
  1. J

    Don't know what to do about my current relationship, I screwed things up

    So this is my first post and I hope I can explain it clearly enough. Please excuse any unnecessary details I may give. I have quite decent experience with girls, if this matters. I have around 80-100 girls under my belt and 2 relationships prior to the current one. I met this...
  2. ulrich

    Drama GF is jealous of my friends

    Hi everyone, I want to ask your opinion on a big mess that happened this weekend with my girlfriend of 1 year. Before starting, I need to point out that she is a very cute, smart and well-meaning person... buuuuut, she has lived a very sheltered life and as a result of her family overbearing she...
  3. Chase

    Drama The "Frustration --> Drama --> Resolution" Cycle

    There are low drama relationships, and there are high drama relationships. And there are outliers on both ends: relationships so low-drama they're almost no drama... and relationships so high drama it seems like the couple's always at war. If you're in any kind of relationship where there's a...