Calls & Texts  How to reply to a low effort conversation starter? [TEXTS SHOWN]


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Jul 6, 2020
I posted a picture of me at a stadium I was at for a track meet, and cute girl that followed me a lil while ago swiped up. I dont know her at all and havent seen her in person before but we have mutual friends through instagram.

Picture of exchange so far (still ongoing):

Im gonna assume she likes me cuz she started the conversation and shit. The thing is she started the convo in such a low effort way it felt chase-y to send anything other than “yeah”

I was trying to increase investment so I could quickly qualify her on that and give myself a reason to keep talking to her

she probably would have just left it on seen if I had sent anything less and it wouldnt have gone anywhere

(I also tried to avoid asking questions and stuck with assumptions so I wouldnt seem like I was trying to force rapport)

What would y’all have done to increase her investment in this situation?