FR++  Almost but Not Quite


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Sep 9, 2013
Fuck its been a long time since I've written one of these, but I am happy to say that I did get a girl back to my place (or more aptly put, me and my parents house). If you guys don't read this whole thing I ask that you please read the Final Thoughts section. So here's the tale:

Sliding Into the DMs
I was perusing Instagram doing some profile management by deleting old people who I no longer cared to follow and ended up on the "suggested friends list". I saw some girl I briefly knew from high school and hit follow. She followed back so I decided to test the waters by liking her most recent pic to see if she would do the same. She did, so I took that as a green light to, ahem, "slide into the DMs". I shot her some messages that looked something like this:

Me: Hey Kelly! Are you still in XYZ club? (note: not real name, also I was president of the club just aforementioned)
Kelly: Hey Atlas! No sadly I had to move schools and it's not offered there
Me: Oh well shit happens I guess lol. So what are you like a sophomore in highschool now? (I knew she was much older, but just used this tease her)
Kelly: Oh my, I'm a senior now (laughing emoji)
Me: Close enough haha. So where do you go now?
Kelly: Its quite off, and XYZ town (not too far away)
Me: Nice. You know Kelly, I have a confession to make
Kelly: ok, what would that be?
Me: I think you're really cute. We should get together some time
Kelly: aw thank you, and we should
Me: Your welcome (smiley emoji) How about we text from now on XXX-XXX-XXXX
Notes thus far: Usually I wouldn't be so bold, but since I was president of the club we were both in (and a really fucking good one) I felt I had some decent leverage. Also I've maintained my social media accounts to make look like a stud

From there we texted back and forth for a little bit and then that was that. I texted her the next day which I asked:
"Hey Kelly, whats my favorite little insomniac up to? (it was late she claims she never sleeps)
From there we talked about favorite TV shows because I was watching Game of Thrones. I tried to slip some sexual talk in a little bit by telling her how theres a bunch of intense sex scenes and my parents walk by accidentally during them and think I'm weird. She said that all shows were like that and one she is currently watching has a bunch. I then accused her of only watching the TV show strictly for the sex scenes. Then I got to what I really wanted to talk to her about:
Me: Anyways, lets grab some ice cream or something together soon. Are you free anytime within the next week?
Her: Yeah, I'm free Thurs. and Sundays. I never work those days.
Me: Sounds good, how about I pick you up on 7:30 Thurs (it was Tuesday at the time)
Her: Yep sounds good (smiley)
Me: Awesome be ready to have fun (smiley)

So I did the standard, "hey Kelly we're still on for tonight right" text earlier on Thurs and asked for her address. I promised my buddy I would hit the gym with him at 5:30 and then just shower at the gym then go straight to the date. So I hit the gym and mid way through the workout I looked outside and it was raining really hard outside. I had initially planned to get ice cream and then go for a walk around the park, but this fucked my plans pretty nicely. The gears started to turn in my head, i felt like the proverbial "mouse running the wheel in my head" was dying because I was running out ideas quickly as I began to think of them. Eventually I settled on something I was rather confident would not work; I would suggest that we just watch a movie at my house. I've had plenty of women tell me no thats something they don't want to do as a first date, and to be honest I totally get it. But it was the best option I could think of.

I finished my workout and texted Kelly informing her that the weather sucked and that we should just catch a movie at my place instead. I was astonished when she said sure. So I showered, cleaned myself up and threw on some nice clothes and cologne then left for her house. As I approached her house, I was rapidly becoming more confused as the route to her house ended in a place that didn't make sense on my cellphones GPS. So I drove where I thought was her house and ended up in some old dude's driveway. He was out watering some plants.I smiled and waved as I passed him. He stared at me like if the Purge ever became real, then he was coming for me first. I quickly realized I was in the wrong place. So I turned around and to my surprise was chased down by the old man yelling at me. As tempted as I was to start flooring it, something compelled me to stop. Maybe this old geezer could help me. So I rolled down my windows and he was actually significantly more polite than I thought, but maybe that's because he just wanted me off of his fucking property. He pointed me to the right direction, which was just the next road over. Cool, still on time. I got this right? Nope. I found the road she was on but none of these damn houses are marked with numbers. I drive around for a few minutes and decided to pull into yet another persons driveway. I texted my girl and told her what kind of car I was driving. She told me that I just one house over and she would come out.

She came out as I pulled closer to her house and jumped in my car. My dad was the last person in my passenger seat and he's super tall so we both laughed as she basically fell into the seat in my car. I'm super cheerful so I dispelled the awkwardness quickly. Although I was a little disappointed I didn't have the opportunity to give her a hug when we met. I like to break the contact barrier as quick as possible, but in the situation there wasn't much I could've done. I hit the GPS for my house because I didn't know the area around her place and looked at the time. 52 minutes. Fuck thats a long drive to keep a girl entertained. She may have moved, but I moved as well. I spend most of my time in the town where both of us originally came from which is why I didn't mind driving from there to her place, but to drive from her place to mine was a dick drag. Again surprised, this shy girl basically wouldn't shut up the whole time. She was one of those girls who is super shy and quiet but once they start talking they just don't stop. I'm guessing its just from holding back from everybody else or some shit.

The Date
We arrive at my house. As a college student home for the summer, I requested that my parents head upstairs to their room as I would like the living room via text message before I picked up my date. I walked in the door relieved to not see my parents downstairs. I asked that she took her shoes off, she complied and as she took her shoes off I told her to just go make herself comfortable on the couch. I sat down on the couch with her and asked her what her favorite type of movies are. Being the shy girl she is, she said "anything". I hate it when girls say that. I've done this a few times so I picked a scary movie. I like these because it gives the girl an opportunity to hug onto to you if she is afraid or whatever. I picked Paranormal Activity, and a few mins in it did not look like a promising movie and she complained that it looked shitty quality. My dad came down right at that moment, and he's really fucking good with people. As I've posted before some of my female friends probably like him more than me, he's the shit I love my dad. But my dad sorta fucked me over by saying "oh come on Kelly, you don't want to watch that do you? What kind of movies do you like? I bet you like something funny!" She agreed. My dad went upstairs, and I thought "ok shit, time to change movies fast. This isn't a fantastic start." So we switched to Step Brothers. I'm unconvinced anyone has not seen this movie before, but she claimed that she hasn't so we watched that. Honestly, it was a little awkward because I've seen the movie like 27 times so I had to force the laughter at times. She seemed amused by it so that was good.

30 mins into the movie, I realized I was cold as shit. I also realized that as my dad was berating the movie I picked, he cranked down the temp in my house since he likes it cold. I told Kelly that it was cold and I was going to get a sweatshirt and asked if she would like one as well. She said sure so I gave her one of my Marine Corps ones and said "congratulations you're in the Marines now" and she said "OMG thanks I worked so hard for it". We laughed. Veiled under that laughter was my increasing anger at myself since I hadn't been touching her as much as I would've like. So now we're at about one whole hour into the movie and I haven't even touched her; I thought I was fucked. As we put on the sweatshirts, I put my arm around her and told her to stop being shy. I couldn't think of a tactful way to kiss her throughout this movie, but at least I was maintaining contact so that I was a plus I reasoned to myself. The movie ended and I thought "this is do or die, I have to do something.

Getting Frisky
I threw on Paranormal Activity just so we weren't listening to whatever gay shit was on the TV and I turned to her with my full intentions to kiss her. She looked at me, then off to side and started apologizing. She said she just had a really bad day and sorts of stuff. I was confused as shit, but there was no way I was going to let this opportunity going to waste. I said "well I bet I can make your day better" and took my fingers, lightly grabbed her chin pulling it so she was looking me in the eyes and kissed her. She was an aggressive kisser, but not a great one. It's the effort that counts I guess. I love being the first one to pull back on kissing so I did and she just attacked me again.

I told her that we should go upstairs to my room, where there isn't shit to do because I don't currently have a TV. We hop on the bed and she looks a little nervous/awkward. I smiled and went in for the kiss. We started kissing and then I started taking her top off. I helped her take her glasses off so she could get her shirt off. I took off my sweatshirt and my necklace and we resumed kissing. I got on top of her and we kept at it for a while. I tried to get her bra off a few times and rub her vag but she kept saying not tonight even though I could tell she liked it. There was a lull in the kissing twice, and she laid back, staring at my ceiling and looking around my room. I was confused as shit yet again, but smiled at her at looked at her with bedroom eyes. She smiled back and said "Stop looking at me! You're making me feel embarrassed" I just told her that she was beautiful and I couldn't help it. We quickly got back to kissing, and after probably 20 mins or so I told her I had to get water. I really was thirsty, but I thought that if I gave her a second alone in my room then she would get more comfortable and want to fuck. Nope, I was gone like 45 seconds and came back to her with her shirt on. She asked me if we could leave soon. I don't know why she wanted to, but she was looking through some messages on her phone and I briefly saw some pics and some messages that looked like she could some family problems that she needed to solve. I put my arm around her, hugged her and said "of course, when do you want to leave" she said something to the effect of in a little bit. I hugged her for a few more mins and we got in my car and I took her home. On the way home, she kept talking the entire time just like she did on the way over. She said that she had plans for tomorrow, but since it was raining they were going to get cancelled. I told her that I would like to hang out with her again and she agreed that she would as well. I dropped her off and said our goodbyes and I regaled my friends with my story on the way home.

Despite the fact that I slept in, (even though I didnt have anything planned for today) I woke up excited to go on another date. I hit the gym as usual and while I was there I texted my girl and told her that I would like to see her today if she wasn't busy. She said she wasn't yesterday, so I thought I was in the clear. She said "what were you thinking?" I told her that the weather sucked again today and we should just catch another movie at my place. I really just wanted to bang her because I thought she would loosen up a little more after yesterday. She said "sure, what time". i told her 8. I was surprised when she texted me back with the following:
Her: I'm supposed to be doing stuff around that time, we could maybe wait until Sunday if you'd like? Its supposed to be nicer weather anyways.
Me: More important stuff than hanging out with me? haha. its cool I understand. (I did not understand)
Kelly: Well I told you about my todo stuff for today (laughing emoji)
Me: Boorrringggg. (I may have told her I was cool with it, but I still wanted to try to convince her to come to my place)
Kelly: won't be too bad (what the fuck does that mean lol)
Me: its fine we'll just wait until Sunday (still left unread hours later)
Notes: Honestly this is the worst text exchange I've had in a long time. What do you guys think? Did I fuck myself over here, because I think so.

Final Thoughts
Well I'm happy that I got to have to some fun yesterday, but a little upset that it didn't culminate into anything today. One thing that has been nagging at me is: What do I want out this? I honestly can't answer that for myself until I've spent more time with her, but I think I want more than just sex. I'm pretty stressed that she re-scheduled just because I imagine her going out with other guys, and I haven't been this needy in a while. Anyone have any advice on that? Also anyone have any awesome date ideas? Netflix and Chill is sorta my staple (even though i was doing it before everyone else) and it sounds like she wants to do something more on Sunday. Anyways, if anyone has constructive criticisms please let me know because I don't want to lose this awesome girl to a dumb mistake. Thanks for reading.



Modern Human
Modern Human
Feb 5, 2017
I think when you left the room to get water was the wrong move. Anytime a girl I've been with has gotten logical, it doesn't end well. I think you should have tried to go the bout of passion route, might have worked a little better. Another thing you could do is keep moving forward, and anytime you sense some resistance, pull back before she says anything, and then keep pushing the limit until she becomes used to it, and then rinse and repeat.

Regarding the texting I think you're fine.

By "won't be bad" I assume she means the wait until you see her won't be bad, but I could be wrong. Just set it for Sunday and then leave it until Sunday. There's a chance she might end up flaking, just from personal experience.

Can't really help you in terms of the date :/ I usually go for coffees on my first date and then try to use wine as an excuse to come back to my place. If she wants to go outside, then maybe a park near your house, and just start walking until you end up at your place? She's already been inside so I wouldn't imagine too much resistance to that.

With regards to the feelings, at least for me, I don't have that many experiences so I still get attached quickly. Not sure if you're in the same boat, but I would try to think through it logically in terms of what you want in the long term, and do what you think is best for you.

Hope it works out :)


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Sep 9, 2013
Hey Kvothe! Yeah leaving the room to get water was a pretty suck ass idea on my part, but I was getting bored of just kissing and she was pretty adamant about not having sex. I tried waiting until I kissed her to start grabbing around hoping the passion would win over, but at the end of the day I didn't want her to feel like I was doing something she really wasn't cool with. Its weird but I'm just an emotional guy which is why I get attached to people so much, but I'm sure for you it will wear off after some more experience. All in all thanks a lot for the advice. It was all good shit and if anything helped me feel better about the decisions I made and things I could've done better. I appreciate it.
