QUESTION: Anger is deeper than i thought. That's why Trump won


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Nov 20, 2012

the anger is deep. :) That's why Clinton lost. why guys? why you fuck everyone over, haha! :) i'm kidding. why you guys vote for Trump?



Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Aug 10, 2016
United States
Alpha males and racist rednecks aside, I feel the majority of Trump voters just really hated Clinton. It was absolutely appalling watching her handle her concession. Didn't even show up for her millions of supporters, she just sent her campaign manager to send them all home and called Trump to congratulate him before probably crying herself to sleep. I get that she was disappointed, but that's not how a president handles a bad situation.


Staff member
Oct 9, 2012

The best explanation for Trump's presidential win came in this prescient, self-reflective article written in April:

The smug style in American liberalism

There are many people who were voting against the elites' trade deals, which they viewed as enriching the powerful at the expense of the voiceless. Others voted out of ethnic fear, a response that emanated from the rising "white genocide" moral panic that's begun to take hold of white populations within North America and Europe.

But perhaps the largest segment of Trump's voters by far were those rejecting the PC thought police described in the "Smug Style of American Liberalism" article above.

Here's Michael Moore (staunchly pro-Hillary) explaining the Trump voter phenomenon, as well as predicting a big Trump win (down to the states that flipped from Clinton to Trump):

Trump's Victory Will be the Biggest Fuck You in Human History

This election was basically Fight Club, in a voting booth.



Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Nov 20, 2012

What fears me is that this is the first of Dominos falling, which starts in US which will spread all over the world. Redpill movie is currently screening and fighting, so i am really anxious, to be honest, because i can feel like the middle class man that Michael Moore talks about. It's even more unsurprising when people like Drck and some guys here do feel pissed somewhat about it. Trust me, i know people who are this in real life and there's a lot of them. They have the right to be angry though. Fortunate enough, most guys here are level headed and you usually give the boot to those who are 'buzzfeed/elite daily/facebook/etc' kind of commenters.

It's a matter of time before things blow apart, either this decade, or many decades after this.

p.s: It will be interesting to read history on this, we were talking about it recently on email. OMG, you gonna kill me!



Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Nov 20, 2012

Inbocca said:
Didn't even show up for her millions of supporters

I thought she gave her concession speech or only for one location i suppose?



Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Feb 14, 2013
There is no simple answer Zac, it would take many pages just to describe what is going on. I already wrote couple paragraphs here regarding this issue so it is pointless repeating everything...

We have to look at where USA as a country is coming from, at least the older generations, because that is sort of a background how many people are feeling and thinking... USA was different 2-3 decades ago, it was still fairly capitalist country. People simply didn't expect much of free stuff, freebies and handouts. People had to work for living. People used to believe in American Dream. At that time, USA was also fighting with Russia (Soviet Union), you may recall forty long years of Cold War.

Russians at that time represented socialism, where everything is basically owned by the whole community, all people. In this system, individuals didn't mean much, it was rather all about community (all people together). Russians wanted to advanced that system all the way to Communism, system in which perhaps money will become obsolete. A simple way to see it is that all individuals contribute to the whole system according to his best abilities, and each individual takes from the system only what he or she needs...

USA was based on different system, capitalism. This system is rather based on individuality, e.g. everybody takes care of himself or herself, without much support of the whole community...

Although it is over-simplified, it is important to understand the differences between these two systems. If you want to understand further read e.g. Marx's Communist Manifesto. Once you understand, it is much easier to understand differences between more liberal democrats and more conservative republicans...

At the end of Cold War, former Soviet Union collapsed and USA ended up being as a top economic, political and military superpower. Why was that? Because the capitalist system proved itself to work much better than the communist system. Former president Reagan simply won over Soviet Union by heavy military build up (read lots of $$$), and Soviet Union collapsed while trying to keep up with USA economically...

So, many of the older generations remember the power of USA. At that time, USA was economic, political and military superpower. USA had lots of respect in the entire world, many Americans were proud to be Americans. This was around 1990's...

Time goes on, couple years later there is a shift. Perhaps war in Iraq and unpopular president Bush gave rise to Obama. Obama is very enthusiastic and charismatic person, no doubt about it. But at the same time, he is community organizer. He is ideologist, and his ideology is not much different than ideology of former - you guessed it - socialistic system, system based on community as a whole...

Obama now during his years goes and apologizes everywhere for USA being so strong. Obama tries to dismantle the whole military, the military is at its weakest point (while countries like Russia and China are getting stronger and stronger). Obama spends trillions of dollars and has nothing to show for it at the end of his presidency. Obama doubles the debt, the debt he accumulated is pretty much equal to the debt that all previous presidents accumulated all together. Obama creates Obamacare, very expensive and inefficient healthcare system that is already collapsing under its own weight. Under Obama, hard working people are paying more and more taxes, and more and more millions of people are on some form of unemployment or government support. Under Obama, the economy is staggering, hard working people still can't find good jobs, they can't make good money, they have to work 2-3 jobs just to get by, they can't advance their financial situation no matter what they do...

But that is not all. Obama and his left hand Hillary Clinton withdraws from Iraq despite all warnings of all generals. This creates vacuum in Iraq, and we have a new terrorist organization called Isis... Those are very dangerous people, they hate the whole western civilization... These people are getting stronger and stronger under Obama and Clinton, they are killing left and right in those regions... Which causes mass exodus to Europe and USA, unfortunately among peace loving people there are also lots of members of ISIS... These people and their sympathizers are now causing lots of attacks in Europe, and in USA...

See what is going on? Because of the liberal approach of Obama, USA and the whole world is in lots of trouble. USA is much weaker politically and in more debt. Nobody respects USA today, other nation's leaders are laughing into Obama's face. More people disrespect laws in USA, more people are shooting cops... In stead of bringing people of different colors together, thanks to Obama there is more racism in USA than there was in the past couple of decades... USA is pretty much the highest taxed country in the entire world, the whole economy is staggering... Global Terrorism is on it's rise... Russia and China are expanding their military while USA is getting weaker. Terrorism is becoming something that people learn to accept on daily bases and so on...

And now we come to the new elections, Clinton vs Trump. What does Clinton want to do? She wants to continue with Obama policies, she wants to expand those policies further. More taxes. More open borders, more illegal immigrants in. Weaker military. More of the catastrophic healthcare system. More debt. More weakness. She wants more of the collectivism (socialist approach which fails over and over in different parts of world). In addition, everybody in USA knows Clinton is a liar and corrupted politician, if anybody believes that she is saying the truth, he or she must be just insane...

How about Trump though? Trump is the exact opposite. Trump wants to restore the military superpower, he wants military to be so strong that others don't even try to mess with USA because they will know that there will be severe punishment. Trump wants to stop the flood of illegal immigrants, among which there are many criminals, drug dealers, but also hundreds of possible terrorists. Trump wants to rebuild economic superpower. Trump wants to cut taxes, he wants to create lots of new jobs. Trump wants to eliminate ISIS from the face of this planet. Trump wants to create some healthcare system that works. Trump wants individualism, he wants successful people to win again and so on.

In simple words, Trump wants to rebuild all these great things that millions of Americans are missing. Trump wants to make America great again, he wants to make it the same way it used to be - strong, powerful, respected and rich... Trump wants people to respect military, laws, cops, USA, each other... Trump says it exactly as he sees it, he speaks directly to millions of his voters because they see it the same way... But that is not all. Trump is a brilliant businessman, he does have long history of DOING things, not just talking about them - unlike most of the politicians... That is why many people belive in Trump. How much he will be able to accomplish, well, we shall see...

Do you understand now where many Americans are coming from? Why the anger at Obama and Clinton, and why Trump won? Who gives a damn that Trump grabs some pussy here and there? Only liberals will make you believe that that is the important issue to talk about, only liberals cry because they lost, only liberals are demolishing and destroying streets - while claiming that Trump is the one who wants to destroy USA...

Tim Iron

Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Jun 12, 2014
Planet Earth
I feel Trump would make a better president than Hilary.... his loud mouth behaviour would stop now that he is president and he would get down to business to Make America Great Again.... he is also an intelligent business mogul.


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Nov 20, 2012

I just read your response, and i was reading Chase's link and listening to Michael Moore's video. Man... i don't know where to start man. This is not a one year thing that will be dissolve.

This is a decade thing.


To be honest, both will fuck the rest of the world up. :D in most of other countries opinion. Anyway, this is not a Hilary or Trump issue. It's deep and it's a culture, employment, globalisation, economy, basically everything.

I am really afraid, this is the first domino. So i am really afraid. IF you guys are not afraid, you guys better be.



Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Aug 10, 2016
United States
I wouldn't say this is the first domino. Putin's reelection, Duterte in the Philippines, Brexit, now Trump, maybe Le Pen in France and Salvini in Italy. The far right is on the rise again.


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Feb 14, 2013
Michael Moore is a liberal. He is very intelligent but you have to understand something about liberals (and conservatives).

I'm not saying that being a liberal is something wrong, but we have to put things into the whole context, the whole perspective. For example, M. Moore made tens of millions of dollars by bashing America, he is very rich. If he were in Europe or Canada, or any other place, he wouldn't be even able to make such movies at first place, never mind to make millions of dollars on these movies... He is obese, yet in stead of seeing himself as the cause of obesity he blames everybody else, including healthcare system...

He made movie in the past about healthcare system in Cuba (Sicko), emphasizing how great such system is in Cuba whereas how bad it is in USA. The truth, however, is that he selectively chose the best hospitals in Cuba and compared them to low quality hospitals in USA. When you look at the whole reality, the healthcare system in Cuba (for Cuban people and not for rich tourists) is at very poor level (look up pictures on Google yourself). People were/are escaping from Cuba to USA because of the poor living conditions over there, yet M. Moore made it seem that Cubans are having really great lives and great healthcare system... The healthcare system is great over there - but for rich tourists, it is a classical socialists/communist propaganda. But for local people, the healthcare system is way below average... See where I am coming from? That is a classical liberal thinking...

Liberals don't mind spending money. They spent even what they don't have - they take a loan, borrow money for interest, and spend and spend...

Obama is a liberal. At the end of his presidency, USA will be left with $20 trillion dollars of debt. That is a DOUBLE than when he took office, this guy spent more money than all previous presidents all together. Ok, that may not be necessary that bad, after all, spending money is good - but what does he have to show for it? Not much really. He didn't really fix many things, he didn't really do anything significant, he didn't really boost US economy in any way... Where is all the money then? Simply wasted...

See, that is how liberals think. For each $100 they have they spend $150, then they borrow more money to pay off those $150 and add more and more spending, usually on programs that don't work in long term....

Conservatives are different. Conservatives are about keeping balance. If conservative have $100 dollars, he may borrow extra $20 but understands that he has to pay interest $10, thus he needs to pay back all together $130. Conservative doesn't take more loans unless he pays off $130 first...

Liberalism can of course be applied to many different areas of life - religion, abortions, immigration... For example, more extreme liberals want only pregnant woman to decide whether she can have abortion all the way till 3rd semesters. They want pretty much unlimited flow of immigrants to USA, including illegal immigrants. Compare to conservatives, the more extreme ones don't want any woman to have abortions under any cost, they don't want any illegal immigration at all...

Who is right and who is wrong? Personally I believe that there is a middle way. Being too much of a liberal is not a good thing, and being too much conservative is not a good thing either. You can spent little bit more than you have - as long as you have enough of potential income to pay off all the loans. You can have some immigrants coming in, as long as they are not criminals, learn English, have job and pay taxes. As a woman, you can decide about abortion till 1st trimester, but then it will become more and more difficult because the system should consider taking care of the unborn life. That is more of moderate approach...

Michelle Obama is a liberal. She probably still complain that her law degree was $300 thousands of dollars. Really? But, what she doesn't realize is, that without it she wouldn't be today where she is. She already must be millionaire, and the millions will only multiply in future years...

Hillary Clinton is a liberal. She doesn't understand why is she under FBI investigation, now she blames FBI director for her lost election. Really? Well, nobody told her to destroy the evidence once subpoena was issued, nobody told her to destroy phones with hammer and 'bleach' computer hard drives. Nobody told her to lie under oath, nobody told her to erase 30 thousands plus of emails... It's only her own fault, it is only fault of Democratic party that they nominated person who was under FBI investigation... FBI is only doing its job...

So when you deal with Moore, Obamas, Clintons and other liberals, be very careful. Always check whether the math adds up because as the reality proved many times, they are usually full of nativity and BS. Always check both sides because liberals tent to be one-sided...


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Aug 30, 2015
I think people are reading too much into trumps win.?...trump had a lot of support either way...if he had lost it would have been by a small margin,......that he won does not then mean Americans feel a certain type of other words....if Hillary had won. (by a small margin) ....people would instead be giving reasons why trump lost....forgetting about all the voters who voted for him....right now people are giving reasons why Hillary lost ,....forgetting majority of voters voted for her