. We're a niche set of people and it's easy to forget that.
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Staff member
Jan 24, 2021
The worst developments I've seen have happened in the red pill side of the internet, and it's influencing young guys and driving them toward nonsense like the stuff Chase is dealing with (referenced in his recent article) about womens standards and the impossibility of measuring up and whatnot.

Red pill whiners have exploded everywhere on youtube like some kind of tidal wave. I used to be very sympathetic to the red pill, some of the real problems it uncovered, and enjoyed watching some of it (especially the behavioral psychology, big picture type of stuff). But now it's 99% passive aggressive quips about women and half-baked 'uncomfortable truths' aimed at polarizing audiences and collecting drive by comments about women and impending doom. It's like some kind of 'nerds revenge' bro party where they have worked themselves up so much they are now even at eachothers throats like a single mother and her daughter on a Dr Phil show. I swear the level of T going around in these youtube shows must be half the average.

These guys end up with such massive audiences of struggling guys buying into their ragequit philosophy that it's creeping in everywhere, it's like armies of the undead piling in from every direction.

I hope this nonsense never works its way into this community and that it's kept clean and tidy and focused on results. I'm surprised it's gotten this far being so healthy, that's the only reason I joined this place because I like to surround myself with winners and guys trying to level up regardless of the adversity. And I fear that the red pill nonsense has become so 'mainstream' that it's going to be hard to participate in a men's improvement community without ending up with mud all over your face so to speak.

What this space needs is more niche, high quality communities. But that's going to run the risk of not catering to the mainstream or dealing with their angst. Not an easy problem to solve.

On the flip side, women are the same as ever in my experience, and will always bend to leaders and men with will, determination and the passion to make the most of their life, so that's good news for 2022.


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Dec 5, 2021
Long term trends are also contributing to this situation I think. Aging populations with less kids, diversity, and polarization. Opportunities to meet girls and especially attractive girls are becoming harder. You need to be creative, mobile, and have superior game and some luck.
a good date brings a smile to your lips... and hers


Space Monkey
space monkey
Sep 6, 2021
I think the community underestimates how drastically the pandemic accelerated the long-running destruction of cold approach that has been happening ever since 2013 (rise of Tinder and Instagram).

It's not like "oh it's just a little bit harder". It's now an order of magnitude harder.

Most results from pre-2020 are now essentially obsolete as far as expectations, and almost all advice pre-2013 is essentially obsolete.

The "Summer of Love" many hoped for just hasn't materialized. Disappointing.

I can say from personal experience and that of many wings that Miami and New York nightgame are completely fucked compared to 2019. In Miami we practically have to form a brain trust just to figure out how to pull and close consistently. Everything has gone social circle/exclusive/bottles like you mentioned.

So outside of big clubs, what has changed with day game (stores, street, etc) or night game (dive bars and the like) since 2019?

And with night game in NYC/Miami is it only rich guys who can buy bottle service and similar things that are getting the attention of the hot girls?


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Nov 20, 2012
So outside of big clubs, what has changed with day game (stores, street, etc) or night game (dive bars and the like) since 2019?

And with night game in NYC/Miami is it only rich guys who can buy bottle service and similar things that are getting the attention of the hot girls?

Are you sure that you are not a troll?

Why do you keep insisting that money = girls?



Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Dec 21, 2021
So outside of big clubs, what has changed with day game (stores, street, etc) or night game (dive bars and the like) since 2019?

And with night game in NYC/Miami is it only rich guys who can buy bottle service and similar things that are getting the attention of the hot girls?


Meteoric rise in app usage = less and less socially acceptable to meet strangers in a romantic context via cold approach.

Pandemic restrictions = people have gotten used to being inside, even with restrictions lifted. I was in San Francisco for one week in early November, it was a ghost town. Typical routine of an above average girl - work from home for 8 hours, order food delivery, watch Netflix. No going outside. If they do, always to private events/parties, hanging with their pandemic bubble.

Masks - no more needed to say here. Even in Miami outdoor shopping malls, 20-30% of girls wearing masks outside.


Less venues in general, tons of places closed due to the pandemic

Way less people out in general

If girls do go out they know a promoter or get table service

Lots of venues charging cover to make up for lost money, you can no longer so easily game the door


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Sep 13, 2021
Good stuff here.

From what I m seeing, more so in the last period:
- the T levels dropped due to the easy access to drugs/alcohol/not doing sports

-more and more men are becoming feminists, getting into the frame of "toxic masculinity" and getting into frame wars with another men on Internet

-there are almost 2 sides of men on Internet. the one which accuse feminism and their easy life and the others who supports feminism to a bigger extends than u can imagine. Remember seeing a comment from a guy on facebook like "the age of T is over". Where the truth is somehow in the middle, especially for countries where rape and domestic violence is still a common thing.

-real masculine people are getting fewer and fewer. Even in countryside, hard labor is replaced with automatic work/machines.

-more and more economic trends from which men should adapt, like crypto, metaverse, web 3.0, youtube automation, just for the sake of win.

-There is a shift towards healthy lifestyle/healthy habbits/getting more in nature. Which is good, but on the other side it's just mental masturbation since not so many people are enjoying it without posting it on online.

- OF just creates more frustration towards men

-a shift towards accepting LGBTQ+_^%$#$%@$# society. More developed countries did it, Eastern Europe starts to adopt it more and more, females are the first to accept it. Netflix did it.

- women in longer ltr or fresh out of ltr with feminine guys are basically throwing themselves at masculine guys.

-comfort levels was the biggest ever, even more with pandemics

-time management and focusing on a single task are one of the most important skills to have. So much distractions.

-one of the worst models for people are nowadays, like Island boys. Miley Cirus is a joke.

-easier than ever to look good and take care of yourself.

-the access to information as well, and now there are so many influencers which teach you what to do, that somehow appeared anti-teachers who critiques what others are saying.


Tribal Elder
Tribal Elder
Nov 11, 2019

Meteoric rise in app usage = less and less socially acceptable to meet strangers in a romantic context via cold approach.

Pandemic restrictions = people have gotten used to being inside, even with restrictions lifted. I was in San Francisco for one week in early November, it was a ghost town. Typical routine of an above average girl - work from home for 8 hours, order food delivery, watch Netflix. No going outside. If they do, always to private events/parties, hanging with their pandemic bubble.

Masks - no more needed to say here. Even in Miami outdoor shopping malls, 20-30% of girls wearing masks outside.


Less venues in general, tons of places closed due to the pandemic

Way less people out in general

If girls do go out they know a promoter or get table service

Lots of venues charging cover to make up for lost money, you can no longer so easily game the door
Yeah my girl told me about how people are being used after covid to be inside...people are creatures of habit.. again less women out in general.