I nearly got into a fight... in social circle. ADVICE NEEDED


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Oct 11, 2015
Hey guys, this happened to me today and I would like to get your opinions and advice on how to handle this in the future.

Here's what happened:

I went to University to study. Officially it's closed, but with our student cards we can enter nonetheless. I have two overlapping social circles there: one, the 'core' group, but they are recently rarely there. The second consists of others I know as well, but not so deeply. In fact, the main reason we're there is because a girl from the core group got together with one from the other, and hence the overlap. Over the last semester I've befriended most of them, and we study together and go eat lunch.

Here's where it begins. There is an older guy in the other group who is already past 30. He's not there so often, but with each other they meet often and have zoom calls.

Yes, he's the guy I almost fight with.


He arrives in the late morning. He sees me sitting where apparently he likes to sit, and says jokingly: "Hey, that's my spot!" I take it as a joke.

But eventually, when he makes his coffee, he insists again. "It's my spot, man. Go find another one." I just laugh and shake my head. Everything is still in good humour.

You see where this is going. He starts insisting, trying to make me go away. He's getting more demanding, and I start pushing back.

Very soon it devolves into us standing face-to-face with him demanding "That's enough. Now take your stuff and go somewhere else." He's tooling me! Wtf!

The entire thing escalates with me essentially improvising a defense. It could have been far better: I go for points of respect, principle (hell no I'll back off now!), reduce reason ("It's just a seat, dude?") and offering a way to back off ("I'm staying here either way, but you can have it after lunch for the afternoon.")

Yes. I was a weak bitch trying to use logic.

One thing I did do was use slow, deliberate gestures and piercing eye contact. My voice was deeper and more purry and gutteral than his is.

Either way, he continues insisting, at some point openly admitting it's a cockfight. It continues to escalate (I make blunders like saying: "I'm this close to..." without the real intention to follow it up). I put my arm on his shoulder and he immediately threatens I should not touch him, or else... and at one point he half slap/punches me. I push back immediately, and the standoff continues until he starts physically putting away my stuff.

Here I make the huge mistake of not stopping him immediately physically. This should've been my bottom line, and if he wants to fight, SO BE IT.

He threatens physical action, saying "I don't want to go there," and indeed I am unsure if I should fight. I've never been in a fight before, although I did take Karate lessons for 1.5 years and have some mean kicks.

Here I notice my body language is sub optimal. I have my hands in front of me while he has them by his side of held wide.

Upon thinking about this, I wonder if I should have done the same. Hold my arms wide and get close. This is very dominant body language, because it shows confidence in the other not having the balls to attack.

He did convey well the threat of a punch, so his tactic worked it seems. Interesting.

In the end it was over when he moved around my stuff. I maintain grace with strong body language, but can't deny my surging emotions and sheer baffle at what just happened.

I keep my tone level. "I really learned something today. I never would've imagined." My stuff is packed, and I fistbump the other two guys who are watching this all in complete shock.

I take my leave. No way in hell will I move to another seat - I'd rather go somewhere else entirely.

This all took me completely by surprise, but there are still important things to learn:

-He tooled my very effectively. I did not react in the most powerful way. You'll notice I wrote down quite specific things he did - it's because I fully intend to learn from it and be able to apply them myself, if needed.

-The power of aggression: STRENGTH BEATS LOGIC. Don't try to win this with logic. Use persuasion, social pressure, and physical intimidation (body language) to win. Logic is reserved for the beginning where the attempt is to deescalate. After that, the more unreasonable, the more powerful. I realized this too late.

-Don't be afraid of things getting physical. Sure, I might get beat up, but that is pretty much the worst thing that could happen (barring falling on the table edge and dying - haha oops).
I'm sure I'd give as good as I got, so if nothing else, in this 'safer' environment, defend my pride! Bruises heal, and it might be a good learning experience. And life experience.

-Show strength, then give him an opportunity to back off. This ties into the above point of crazy being better. Here's a possible scenario:

Use logic to deescalate while things are still 'social'. But once I notice his cockfight mentality, go all in and be even more unreasonable than him. I'd rather lose in a fight than get tooled like this again...
Escalate faster than him and thus have control. Make him think I will seriously fight him - which I will if he makes me - and then offer way out ("You can sit here in the afternoon. But you're in charge of moving everything.") Or something along those lines.

So maybe:
Him: Asking me to switch places
Me: Gives him haha buddy but no thanks answer.
Him: Gets more insistent. Not social anymore
Me: Realizes his intention and calling him out on it: "Hey man, you're being weird. This is not about the seat. What is it you're after?"
Him: Blah blah I want my seat. Give it to me!
Me: "No, this is not about the seat. You want to have a fight for this seat?" Gets close, aggressive, dominant body language. Confident smile on my face "Because I don't mind. This is great! So I'll just stand right here. What will you do?" Keeps smile, arms held wide open. Perhaps even take a step back, and proclaim loudly: "Here I am! Innocent witnesses close their eyes! Mr here is going to show us his next trick!" Then wait a few moments, and offer way out. "Haha all jokes aside, if its so important to you, you can sit there in the afternoon."
Him: Probably continues saying I should go and change seats now.
Me: "Ok, whatever man." Sits down, puts on headphones, turns around and ignore him.

If he continued, I'd take a single earpiece out, and go "what, dude? I'm trying to work here," and if he continues just give him weird skeptical look and turn back around and ignore. If he tries to touch me I'd slap him away, saying "No touching without paying!" or something similar. Or take a hard stance. To not back down he'd have to almost escalate directly to a fight, which he'd have... but I'd be the one looking dominant all along.

This is all my conjecture. I'd love to hear your thoughts and stories :)

Because all in all, this was a very humiliating experience and I am furious at not having known how to handle it.

As I stared into the mirror after I had left, in some isolated bathroom, I grappled with emotions. Feeling the disgust, anger and confusion left my mind a mess.

But as I raised my head and stared at my reflection, all I could see was determination and resolve in my eyes. Never again, I swore silently in the small mosaic bathroom. I broke into a smile. Such humiliation... only steels my resolve and teaches me another lesson in life.

I think back to what @Chase mentioned somewhere about martial arts. You don't need it... until you do. Then it's all you need. The words rung through my head, bouncing back and forth, until it was all I could see. Every time I lack resolve to hit the gym or want to restart martial arts... I'll think back of this moment.. and I want to see what on earth can keep me down.

I'm actually very embarrassed to post this. It is already a fact that I will read this in the future and be spitting out in disgust at my weakness. But it caught me so unprepared! First time in my life something like this happens.

Again, any advice is incredibly appreciated!



Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Oct 18, 2018
Ah my forte

The guy has already read that you are going to put up with his amoging bullshit. One sentence of a sharp threat usually is more than enough for such guys. If you are not able to physically stop him (you cannot win from everyone) at least give him the threat of making a complaint to the staff about him telling you to leave a public space. Trust me in a space like an university such a guy would immediately pull back from his antics.

"One thing I did do was use slow, deliberate gestures and piercing eye contact. My voice was deeper and more purry and gutteral than his is."-> The dude is probably more experienced than you and knows you are just posturing. I can read as well when people are posturing and people can read it when you are very serious too.

'He threatens physical action, saying "I don't want to go there," and indeed I am unsure if I should fight. I've never been in a fight before, although I did take Karate lessons for 1.5 years and have some mean kicks". -> This is why you should spar. Walking forms or kata's are not going to do you any favours when you are in a real fight! This is why Muay Thai and such has such a huge advantage on budo striking sports. You would probably telegraph the kick big time too due to no experience at how to lead it in....

"In the end it was over when he moved around my stuff." Moving your stuff is disrespect. Basically he is showing dominance again. What a dick.

"-He tooled my very effectively. I did not react in the most powerful way. You'll notice I wrote down quite specific things he did - it's because I fully intend to learn from it and be able to apply them myself, if needed." Don't worry about it he is probably very experienced in this bullshit. It is usually not personal just a recurring pattern. Which is why warning him to inform the staff in a coldblooded way was the easiest way, it would be checkmate. Even if I can beat up a guy, this is the preferable recourse lol so I hold 2 trumpcards instead of 1 lol.

"The power of aggression: STRENGTH BEATS LOGIC. Don't try to win this with logic. Use persuasion, social pressure, and physical intimidation (body language) to win. Logic is reserved for the beginning where the attempt is to deescalate. After that, the more unreasonable, the more powerful. I realized this too late."

Half correct. Strength wins in the immediacy of moments.. but you can also bait such opponents instead of confronting them immediately. You however was ambushed and as such strength and preparedness was indeed the best alternative. In your scenario. The most powerful move is to cut them short immediately -> threaten to inform the staff. It would make him come across as a buffoon, which he probably is.

Use logic to deescalate while things are still 'social'. But once I notice his cockfight mentality, go all in and be even more unreasonable than him. I'd rather lose in a fight than get tooled like this again...
Escalate faster than him and thus have control. Make him think I will seriously fight him - which I will if he makes me - and then offer way out

NO, don't offer him a way out. you dont have to escalate it even further if he is backing down but you dont hve to offer a way out either. He has been a massive dick , offering a way out is like giving a concession or a move out of fear in this scenario. Let him feel the awkwardness and rawness of the confrontation instead of relieving tension because THAT is what you are doing. Learn to be comfortable with tension. Especially when another is the cause.

I'm actually very embarrassed to post this. It is already a fact that I will read this in the future and be spitting out in disgust at my weakness. But it caught me so unprepared! First time in my life something like this happens.

Don't be embarassed. I am actually quite proud of you. A lot of people would try to forget the experience or try to reframe it as no big deal, but you are looking at a harsh truth and trying to learn how to do better. The other guy is a massive douchebag who has done this to a lot of people. There is no shame in this, you just have to change the arena to your benefit.


Modern Human
Modern Human
Dec 20, 2012
I think nonchalance could've won out here.

He was shit testing you when he said you were in his spot. You took the bait by taking him seriously.

I'd've probably done it this way:
him: "Hey, that's my spot!"
you: "is that right?..."

Then you return your attention to whatever else it was you were doing.

Here he either plays it off as though he were joking or escalates verbally.

If he escalates...

you: "how much does it mean to you?"

Treat him like a minor disturbance. A midge, a persistent child or bratty girl.. Show him that he's a pest but nothing you can't handle.

Here he either deflects and tries to escalate, or realizes he's about to look like a fool & decides it's not worth it.

The more he escalates the more he socially sinks himself if others are within eye or earshot (as long as you do not escalate with him).
Let him bury himself.

If he chooses to escalate..

you: "you will have 'your' seat back later, but I'm not going anywhere for now"

Then ignore him and do whatever it was you were doing before he disturbed you.

If he escalates further, he's a fool and it's best you leverage his aggression and flag him down to an authority as DarkKnight already stated.

If he's acting belligerently, stay calm and let him socially bury himself. It's also fodder you can use to poison your social circle against him if you're so inclined.

Seed the idea that he is unhinged, subtly provide this experience as an example without overtly bad mouthing him. Perhaps to one of the more protective, and mother hen type members of the group. Perhaps somebody he's already rubbed the wrong way with influence in the group..


Staff member
Jan 24, 2021
I would say that whenever you are threatened by a fight, immediately assess what you will or will not fight for. For example, if he swings on you, you'll swing back. He grabs a serious hold of you (enough to throw you), you'll crack one. If he moves your bags, you'll shove him out of the way.

I think as @DarkKnight said, he had a history of fights and these type of guys know right off the bat when you are making up your response on the spot and chasing their frame. That's why deciding what you'll fight for (and being truthful to yourself about it) is a way to establish some kind of initiative and frame even if you're not experienced. And it means you can make a legitimate threat that he'll know is real, and that bystanders can support.

Avoiding fighting is always a good strategy, and alerting staff is definitely the best course (this is not the street). But if it comes to it, I would avoid any kind of mind tricks and bluffing (as it can be easily sniffed out and called). Don't try to convince a more experienced fighter that they're not - it will almost certainly backfire. Simply state your terms and prepare to stick to them with all the resolve you've got.

I think you did pretty well, especially in terms of how you look at if afterward. It's very difficult to switch from social to dealing with a threat, and 99% of people would have simply moved over out of nervousness.

Fuck This

Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Jul 24, 2015
Was this the guy?




Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Oct 11, 2015
Thanks for the replies! I appreciate it a lot.

"One thing I did do was use slow, deliberate gestures and piercing eye contact. My voice was deeper and more purry and gutteral than his is."-> The dude is probably more experienced than you and knows you are just posturing. I can read as well when people are posturing and people can read it when you are very serious too.
Absolutely correct. That's when one realizes one can continue, I imagine.

'He threatens physical action, saying "I don't want to go there," and indeed I am unsure if I should fight. I've never been in a fight before, although I did take Karate lessons for 1.5 years and have some mean kicks". -> This is why you should spar. Walking forms or kata's are not going to do you any favours when you are in a real fight! This is why Muay Thai and such has such a huge advantage on budo striking sports. You would probably telegraph the kick big time too due to no experience at how to lead it in....
Haha this is true. The Karate school I went to was a bit different, and I always enjoyed the fighting parts the most (the only reason I really went lol). But how much of that holds up in a true fight is doubtful. So I'm definitely looking into starting something like Muay Thai.
Do you personally do any martial arts, and if so, what has your experience with it been?

"In the end it was over when he moved around my stuff." Moving your stuff is disrespect. Basically he is showing dominance again. What a dick.
I knew it was disrespect, and yes huge dick move. A power play I didn't react to in time.

"-He tooled my very effectively. I did not react in the most powerful way. You'll notice I wrote down quite specific things he did - it's because I fully intend to learn from it and be able to apply them myself, if needed." Don't worry about it he is probably very experienced in this bullshit. It is usually not personal just a recurring pattern. Which is why warning him to inform the staff in a coldblooded way was the easiest way, it would be checkmate. Even if I can beat up a guy, this is the preferable recourse lol so I hold 2 trumpcards instead of 1 lol.
This is good advice - in the moment, I hadn't even considered that at all! Definitely something to keep in mind. Easy checkmate, as you say :)

NO, don't offer him a way out. you dont have to escalate it even further if he is backing down but you dont hve to offer a way out either. He has been a massive dick , offering a way out is like giving a concession or a move out of fear in this scenario. Let him feel the awkwardness and rawness of the confrontation instead of relieving tension because THAT is what you are doing. Learn to be comfortable with tension. Especially when another is the cause.
This is somewhat eye-opening to a fallacy of my thinking. You're right, he's the aggressor/challenger, and offering a way out shows weakness. I just imagined it would be a face-saving way for him to back off without feeling he has to continue, and me still getting what I want (My terms). But going the absolute strength way seems better, absolutely.

And I'm doing my best to learn how to deal with tension :)

Don't be embarassed. I am actually quite proud of you. A lot of people would try to forget the experience or try to reframe it as no big deal, but you are looking at a harsh truth and trying to learn how to do better. The other guy is a massive douchebag who has done this to a lot of people. There is no shame in this, you just have to change the arena to your benefit.
Thank you <3. I'm grateful for your helpful comments!

I think nonchalance could've won out here.

He was shit testing you when he said you were in his spot. You took the bait by taking him seriously.

I'd've probably done it this way:

Then you return your attention to whatever else it was you were doing.

Here he either plays it off as though he were joking or escalates verbally.

If he escalates...

Treat him like a minor disturbance. A midge, a persistent child or bratty girl.. Show him that he's a pest but nothing you can't handle.

Here he either deflects and tries to escalate, or realizes he's about to look like a fool & decides it's not worth it.

The more he escalates the more he socially sinks himself if others are within eye or earshot (as long as you do not escalate with him).
Let him bury himself.

If he chooses to escalate..

Then ignore him and do whatever it was you were doing before he disturbed you.

If he escalates further, he's a fool and it's best you leverage his aggression and flag him down to an authority as DarkKnight already stated.

If he's acting belligerently, stay calm and let him socially bury himself. It's also fodder you can use to poison your social circle against him if you're so inclined.
Thank you for your comment!
This is actually what I started off with. I imagine it stopped coming across as nonchalant when tensions rose, so I imagine the mindset of letting him dig his own grave with social disapproval/pressure is a powerful one. I'll always keep this in mind from now on for the start of escalations like this.

I would say that whenever you are threatened by a fight, immediately assess what you will or will not fight for. For example, if he swings on you, you'll swing back. He grabs a serious hold of you (enough to throw you), you'll crack one. If he moves your bags, you'll shove him out of the way.

I think as @DarkKnight said, he had a history of fights and these type of guys know right off the bat when you are making up your response on the spot and chasing their frame. That's why deciding what you'll fight for (and being truthful to yourself about it) is a way to establish some kind of initiative and frame even if you're not experienced. And it means you can make a legitimate threat that he'll know is real, and that bystanders can support.

Avoiding fighting is always a good strategy, and alerting staff is definitely the best course (this is not the street). But if it comes to it, I would avoid any kind of mind tricks and bluffing (as it can be easily sniffed out and called). Don't try to convince a more experienced fighter that they're not - it will almost certainly backfire. Simply state your terms and prepare to stick to them with all the resolve you've got.

I think you did pretty well, especially in terms of how you look at if afterward. It's very difficult to switch from social to dealing with a threat, and 99% of people would have simply moved over out of nervousness.
This is good advice. How it would play out I imagine is having it already clear for me, in any situation, what my bottom line is, and then sticking to it when it escalates to that level. Thanks!

Fuck This

Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Jul 24, 2015
Your problem was the fact that you felt like you had to defend your position. You could have deflected it easily by teasing on how ridiculous it was that he "claimed a spot". I'm guessing you gave off a vibe that he a) thought he could AMOG you or B) he has a deficiency or imbalance that he believes it truly is his spot and you look like a heel for not recognizing he has a problem. I.E. he is Autistic and can't deal. or C) he had gotten there before you and had to get up briefly and you took his chair ...

Either way you looked like a tool for choosing this hill to die on. You should have remained unaffected and stoic while he lost his $hit.


Space Monkey
space monkey
Oct 26, 2020
I never understand why dudes feel the need to make a big deal out of small shit like this. Why don't you just sit somewhere else? This kind of shit makes me wanna just beat the fuck out of em

dark hawk

Space Monkey
space monkey
Dec 29, 2020
Hey guys, this happened to me today and I would like to get your opinions and advice on how to handle this in the future.

Here's what happened:

I went to University to study. Officially it's closed, but with our student cards we can enter nonetheless. I have two overlapping social circles there: one, the 'core' group, but they are recently rarely there. The second consists of others I know as well, but not so deeply. In fact, the main reason we're there is because a girl from the core group got together with one from the other, and hence the overlap. Over the last semester I've befriended most of them, and we study together and go eat lunch.

Here's where it begins. There is an older guy in the other group who is already past 30. He's not there so often, but with each other they meet often and have zoom calls.

Yes, he's the guy I almost fight with.


He arrives in the late morning. He sees me sitting where apparently he likes to sit, and says jokingly: "Hey, that's my spot!" I take it as a joke.

But eventually, when he makes his coffee, he insists again. "It's my spot, man. Go find another one." I just laugh and shake my head. Everything is still in good humour.

You see where this is going. He starts insisting, trying to make me go away. He's getting more demanding, and I start pushing back.

Very soon it devolves into us standing face-to-face with him demanding "That's enough. Now take your stuff and go somewhere else." He's tooling me! Wtf!

The entire thing escalates with me essentially improvising a defense. It could have been far better: I go for points of respect, principle (hell no I'll back off now!), reduce reason ("It's just a seat, dude?") and offering a way to back off ("I'm staying here either way, but you can have it after lunch for the afternoon.")

Yes. I was a weak bitch trying to use logic.

One thing I did do was use slow, deliberate gestures and piercing eye contact. My voice was deeper and more purry and gutteral than his is.

Either way, he continues insisting, at some point openly admitting it's a cockfight. It continues to escalate (I make blunders like saying: "I'm this close to..." without the real intention to follow it up). I put my arm on his shoulder and he immediately threatens I should not touch him, or else... and at one point he half slap/punches me. I push back immediately, and the standoff continues until he starts physically putting away my stuff.

Here I make the huge mistake of not stopping him immediately physically. This should've been my bottom line, and if he wants to fight, SO BE IT.

He threatens physical action, saying "I don't want to go there," and indeed I am unsure if I should fight. I've never been in a fight before, although I did take Karate lessons for 1.5 years and have some mean kicks.

Here I notice my body language is sub optimal. I have my hands in front of me while he has them by his side of held wide.

Upon thinking about this, I wonder if I should have done the same. Hold my arms wide and get close. This is very dominant body language, because it shows confidence in the other not having the balls to attack.

He did convey well the threat of a punch, so his tactic worked it seems. Interesting.

In the end it was over when he moved around my stuff. I maintain grace with strong body language, but can't deny my surging emotions and sheer baffle at what just happened.

I keep my tone level. "I really learned something today. I never would've imagined." My stuff is packed, and I fistbump the other two guys who are watching this all in complete shock.

I take my leave. No way in hell will I move to another seat - I'd rather go somewhere else entirely.

This all took me completely by surprise, but there are still important things to learn:

-He tooled my very effectively. I did not react in the most powerful way. You'll notice I wrote down quite specific things he did - it's because I fully intend to learn from it and be able to apply them myself, if needed.

-The power of aggression: STRENGTH BEATS LOGIC. Don't try to win this with logic. Use persuasion, social pressure, and physical intimidation (body language) to win. Logic is reserved for the beginning where the attempt is to deescalate. After that, the more unreasonable, the more powerful. I realized this too late.

-Don't be afraid of things getting physical. Sure, I might get beat up, but that is pretty much the worst thing that could happen (barring falling on the table edge and dying - haha oops).
I'm sure I'd give as good as I got, so if nothing else, in this 'safer' environment, defend my pride! Bruises heal, and it might be a good learning experience. And life experience.

-Show strength, then give him an opportunity to back off. This ties into the above point of crazy being better. Here's a possible scenario:

Use logic to deescalate while things are still 'social'. But once I notice his cockfight mentality, go all in and be even more unreasonable than him. I'd rather lose in a fight than get tooled like this again...
Escalate faster than him and thus have control. Make him think I will seriously fight him - which I will if he makes me - and then offer way out ("You can sit here in the afternoon. But you're in charge of moving everything.") Or something along those lines.

So maybe:
Him: Asking me to switch places
Me: Gives him haha buddy but no thanks answer.
Him: Gets more insistent. Not social anymore
Me: Realizes his intention and calling him out on it: "Hey man, you're being weird. This is not about the seat. What is it you're after?"
Him: Blah blah I want my seat. Give it to me!
Me: "No, this is not about the seat. You want to have a fight for this seat?" Gets close, aggressive, dominant body language. Confident smile on my face "Because I don't mind. This is great! So I'll just stand right here. What will you do?" Keeps smile, arms held wide open. Perhaps even take a step back, and proclaim loudly: "Here I am! Innocent witnesses close their eyes! Mr here is going to show us his next trick!" Then wait a few moments, and offer way out. "Haha all jokes aside, if its so important to you, you can sit there in the afternoon."
Him: Probably continues saying I should go and change seats now.
Me: "Ok, whatever man." Sits down, puts on headphones, turns around and ignore him.

If he continued, I'd take a single earpiece out, and go "what, dude? I'm trying to work here," and if he continues just give him weird skeptical look and turn back around and ignore. If he tries to touch me I'd slap him away, saying "No touching without paying!" or something similar. Or take a hard stance. To not back down he'd have to almost escalate directly to a fight, which he'd have... but I'd be the one looking dominant all along.

This is all my conjecture. I'd love to hear your thoughts and stories :)

Because all in all, this was a very humiliating experience and I am furious at not having known how to handle it.

As I stared into the mirror after I had left, in some isolated bathroom, I grappled with emotions. Feeling the disgust, anger and confusion left my mind a mess.

But as I raised my head and stared at my reflection, all I could see was determination and resolve in my eyes. Never again, I swore silently in the small mosaic bathroom. I broke into a smile. Such humiliation... only steels my resolve and teaches me another lesson in life.

I think back to what @Chase mentioned somewhere about martial arts. You don't need it... until you do. Then it's all you need. The words rung through my head, bouncing back and forth, until it was all I could see. Every time I lack resolve to hit the gym or want to restart martial arts... I'll think back of this moment.. and I want to see what on earth can keep me down.

I'm actually very embarrassed to post this. It is already a fact that I will read this in the future and be spitting out in disgust at my weakness. But it caught me so unprepared! First time in my life something like this happens.

Again, any advice is incredibly appreciated!

What I'm about to suggest might seem foolhardy and stupid but hear me out, I say go back and occupy his place again, now you know what to expect so you can prepare in advance and handle it better....doing this will also boost your confidence in a big way and send out a clear message to everyone else that you're not a person to be trifled with.:mad:


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Aug 30, 2015
I think every now and then you will meet a guy who is so ridiculous that you just wont have a ready answer,dont beat yourself up over this