
  1. T

    FR Fumbled Yet Another Pull Home from Date [Missed Escalation Windows]

    I greeted her with a hug and complimented her on her outfit. After I got my coffee, we sat at a table and had some basic get-to-know-you talk. I did a cold read on her ethnicity by assuming she was Puerto Rican (she was mixed B&W). She mentioned that she used sunscreen, which I teased her about...
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    FR I Keep Struggling to Overcome LMR

    I keep struggling to overcome LMR. I had a girl over from Hinge to play pool and hangout last night. When she came over we sat on the couch and talked for a few minutes. Then we played a few games of pool (vibing, flirting, and some touch sprinkled in). At one point, I showed her how to...
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    FR Escalation and how to deal when you fail to escalate

    So i went on a date last night to a pub in Toronto. The girl and took some time to vibe but we vibed, we were sitting across the table which I normally don't like because it makes it difficult to physically escalate. I entered the date in a bad mood cause the rejection from another girl 3 days...
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    Transitioning from the Couch to the Bed

    In years past, I didn't really have any furniture in the living room of my apartment. Just a chair, table for work, and my art on the wall. Whenever I would pull a girl back to my place, it was simple. We'd go straight to my bedroom to watch TV, smoke, chill, etc. (because my TV & bed were in...
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    FU Girl Wanted Sex But Had Continuous LMR

    I went on a coffee date with a girl from Hinge. The date went well (flirting, strong eye contact, sexual intent was shown by both parties, kino, etc). Within the first 20 minutes of the date, she was already asking where I lived and if I lived by myself. Fast forward to the end of the coffee...
  6. J

    Socializing Social circle: How would you handle this situation and escalate with the girl?

    Hi folks, I'm a gamer guy who recently got out of a long-term relationship. Ever since then, I've been having dating and flinging and just catching up on what I missed out on in my youth. When I was younger, I never really played the dating game because I was just really obsessed with games and...