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Texting philosophy.


Space Monkey
space monkey
Sep 9, 2024
Seems like the boards and the main site are split down the middle with their concept of what way you should be texting a girl.

Do you guys pursue a minimalistic style (like the site says) or do you talk to the girl for a while first (what the board seems to say)?


Space Monkey
space monkey
Nov 12, 2024
I am not good at texting. Chase wrote a book I started reading. I realized I had to humble myself to learn to text, so I bought his book. I don't get to choose not to. It's with us now. Nobody could have prepared us because no other set of generations had this and female psychology just adapts and demands we know and understand what to do and say.. or else. Agonizing over emojis and explanation points etc. Fortunately Chase is a pretty good writer. Besides his tips and insights, the fact that he commiserates, and understands the MALE psychology, helps me feel validated and understood lol.

I think btw I oscillated between his second and third categories. I was never a 'what's up' texter, but I tried to hard to converse and to be witty. Man Chase knows too much and it's breaking my ego down. I only hope this continues and I become a more skilled seducer. I don't say a better man, because honestly I think those are different categories, but both are necessary, for different reasons.


Staff member
Nov 13, 2019
1) what's your kind of personality? do you like to text or always prefer to talk in person?
2) what age group are you after?
3) what kind of personality she has? is she bubbly and aloof or focused and commited?
4) are you following the proven sequence of banther>soft close>hard close or just freestyling?
5) are you getting dates from your texting? (which is ultimately the main goal)
5) where did you guys meet? is there a prior history between you guys or is she a fresh lead?

Those are way more important questions to answer than picking a "style" for your texting.


Space Monkey
space monkey
Sep 9, 2024
1) what's your kind of personality? do you like to text or always prefer to talk in person?
2) what age group are you after?
3) what kind of personality she has? is she bubbly and aloof or focused and commited?
4) are you following the proven sequence of banther>soft close>hard close or just freestyling?
5) are you getting dates from your texting? (which is ultimately the main goal)
5) where did you guys meet? is there a prior history between you guys or is she a fresh lead?

Those are way more important questions to answer than picking a "style" for your texting.
hey they're typically 18-22 since I'm in college. I like to talk in person and I really don't like texting. I follow Chase's method and mostly try to seed the idea of a hangout before if I can't entirely flesh it out. If I flesh it out typically the date is straight-forward, if not it's maybe about a 10% success rate. Usually just proximity in student areas. What does the typical structure of banter>soft close> hard close look like in action?


Dec 29, 2024
when i dont have time to talk i prefer to text so i can be in contact or at least on her mind more often, if i just waited until we spoke it would not happen very often, i prefer to talk in person than on the phone
a good date brings a smile to your lips... and hers


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Apr 6, 2019
imo texting took me a while to figure out.

for a lot of newbs or even intermediate guys they SUCK ASS at texting. Trust me I've been coaching a few guys whose IRL game is solid, but texts like an idiot.

I think once you get to more of an mpua level, texting becomes EASIER than IRL... because you have more time to think of what to say.

but yeah, to me texting is just the same as IRL game but you can't afford to make many (IF ANY) mistakes because it's harder to recalibrate/recover if she ghosts you after you text some needy shit.


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Apr 6, 2019
I recommend short quick texts. try to get her investing more into the convo than you are (qualification if possible)

and then if she shows disinterest over text you have to be quick to push/pull. A lot of guys I've noticed the girl will text some bullshit low effort and then the guy keeps asking her for the date etc.