"Be Busy"


Jan 28, 2013
I hear/read this advice a fair bit - "be busy", or "have a life that a woman would like to be a part of"

I also read this from one of Colt's recent articles:

Find reasons to leave your home. Introverted people are pros at finding excuses to stay home. I used to have periods a few years ago when I would go 2-3 days without stepping outside. It felt good at first because I was very productive, but after a while, I started to feel like I was wasting opportunities to have new experiences out in the world and started to feel a void in my life.

At that point I made a promise to myself to get outside every day – rain, sleet or shine. I think every introvert can benefit from venturing out into the world every so often. Whether it’s working on a project with someone in a café instead of your home, or going to the bookstore to buy the latest Tim Ferriss book instead ordering it on Amazon: find reasons to get outside and expose yourself to the world.

I can relate to the above as I could easily find things to do/work on at home for days on end - but at the same time understand this isn't doesn't appear exciting to women.

What are some good ideas to "occupy" myself outside of the house?


Tribal Elder
Tribal Elder
Mar 1, 2013
I'm currently breaking my mild introverted mindset, and find every excuse to leave the house. The best things to occupy yourself while outside are plain and simple hobbies, outdoor hobbies that require you to leave your house. My example, I play basketball with friends, do Karate, Jiu Jitsu, Judo, and BJJ outside in the garage and also practice with friends who do the same, and actually getting into the world, I go out to department stores for everything whether it's walking around looking at items I may need ( fishing tackle, clothes, sports gear, ummm shampoo) anything that requires me to get into the world I do.