De-friendzoned for the first time


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
May 19, 2023
This is a continuation of this FR:

For those who don't have time to read it: long story short, met this girl in October at a social gathering, tried pull her right away (failed) and then had a few drinks with her right after the pull attempt. While having drinks I was being flirty but too hypersocial and cheerful. Invited her our the week ofter but got invited to the club with her and her friend instead. In the club she was giving me friendzone vibes while talking to other dudes. Left the club and never texted her again. She tried asked me for a favor a few days after, to which I replied I was busy. Then in December, she starts commenting my stories and trying to meet me again for socially friendly activities. I smoothly and flirtly manage to get to see her one-to-one yesterday evening, so this is what this FR is about.

We meet close to a bus station. I notice she's very well dressed and has a lot of make up, I see it as a good sign. We walk to a pub very close to my place. I act like I didn't know this place because it's not immediately visible from the street. We sit at a table and start drinking. She is the type that talks a lot. I did what I should have done the first time we had drink: Kick back, chill in a masculine way, and listen to her while giving her seductive looks. We talk about different topics, like travel, society, dating.... she is clearly a girl with a lot of experience around guys. Sexually free is how you could define her. Here and there I joke with the bartender, easily turning him into my pal to show social proof/skills.

One things lead to another, we get to the topic of me liking her and what I thought of the first time we met. I said, jokingly and relaxedly: "ya know, I didnt know back then if you just saw me friendly or if you liked me but thought I was an asshole". She says: "Well actually I liked you from the first second but I was looking for a serious boyfriend and you were clearly looking for a fuckbuddy so yeah I thought we would just be friends". After a few minutes, she rolls a cigarette and says she wants to smoke outside. I go with her. While she is smoking and talking, I just gently grab her chin and kiss her. We kiss for around 40 seconds and she compliments my kissing skills.

We go back inside. Now it's super chilled, we keep drinking and have a few laughs. We're very comfortable with each other. After a while, I invited her home to eat something and have a little cocktail to finish the evening. She says she would come for a cocktail but won't stay long. Back at my place we put some musinc on, we chat a bit and then I start kissing and escalating. To make it short, I manage to take her sweater, shirt and bra off and lick her nipples for quite a while. I try at least 3 times to take her belt off go "down there" but she says she has an appointment to the gynecologist the day after and she can't. I still kiss her vagina area and around it even though she has her pants on. The reason I try at least 3 times to make sure she knows I really wanted to phuck her and avoid auto-rejection in the future. Hope it works and gets me another meet. I already invited her straight to my place on Monday. She said she'll let me know.

Don't know if it'll be a full lay soon or not but I am really happy about how I hold my frame while she was giving me that friendly shit, ghosted her and waited for her to reinvest before asking her out again. Whether I phuck her nor not, the same fact that I got her to defriendzone me is a victory, cuz in the past something like never happened and only banged chicks I could create the spark with right from the start.

Any feedback is welcome!
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Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Feb 21, 2023
Awesome turnaround!

At one of the points where she tells you can't because of her gyno app, I would have said " we don't have to have sex" then continued to escalate. If its a genuine reason (which it sounds like it) it will ease her earlier concerns (that you only want to F her) and also puts a little bit of mystery (what does he mean we don't have to have sex?! Does he not like me?).

If this doesnt help you escalate on the day, then you end all the intimacy in a cool, non-bitter way and say your usual goodbyes, again leaving a bit of mystery. I would avoid saying things like "I had a great time" or being too quick to set up next meeting. Maybe only a hint or a push-pull time. "Maybe we'll do X thing we talked about one day, if you >insert your fav friendly tease<."

This would make it much easier to invite her out again and seal the deal. You dont even have to inv her to do what you said, girls dont normally care if u change plans.

I would invite her straigh to yours for a dinner date 1-2 days after that night using a short text banter session beforehand. Who knows, she may have a 3 dates rule or something.


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
May 19, 2023
I would avoid saying things like "I had a great time" or being too quick to set up next meeting.

Too late :D I did those two mistakes already and, together with other things, maybe they will cost me the full lay.

I also regret not pulling back and chilling a bit after she resisted me taking her pants off.

But I realize you have to make all these mistakes to learn how to read every situation and do the right thing.