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Socializing  How to Seduce Strong, Independent, Experienced Women?


Space Monkey
space monkey
Jan 21, 2024
Hey Fellas...

So I'm curious How to Seduce Strong, Independent, Experienced Women, who happen to be physically attractive as well?
Especially since I'm increasingly exposed to them in Los Angeles given my work in Entertainment...

I have to admit, I do get a bit intimidated. Particularly with regard to their advanced sexual experience.
And/or who famous, or notable they may be with or have been with.

Also, it is a bit intimidating when they roll up in an expensive luxury car compared to my clean, but down-to-earth Mustang...

Now, I'm kinda really sick and tired of hearing the conventional narrative from most people is that these "Strong, Independent, Experienced Women" are somehow super-special, and can only be seduced by a Ryan Gosling or Elon Musk - However - I do believe that a well put together "Non-Ryan Gosling, or Elon Musk guys can seduce them as well...Right?

So I would love to hear your recommendations on how to get over these Fears, and actually capture these Strong, Independent, Experienced Women that I am increasingly exposed to...

And I imagine there are others here who'd like to know as well.

- Adam C
a good date brings a smile to your lips... and hers

Chad Tyrone

Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Jun 21, 2021
So I'm curious How to Seduce Strong, Independent, Experienced Women, who happen to be physically attractive as well?
The hotter she is , the pickier she is so it does pay to tighten your fundamentals if you are going to get these kind of girls

Heck , the less game you'll need to get them if your fundamentals are that tightened

This doesn't mean you ignore working on your game...you'll meet girls who will make things hard for you or girls your interests don't align with

So yeah good game does pay in such situations

Another thing to note : the poor your fundamentals are the more game you'll need if you are to stand a chance

I have to admit, I do get a bit intimidated. Particularly with regard to their advanced sexual experience
You get over this fear by exposing yourself to them and/or racking up your lay count that theirs seems little compared to yours

Past that point, your fear will have gone away cause you are that experienced than them
And/or who famous, or notable they may be with or have been with.

Also, it is a bit intimidating when they roll up in an expensive luxury car compared to my clean, but down-to-earth Mustang...
Adopt the prize mentality and this goes away .Also, keeep working on yourself more and more

You'll find that as you do ...it doesn't bother you much what expensive stuff girls have or be threatened by the rich guys that are after them

It's a really different experience when these girls go out of their way to impress you when you get them chasing.I've lived it

Be casual , get investment from them and don't try to impress .They are still girls just like the others
Now, I'm kinda really sick and tired of hearing the conventional narrative from most people is that these "Strong, Independent, Experienced Women" are somehow super-special, and can only be seduced by a Ryan Gosling or Elon Musk - However - I do believe that a well put together "Non-Ryan Gosling, or Elon Musk guys can seduce them as well...Right
For sure these guys have higher chances of landing the chick but you can get to their level without having to be famous or rich

By working on YOU
So I would love to hear your recommendations on how to get over these Fears, and actually capture these Strong, Independent, Experienced Women that I am increasingly exposed to...
Again , expose yourself to them and beat your approach anxiety by doing the same things you do when you approach normal girls

Or read anything on approach anxiety over at the site

You just have to get it out of your head that you can't get these girls



Tribal Elder
Tribal Elder
Feb 6, 2020
So I'm curious How to Seduce Strong, Independent, Experienced Women, who happen to be physically attractive as well?
Especially since I'm increasingly exposed to them in Los Angeles given my work in Entertainment...

I have to admit, I do get a bit intimidated. Particularly with regard to their advanced sexual experience.
And/or who famous, or notable they may be with or have been with.

That's literally the target group of what Mystery and Style wrote about in the late 90's/early 00s.

That's where all that
  • "Beauty is common, what else do you have going for you"
    • sounds like a qualification, but actually about getting the girl to be in your frame
  • "Nice nails, are they real? They're still nice though"
    • a disqualifier
The process is still the same.
  1. Get talking as soon as you get to the venue, anyone
  2. Open other groups as social proof, as pre-selection
  3. on approach to "super girl"
    1. Eye contact, first words, loose body language
    2. Get any sort of response
    3. Use your opener, and slowly square up/eye contact as you get more into it
    4. Build some value in the interaction (and I don't mean humble brags aka DHV stories that put you in a good light - I mean you should be compelling to interact with)
    5. Test for cooperation
    6. Get cooperation
    7. Screen the chick
    8. Qualify the chick
    9. Show some love, and then take it back
  4. And then move out of the "heavy attraction" phase, into the building trust phase etc.
The problems you seem to have
  • You've mentally built these chicks up in your mind
  • You don't have any "experience"
  • You think you need some type of "super" game
What you probably need to do is talk to a lot more girls before you can "face your fears".

Because the game is the same. The prettier, smarter, more whatever girl, is generally easier to game than the dumpy 6, because they're better socialized.

Your game will grow by leaps and bounds by talking to more people, doing way more with random strangers than just shooting the breeze, bedding more women, and truly I hate to repeat this line, "believing in yourself".

The fact that you're in the Biz, and the "hot barista" is not - should give you a mental edge.

You can dismiss a pretty chick in these situations, because you can see she doesn't have what it takes. Even if she does, you just never say it.

The game is rarely about the gift of gab. Its about pushing emotional buttons.

Everything in life is.

Folks get hired because the interviewers had a "good feeling".
Things get sold because it makes men feel masculine, women feel smart, etc

Pick Up, with a lot of girls, is because you meet or are slightly below some arbitrary criteria, but you're so damn emotionally interesting that she can't get enough of you.


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Oct 18, 2018
Because the game is the same. The prettier, smarter, more whatever girl, is generally easier to game than the dumpy 6, because they're better socialized.
WIA interesting thought, can you tell us more


Tribal Elder
Tribal Elder
Feb 6, 2020
WIA interesting thought, can you tell us more

This can get a little woo woo, so bear with me.

If we can agree with the idea that

1) Some girls are considered prettier than others by the mass. (beauty is of course subjective, but if you live in a society, society definitely does consider some girls prettier than others) Maybe desirable is a better word than pretty...

2) Those pretty girls are treated better than others (pretty privilege) see www.reddit.com/r/vindicta to hear girls talk about what pretty privilege is and how to get it, and what happens after.

Thus - It stands to reason that those pretty girls are more used to face to face interaction & that they better learn how to navigate those waters. And because pick up is essentially learning to hit a woman's buttons, speak her emotional language, her true language - then these more attractive girls are more in tune with/open to what we do.

Have I found this to be true?

What I've found in the field, is that in the 2 prime market (18-22)(23-26), chicks that are "objectively" hot tend to be more receptive to Pick Up.

In a phrase, they get it.
They also get, that I get it.

We're saying x,y,z words, but the sub-communications are clear.

The way my pick up works, I tend to emphasize a lot of the social status aspects of what we do.

Keep in mind, you can go with a straight primal appeal, you can go sexual, you can use frame, you can go nonverbal, you can be entertaining, you can be forceful/dominant...there all different paths to the same place.

With that in mind

Girls that aren't as attractive (and girls that aren't as socially smart) - tend to not catch things, or like to take things in the wrong way on purpose. Either they're just vindictive, or they have particularly low self esteems. Most every girl is self-conscious (because she's human, and we men are also self conscious - but in the animal kingdom, most of the time, the man has to move first)

More simply, a joke or observation might not land, because the girl isn't as tuned into in person interactions, because she's not getting approached. She doesn't recognize flirting as flirting. She doesn't realize she has her own "escalation" window.

To really dumb it down, ugly or fat or ugly and fat girls can make a hook up damn near impossible because they don't have much experience in talking to men. Replace ugly/fat with those cute but awkward and scared girls.

This is all "post game analysis".

In the field, it's just best to assume every chick is gonna love you, and it's your job to figure out if she is gonna love you TONIGHT.

Also, assume the hottest girls will just love you and understand what you're getting at.

Of course none of this is scientifically true, but it spurs action.

The opposite thinking and assumptions, "all these 10's are so above me, I can never measure up to Henry Cavill" - it forces you to take NO action, so that you can protect your ego but also end your bloodline. And your genes don't want that.