Zodiac signs as a Gambit


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Mar 28, 2021
Some free game here.

Alot of girls are somewhat informed on astrology. Most that i’ve talked to atleast know their signs or some guy that they’ve liked, their friends, their moms, etc etc.

Even if they aren’t informed on the nuances of astrology as a practice, MOST know the popular signs and the traits that go along with them.

That being said some signs are known for being sexually enticing, so its an easy way to bridge into a sexual conversation or at the very least further nudge her into seeing you in a sexual light.

I’m not sure on the validity of astrology but I do notice overlaps in the behavior in the fixed signs specifically, in people. That being taurus, leo, scorpio and aquarius. These signs are universally agreed upon as the most dominant in behavior in astrology.

The most universally agreed upon sexual zodiac sign would be scorpio.

I’ve had girls guess my zodiac sign when it came up in conversation and had them guess scorpio. When I asked why it was almost always vaguely sexual.

When girls outright ask my sign i’ll have them guess, when they get to my sign i’ll tell them casually. (Unless they say scorpio before hand then i’ll take it down that path)

Depending on previous experiences she’s had with the sign she may test you but it’s normally an easy hurdle that boosts attraction.

Sometimes I might withhold the information playfully and let her fester on whatever sign I may be, sometimes they’ll respond like “you’re definitely a *insert sign*“ in order to get you to spill the beans but you can just smile at it or remark like “thats an idea”.

You can get her invested in that way. Unless you’re a scorpio in which I’ll encourage you to always tell her your sign because it’s known that they’re sexual (even though everyones sexual).

I’d never recommend lying to a girl about your zodiac sign because for one that’s just lame but also because it’ll look weak if she finds out you lied about it.

You can also get her to tell you her sign, in which you can play with the traits of her sign if you’re at all informed.

Say she’s a saggitarius, an example for me would be telling her about a girl I knew who was a saggitarius.

“Oh I know alot of saggitarius’s, one of my good friends is a saggitarius she’s really adventurous and just loves getting me into trouble”

Id then tell her a vaguely sexual story about me & my saggitarius friend getting into “trouble”.

In my case this would be very genuine because I actually know a saggitarius girl who’s this way. (and saggitarius’s are actually known for being free spirits)

Thats the cool thing about zodiac signs, everyone has one, and everyone knows theirs, so it’s easy using them as a tool to relate and story tell.

You can then bridge that into something about her and her traits. If she relates with the traits you laid out dive deeper into that. If she doesn’t, dive deeper into the traits that she thinks she has, qualify her on those, and show her how it still relates to your story (if she’s on good behavior haha).

It’s a really flexible tool. I’ve been using this for so long with girls like as early as 12 years old. It works because girls will bring up astrology on their own. As soon as you get into birthdays, ages, or whatever they just bring it up.

Use at your leisure. Or just avoid the topic all together. I dont care but it works


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Sep 13, 2021
I can confirm this. Zodiac signs are indeed an easy tool, and also I use it to relate to them in an extent.

What I also discovered is that there are some compatibilities between my zodiac sign and a few, like Aries, Leo and Gemini and to be honest I screen sometimes for that because the interaction is so much fun and everything goes so much smooth. It's not a rule tho.

It also can be use as a tool for expected behaviour in relationship. For example, Aries are expected to be stubborn, and Leo very passionate. Two of my best friends are Gemini and I found that after I took a deeper approach on this subject.

Headlines By Drake

Space Monkey
space monkey
Oct 12, 2021
So as someone really into Astrology and has used this effectively to get laid, a Scorpio is not exactly the sign you want to go with. When women say they like Scorpios, it's like a girl saying she wants a nice caring guy if you get my point. Here is why @SunKing , you see, there are 4 elements and 2 are feminine (Water and Earth) and two are masculine (Fire and Air). So the popularity of Scorpio is true but it applies more to women of that zodiac sign, same way in which high heels look good on a woman but not a man.

Now Scorpio is of the most feminine element, water, which rules on emotions above all. Scorpio is fixed water but it is still water so a lot more subtle than the signs it squares like Leo and Aquarius which I believe @Chase is of the latter that explains a lot about him (creative, charismatic, deep thinker, futuristic in belief, great judgment, disciplined, resilient, etc.).

So now we get more to the "masculine" elements in astrology which are air and fire. The air signs are Gemini, Aquarius, and Libra while fire signs are Aries, Leo, and Sagittarius.

From my observations, lots of playboys seem to have these signs or a lot of their energy in their charts. It explains a lot because fire signs are the trademark of masculinity, Aries being the most masculine sign of all with Leos not far behind.

So in a way, women say they want a sensitive and caring guy (water sign) but end up getting with the macho no fucks given bad boy (fire and air).

For what its worth, the guys I knew that seemed to have high notch counts were Gemini, Aquarius, and weirdly enough a lot of Capricorn (most male pornstars are of this sign). I have a friend who is a Capricorn and he tells women he is literally the devil since a goat's head represents Capricorn.


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Mar 28, 2021
@Headlines By Drake

I see where you’re coming from but the point of this isn’t to boost your value in her eyes by ascribing traits of the signs into yourself. Or talking up your own zodiac sign.

It’s meant to get her investing and inadvertently getting her to tell you how she feels about you. That way you can more easily transition into deeper topics about the two of you.

Astrology acts as a catalyst. It is not meant to be talked about as truth in this instance (she’ll just tell you the traits she sees anyway).

I am not an astrologer nor are the women I talk to, but a quick google search of the most sexual zodiac sign will point to scorpio. I’m aware it may be different to an astrologer, because as I said all people are sexual. (Unless youre asexual that is lol)

Furthermore as an astrologer i’m sure you know that many peoples interpretations of the signs are highly debatable as there are no absolutes.
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Space Monkey
space monkey
Sep 6, 2021
For some reason, girls just REALLY eat up this stuff. I'd say about 80%+ of girls I've dated have put serious stock in Zodiac signs, even to the point of believing that our union was "fated" because our signs matched in some way. It's quite amazing. Astrology is like crack for girls.


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Mar 28, 2021
For some reason, girls just REALLY eat up this stuff. I'd say about 80%+ of girls I've dated have put serious stock in Zodiac signs, even to the point of believing that our union was "fated" because our signs matched in some way. It's quite amazing. Astrology is like crack for girls.
For sure, it’s definitely a fruitful topic when you need one.

Headlines By Drake

Space Monkey
space monkey
Oct 12, 2021
The reason I brought this up is because from what I have witnessed, women seem to find Scorpios as hot when they themselves are one if you catch my drift. I do notice as someone who believes a lot in this that certain men are inclined to be players based on zodiac sign and Scorpios ain't it unless they are loaded. They seem to be very feminine and emotional.

Although I gotta say, you want to learn how to mack? Meet a Gemini!


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Mar 28, 2021
@Headlines By Drake

Haha I can’t tell if you’re missing the point on purpose to troll me or just unknowingly.

It sucks that you believe scorpios can’t be good with girls but it doesn’t matter because the point isn’t to have her think you’re good with girls.

Nomatter your sign when she starts identifying traits she’ll point to the ones she herself sees. If you’re overly emotional she’ll say that, if you’re dominant she’ll say that, if you’re none of these things she’ll say that as well.

She’ll say what fits the frame you set, or the one she’s trying to set.

Is this making sense to you?
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