coffee date

  1. V

    Date Plans How to deal with girls who keep diverting to being friendly on dates

    Whenever I tried to build sexual tension or divert the topics to about man-woman frame, some girls keeps diverting the topic back to friendly topics, like asking me why do I move to this city, or what I like about my job etc. For sexual tension, they just give a poker face look. How do you deal...
  2. Beck Bass

    LR- Blue Eyed Brunette Sucks Me Dry

    So yesterday I went on a date with HBOcean from my journal. I suggested a coffee date, I was thinking of a picnic near my home but she rejected as it was "too far away" from her (good thing, because it rained a lot in the afternoon)... I was gonna send a text a bit before the date to see if she...
  3. H

    Coffee as friends

    What do girls mean when they say that we can have coffee as friends after I get their number? This is kind of happening frequently when I meet a girl in the super market or somewhere, I say her hair is pretty or whatever and we chat a bit and I get her number. When I text her after, she goes...
  4. Skippy

    FR "I don't know you that well"

    The approach I approached her on campus while she was on her way to tutor middle schoolers so she gave me her number and told me to text her. One point of note is that she put down her full name. She was texting me constantly and reinitiating conversation by text as well these past two weeks. So...