Conversation Examples


Tribal Elder
Tribal Elder
Mar 1, 2013
At my friends suggestion, I'll be posting a compilation of conversations with different women I've had. It is my hope that you read through and can learn a few things. Here we go ;)

Working Woman

So, while my mom was in JC Penney's looking at clothes, I decided to check out the Paul Mitchell place and talk to a stylist for some ideas about what I could do with my hair. The lady behind the counter was flirting with me a little, and after I asked to talk to a stylist, she said "Okay, I'll find our cutest one." What a good girl ;)

So, about 3 minutes later this girl comes by and sits down, I immediately open with
Me: "You're the stylist I presume."
Her: "Yes sir I am" with a smile
Me: I smiled back "Great! I think we'll get along perfectly!"
Her: "What makes you say that?"
Me: "The lady behind the counter said she'd find me the cutest stylist, and she did not lie. Anyway, if my hair ends up looking as good as yours I'll be ecstatic!"
Her: "Well then! I'll give you a style to match the rest of you!"
Me: "HEY! I came in to look good afterward!" (I love using self-depreciation)
Her: "Ohhh trust me you will!"
Me: "You're not just flirting with so I'll be a client, right?" (said this playfully)
Her: "Who me? Of course not! Don't be silly!" (sarcastic tone)
Me: "Hmmmm, do I detect a hint of sarcasm!?" (mocked her)
Her: "Just a little" (we were both laughing)
Me: "I like a girl who can make me laugh. Anyway, (shaked my hands outs) let's get down to business. Do you see any possible hair styles working?"
Her: "Hmm I playing around with a few ideas in my head..."
Me: "Ohhh! What kind of ideas?" ( I said this very very sexy!)
Her: "Just....a .... you know... just.. a few ideas for your hair..."
Me: (skeptical look) "This is gonna end up like Zohan isn't it!?" (dude bangs his clients after cutting their hair)
Her: "Let's just focus on one thing at a time, you're making me lose my concentration"
Me: "Ohhh sorry, was just having fun, let's get serious" (mockingly stern face)
Her: she busts out laughing! "Ohh stop, I really don't know what to do with you!"
Me: "I have a few ideas ;)"
Her: "I bet! So, do you have any ideas for your hair?"
Me: "I do, but I don't have the time to get it cut today. I'd like to set up an appointment for another day though, can I have your contact information?"
Her: "Of course, this one's for business (card), and this one's personal (her cell number)"
Me: "I wonder which one I'll use first ;)"
after that she went to work on another client, and I walked out. Stopped at the door looked back and she smiled, then put her hand up to her ear with a "call me" signal... Of everybody, this girl was probably the toughest because she was in the middle of her work and had to focus on that, so, she was trying to resist the sexual frames but didn't so, I assume that's why she gave me her cell number.

Girl Shopping at Rainbow: Selena

This other girl was probably the next toughest, if not tougher than the stylist. I approached a girl in Rainbow, who I didn't know what with 2 friends (they were at a different store)

Super cute Venezuelan chick!

I saw her, and floated around, looked at some clothes near where she was, and saw that she held up an outfit to her (it was a red tube top with a flower design), that's when I opened.

Me: "You should buy it, that looks pretty good on you."
Her: (surprised) "Ohh thank you, do you really think so?"
Me: "Actually yeah, that dark red really compliments your skin tone."
Her: "Mmmm checking me out huh?" (skeptical look)
Me: "A little hard not to" (playfully checked her out"
Me: "Anyway, I'm Richard."
Her: "Selena."
Me: "Nice to meet you Selena. So what brings you here instead of somewhere more interesting?"
Her: "Just shopping around on a day off, killing some time."
Me: "Any particular reason? Sounds like you have plans later."
Her: "My friends are trying to figure out what to do later, I'm just kind of whatever about it,"
Me: "Just going with the flow huh? I like it."
Her: "Haha thanks, my friends are horrible with planning!"
Me: "So ordinarily you like to plan far ahead?" (this is actually the first time I've been able to use this. This is from Chase's 8 questions to ask women article)
Her: "I guess so, it depends on what the event is, mostly though, I like to have a rough idea of what I'm doing."
Me: "Very understandable. You seem to have a nice blend though."
Her: "Blend of what?"
Me: "Personality. You like to plan ahead so you're a bit methodical, so you have some discipline in your life. At the same time you can be easy going, and laid back, it's a great blend we have." (I'm not sure if you can consider this a cold read or not)
Her: "Very true. You said we though, so you're the same way?"
Me: "For the most part, like yourself, it kinda depends on what's going on though."
She got a phone call at that moment, and this is when I found out that her friends were at the mall too
Her: "Damn, my friends kinda decided on a plan and they want to go pretty soon..."
Me: "What's the plan?"
Her: "Going to a bonfire later tonight, then I'm spending the night at my friend Michelle's house."
At this point, I kinda made a slightly drastic move, and I don't know if it was a good move to make at the time, I kinda took a leap of faith on a whim...
Me: "So how much time before you gotta leave?"
Her: "I don't know, probably about five or ten."
Me: "Okay, why don't you pay for that top, and come sit with me for a minute..."
Her: "Eeeeee, I really don't know if I have the time..."
Me: "C'mon, your friends will be able to find you easier if you're sitting out and about, besides, they can wait a few minute can't they?"
Her: "I rode with them so I kinda gotta follow their schedule... I'm sorry."
Me: "Don't be sorry right now, you can still stop yourself from making a mistake. (at this point we were in line) I'm gonna let you pay for this, and I'm gonna go sit out side on the bench near Aunt Aunnies, when you're done, come have a sit down with me."
Her: "What mistake could I be making..." (a little confused)
Me: "Missing out on an opportunity to keep talking, if we stop now, we'll probably never see each other again, and I don't want you to regret not making the most out of this now, so, I'll see you by the bench?" (I felt like I was being a bit bold, but it was definitely working, I saw her face change for the better as I finished my sentence)
Her: "I'll be there."
I sit on the bench, and about 2 minutes later she came and sat by me...
Me: "Nice to see you made it Selena, why don't you give me your number now so we can meet up again?"
Her: "Definitely, before my friends come kidnap me..." I gave her my phone and she put her number down
Me: "Woooohhhh. Now there's room to breathe."
Her: "Just in time, my friends are right over there."
Me: "Talk about cutting it close, huh Selena!?"
Her: "Yup! I expect a text later! Bye Richard" (ran off waving to me, met up with her friends and was giggling)
Me: "Bye Selena!"

I texted her earlier today, with
"Hey Selena ! This is Richard, save my number!"
"Hey Richard! How's everything going, it was nice meeting you."
"You too! How was that bonfire? Make me any smores?"
"It was good, really f***ing smoky! Sorry for my language and awww didn't know you wanted any smores =("
"It's fine. But now you owe me ;) How about we go out this week, what's your schedule like?"
"Haha. Okay :cool: I'm free Tuesday, Thursday, and Sunday night from 7 onward"

Shit Tester : Melissa

ext girl I was walking through the mall, and my mom told me,
"Hey Ricky, that girls looking at you?"
"Which one?"
"The one with the blue shorts."
"Be right back Mom"

Ran up to her and said:
Me: "If you're gonna smile at me like that, you should at least say hi"
Her: "Haha. Hi! I'm Melissa, I just happened to notice you."
Me: "Well aren't you so glad you did? I'm Richard"
Her: "Nice to meet you Richard"
Me: "You too Melissa. So besides staring at guys, what do you do for fun?"
Her: "Get those guys to come talk to me ;)"
I took this as a test, I'm sure she was interested in how Id respond... which was:
Me: "And I'll bet I'm one of the few who had the balls to do so. You're welcome!"
Her: "How'd you know? I mean that most guys don't, you know, come talk to me, why is that?"
Me: "This isn't my first rodeo Melissa. I used to be that guy."
Her: "You used to be a bitch? Id have never guessed, you walked up to me so confidently! Am I not that attractive?"
Me: "Attractive? I'm still deciding on that bit. But yeah, I used to be a bitch, lucky for you, I'm not anymore"
Her: "Lucky me huh? You seem pretty confident about yourself, almost conceded."
Me: "Yes, lucky you. I don't know about conceded or not, but, I did have the balls to approach you when so many guys couldn't, seems pretty fair to me."
Her: "So you do this type of thing all the time?"
Me: "If by this, you mean socialize, then yes."
Her: "I mean, what do men call it, 'pick up women?'"
Me: "Nope, I don't always pick up women, but when I do, I prefer to use my arms"
Her: she was getting frustrated... "I mean, seduce women, have sex with them, use them!"
Me: "Believe it or not... that's a touchy subject for me... I hate guys that abuse women..."
Her: "You're just saying that..."
Me: "Believe what you want. I came over here to talk to you because I saw you smile at me, and because I enjoy talking with people."
Her: "Sorry, I've got bad history with guys"
Me: "Here, come sit with me..."
Her: "Okay..."
She proceeded to tell me about her history with guys, and I was stone cold in not becoming an emotional rock...
Me: "You sound like you've had it rough. Why don't you give me your number, and I'll take you on an adventure!"
Her: "An adventure? Okay." I gave her my phone, and she sent a text to her phone...

This girl oughta be pretty interesting to chat with, she reminds me a bit of this girl NarrowJ posted about sometime recently. All over the place, and jumping from subject to subject

A Pull Out of My Zone: Lisa

I was walking through the park, and this girl jogged past me, I lazily looked up and gave a half-hearted smile. She reciprocated the smile, and I sat on the bench in the park, just gazed at the stars, and felt happy for a moment, I looked up and had a genuine smile =) At that same moment, the girl jogging stopped, and came sat next to me, so I opened immediately:
Me: "Here to keep me company are ya?"
Her:"Just a little, you seemed a little down..."
Me: "A little, but nothing I can't handle.."
Her: "Well, what's going on in your life?" I was spacing out a little bit
Me: "You ever notice how beautiful the stars are?"
Her: "All the time."
Me: "I'm sorry, I haven't introduced myself, I'm Richard."
Her: "No biggie, I'm Lisa."
Me: "Lisa... so Lisa, why are you jogging at this time of night? instead of at home relaxing"
Her: "I am relaxing right now, jogging puts me at ease."
Me: "So does conversation with a stranger, right?"
Her: "Only if it's good conversation, besides, we're not strangers anymore are we?"
Me: "Exactly right Lisa, so (I looked up at the stars again), what do you besides jog?"
Her: "I'm athletic. I like swimming, volleyball, jogging obviously. Haha."
Me: "You've got a really warm laugh, I like it."
Her: (blushed) Ohhh, well... thank you Richard..."
Me: "No problem, so, tell me some more about yourself..."
Her: "Umm let's see, I was born in Ohio, and moved here when I was about 6. I had a typical girl childhood until I started doing sports, and before I knew it high school had finished, now I'm working part time at Cone Cottage."
Me: "Typical girl childhood huh? That means you got into high school and went crazy for guys right?"
Her: "Actually no, I've had a few good boyfriends, but, I guess you could say I'm a little more reserved."
Me: "I can respect that," at this point I stared into her eyes...
Me: "So, are you single now?"
Her: "Actually yes. Things went kind of sour with my ex Michael, and we broke up about 2 months ago."
I played the silence, looked away like I was reminiscing, implicitly showing that I had a similar experience...
Her: "So, how about you?"
Me: "What about me?"
Her: "What's your story? I've talked about myself, I want to hear about you..."
Me: "Well, I grew up kind of alone. Kept to myself, was a quite kid, lacked a real relationship with my dad, and found comfort in martial arts, and eventually found a father figure in my life, and I've been growing and maturing for a long time now. I actually do Karate over there (pointed to the family center in the park)."
Her: "Sounds like a sad story, but you didn't let it hold you back. That's very admirable Richard."
Me: "You too... you don't look a day over 20, and you seem mature.."
Her: "My life hasn't been that easy, I grew up fast raising my younger sisters. They're 18, and 16 now."
Me: "So you must be about 23 or so?"
Her: "Exactly right..."
Me: "It must've been hard raising your sisters when you were so young yourself. I'm guessing sports became your outlet for all that time you missed out on when you were younger?"
Her: "Yes, but I love my sisters, and couldn't imagine my life without them..."
Me: "I feel that way about a few friends. It's hard to get into my heart, it's a challenge to get me to respect someone, but when I do, I'm a friend forever..."
Her: "You're really mature yourself. I really admire your personality..."
Me: "Thank you. Look, why don't we exchange numbers so we can connect more frequently."
Her: "Gladly =)"

My Regular Style of Opening: Most Women ;)
Most of the time, my dialogue consists of humor and seriousness, here are a few examples:

I touch her under her elbow, and hand her my paper:
Me: "I got everyone in class except you, your name is...."
Her: (as she goes through her backpack for her paper) "It's Lori, and here's my paper."
Me: "Okay, let's see what we got here." and she suddenly laughs,
Me: "What's so funny, Lori?"
Her: "If you could marry anyone it'd be Eva Mendes?"
Me:" Sorry. Haha. Did I take your pick?"
Her: "Ohhh for sure! That girl is beautiful! Just kidding, I'm definitely into guys!"
Me:" Hmmm, interesting... it just so happens that I like girls who like guys ;)"
Her: "Well that's always a plus! It'd be weird if you had a fetish for lesbians"
Me: "Good thing you're not one then, though it might be sexy..."
Her: "Well, this one time at band camp!"
Me: "Ohhh smooth Lori, real smooth!"
at that point we stop by the doors, and it looks like she's waiting for someone, I was walking out of the door and saw her stop...
Me: "You know, if I didn't know any better. I'd say you were waiting for someone."
Her: "How'd you figure that one out?" (in a sarcastic tone)
Me: "It's a gift really. Haha (she reciprocates by laughing), so who are you waiting for? Mom, dad, boyfriend? Extra terrestrial alien? hmm, I've never driven home in a UFO..."
Her: "Tonight it's not a UFO, they're a lot of fun! Haha, I'm actually waiting for my mom, no boyfriend for me?"
Me: "Ohhh well, why don't you walk with me to my car, keep me company til your mom gets here?"
I start walking on a high point, and she walks quickly to catch up
Her: "HEY! I can't keep you company if you just walk off like that."
Me: "I wasn't walking off, I was just exercising. Haha"
Her: "Smooth one Richard, so what kind of car do you drive?"
Me: "You'll see it soon enough. Anyway, what kind of major are you pursuing?"
Her: "Well, I want to own a business one day, and I'll need communications in my future."
Me: "Ohh snap! Let me get your number now, I want to stay in contact with a fortune 500 CEO"
Her: "You're so silly. Haha. So what are you pursuing?"
Me: "You (said this very slyly and suave.)"
Her: busts out laughing! "Haha. Well you're doing a very good job."
Me: "Yeah (stretch back), I know (said cockily and teasingly). But seriously, why don't you give me your contact info (as I hand her my phone) so we can talk about your plans of being CEO over lunch some time?"
Her: "Sure, I'd love to." (Puts down her number), then says... "Ohhh, that's my mom!"
Me: "In just the nick of time! Anyway, talk to ya later Lori, bye!"
Her: "Yup. See ya soon Richard!"

Moving a Woman: Valerie

Spotted the girl looking at a J. Cole CD, the Born Sinner album, I noticed it out of my peripheral vision, and just effortlessly walked past her, circled around to the opposite aisle looked at a few CDs, nonchalantly looked up to the top rack and saw her looking at me, I looked down and smiled, I turned to my side and saw her smile out of my peripheral. At that moment, I circled around effortlessly again, I walked slowly and comfortably, ended up a couple feet away from her looking through a couple newer rap releases. Again out of my peripheral I saw her look at me, and then I approached:

Pre-opened her from the side with a gentle nudge, and asked her
ME: "That your favorite kind of music?"
Her: "Actually yes, haha. Strange I know."
Me: "Why strange, it's only rap music"
Her: "Yeah, but I'm a girl."
Me: "Sooooooo, nobody is judging you here."
Her: "Are you sure?"
Me: "Yes I'm sure, I'm actually buying this album myself. I'm Richard" (handshake)
Her: "Nice to meet you Richard. I'm Valerie."
Me: " Hi Valerie."
Her: "So, you're buying J. Cole? Are you serious?"
Me: "Of course, huge fan, how about you?"
Her: "Of course I am. Been following him since The Come Up."
Me: "Nooooooooooo.... nuh uh... nobody I know has been that dedicated."
Her: "I'm Valerie, nice to meet ya."
Me: "Well Valerie, you're one of a kind, and it just so happens that I like girls like that."
Her: "Well gracias senior. "
Me: "De nada mamita. Okay, so, you're really into rap music then,what's your favorite aspect? Lyrics, beats, flow, what?"
Her: "Well, I've been a huge fan for about 7 years now, and I really vibe with that old school style you know? Well maybe you don't.." (she reacted like she said something wrong)
I placed my hand on her shoulder Me: "Valerie, nothing to be nervous about, pick your head up, I love old school... my brother actually got me into it."
Her: "Really? My math teacher from high school got me into it... used to play Pac, and Em all the time. From there, my taste branched out, and here I am today."
Me: "And here you are today." Grabbed her hand and smiled warmly
Her: "So what about you, how exactly did your brother get you into it?"
Me: "It's a long story Valerie, it all started lik--- Would you care to grab a seat?" (In-the-store subway nearby)
Her: "Certainly, I'm curious."
I lead her along the way with my hand on the small of her back
Me: "So what happened was. I was on my way to Wisconsin to vacation with the family. My brother had a headphone in and was talking to me about hip-hop. At the time I was a huge Lil Wayne fan because some girl I liked turned me on to it, and I just kinda picked it up. That became my idea of hip hop UNTIL!"
Her: "Yeahhhh, until...."
Me: "Ohhh, a little anxious are we. Hold on, I'm getting there" smiled and laughed, she laughed in response, and paused, waiting for me
Me: "Well, my brother handed me his headphones after turning a song on, and told me that what I was about to hear was real rap music. Skeptically, I took the headphones and my taste in music changed forever."
Her: "What song was it?"
Me: "I'll give you 3... wait, how about we make a bet Valerie?"
Her: "Ohhh ;), what are we betting on?"
Me: "How about kisses?"
Her: "Ohh I like kissing, you're on!"
Me: "Okay, 3 guesses. Loser kisses winner!. GO!"
Her: "Let's see... old school... old school... life changing... ummm! The Way I Am by Eminem?"
Me: "Strike one, I'm getting my lips ready."
Her: "Either way I win ;)... ummm Southernplayalisticadillacmuzik?"
Me: "Gotta love Outkast, but nope, one more guess."
Her: "Arghhh... ummmm, how about! Keep your Head up by Pac!"
Me: "Alas, you... got it... wrong!"
Her: "Well, guess that means I gotta kiss ya. I told you I'd still win."
Me: "Wrong!" Gently pulled her by the back of the neck in for a hot kiss! and another! and another... good thing no one was around!
Her: "What now?"
Me: "Well, now you give me your number so we can make plans this week."
Her: "It would be your honor." (took my phone and sent a text to her phone.)
Me: "My honor. Your pleasure ;)"
Her: "Of course, haha. So, what was that song anyway?"
Me: "wait, let's buy the CDs first and then I'll tell you."
Her: "Okay, making me wait =)"
Me: "All part of the plan"
We paid for the CDs and walked out together... got to my car, invited her in, she readily accepted, and sat in the passenger seat.
Me: "Wouldn't you rather come sit by me?"
Her: "Only if you tell me the song."
Me: "Sit by me, and I'll tell you."
Crosses across the car, sits on my lap, kisses my cheek, and says "Now, about that song."
Me: "Okay, fair enough. The song was actually... I Can, by Nas"
Her: "No fair! You said old school!" Playfully hit me
Me: "NO! I said it's what inspired me to listen to old school, never said the song itself was old school. Besides, don't you like kissing me?"
Her: "Of course, now come here!" (pulled me closer to make-out)
After some time we both had other things to take care of (it was about 7 p.m.), and we agreed to meet up ASAP!

When I got home, I checked the text she sent to herself, which was actually was a message to me. It read:
"You're a lot of fun to kiss =P . Definitely hit me up sometime soon. - Val"

I just sent her a text saying " Had a really great time tonight. Next time will be even better ;) - Richard"

and she just responded back saying "You better believe it will be."

MAN! I love Latina women for this reason, they usually respond best to my sexual framing, and my vibe ( I have a playful vibe with underlying sexiness ;))
We'll see what happens though. It's funny, because pretty much the entire bit of conversation was based off music alone, I guess her vast appreciation for it was what attracted her to me, usually I deep dive a bit more, but this happened to work out great!



Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Jul 17, 2013
Zphix, this stuff is absolutely inspired, you're a natural! Loser kisses winner indeed ;-)

Yes, why is it that moms are so much better at noticing when a girl is looking at us than we are ourselves? I remember when my mom used to do this with me, many, many years ago... And I don't even have a good relationship with her.

Love the timeframe constraint usage in the second example, I've been playing with a similar idea but have had much more mixed results. Your method seems solid.

The first example with the hairstylist is shockingly bold... I can see how the audacity itself can generate admiration even in the absence of any other factor.

Thanks for an educational and entertaining read!!!


Tribal Elder
Tribal Elder
Nov 14, 2012
Southern California
Re: STICKIED: Conversation Examples

Good stuff here, Richard. Moved this one to the beginners board and stickied it.

Hopefully people can get some use out of this. =)

- Franco


Tribal Elder
Tribal Elder
Mar 1, 2013
Re: STICKIED: Conversation Examples

Thank you Franco =)


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Dec 7, 2012
Re: STICKIED: Conversation Examples

These made me laugh on more than one occasion.
Very inspiring.

Thanks for sharing them!


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Apr 10, 2013
Re: STICKIED: Conversation Examples

Very very nice!

I'd cut that part of "me I had the balls, the other are all wimps" as it can get a bit self aggrandizing/tacky.

It can work with some girls, it certainly can, some people tend to admire "swashbucklers" and smug attitudes, and sometimes I am like that (smart aleck said my former teacher and "cocky" said my former mentor), but that's not how I'd like to be.

Similar attitudes you can have for other fields, like "I'm bigger than you/the others" for the kids (but not only), "I've got a better job than those losers.." for the top managers or "I'm richer than you are", sounding like the arrogant Jamie Dimon here:

For the same token, a wise man doesn't say -and maybe doesn't even think, that would be the top step!- that people around are dumb.

All the rest, great!


Space Monkey
space monkey
Dec 7, 2012
Re: STICKIED: Conversation Examples

These sound too good to be true. I hope Ill be like this someday in the future! Good job!


Oct 29, 2013
Re: STICKIED: Conversation Examples

Zphix ,

I must say , your conversation skills are impressive . The way you convey humor into your coversation is top notch


Space Monkey
space monkey
Sep 28, 2013
England, UK
Re: STICKIED: Conversation Examples

So going in indirect and friendly (and later on increasing sexual tension/flirting) works too?

Oh, i'm so confused on what to do... :/ Some people say to be direct and state your intentions, this post advocates being indirect and just tease a bit, and everyone else is within a big grey area. This topic is neither fish nor fowl and it's so very frustrating...


Tribal Elder
Tribal Elder
Mar 1, 2013
Re: STICKIED: Conversation Examples


Don't misunderstand. I'm a strict advocate for direct day game.

Direct doesn't mean "Hey, wanna have sex"

Instead direct is implicitly showing your intention. Complimenting and asking are you single is going direct.

Asking for directions and things like that is indirect.


Space Monkey
space monkey
Sep 28, 2013
England, UK
Re: STICKIED: Conversation Examples

But most openers in your examples were rather situational. They depended on what the woman was doing or what environment you were both in; not really connected to the woman herself.
Don't get me wrong, i'd love to be half the conversationalist you are, but it's so difficult with everyone offering different advice:

At the beginning, i followed the conversations on this thread. I was saying mainly situational statements as openers to the girl. But it was very hard to progress into a deep conversation whereby i can state my intentions, as a lot depended on her allowing herself to engage in the conversation, which wasn't often.

Last week, i approached a lot of women saying they were cute. I got a lot of reactions, but not results. i certainly felt like i was chasing, and as a result of revealing my intentions, the mystery was gone from my approach.

This week, i tried a different tactic of going up to women and asking if they were single after the recommendation of many on here. But i got neither reactions or results, just a lot of straight-up rejections. It seemed to me from my post and Franco's comment that this was ineffective for a beginner as my vibe is not exceptional.

And now, looking back at this post, i feel like i'm back at step 1. I hope you can understand why i feel so disillusioned by this topic.

The Tool

Tribal Elder
Tribal Elder
Nov 24, 2012
Re: STICKIED: Conversation Examples

Situational openers are the easiest way to get into a conversation. (chase has an excellent ebook (bonus book) on this that you get if you purchase the main ebook. (not enough time to give examples myself. (Off to the GYM!!! )

Work on fundamentals first if you are not getting results. Work on your looks, and most importantly your vibe. Come off as confidant with a splash of sarcasm. (best vibe in my opinion)


Tribal Elder
Tribal Elder
Mar 1, 2013
Re: STICKIED: Conversation Examples

Work on fundamentals first if you are not getting results. Work on your looks, and most importantly your vibe. Come off as confidant with a splash of sarcasm. (best vibe in my opinion)

As my buddy Tool says: work on your vibe.

In all actuality, it doesn't matter what you open with because every thought/action going on for a girl after you've opened is exactly the same. Its why fundamentals are stressed so much because how you say something is a lot dfferent than what you say.

To clear the air with this post though, this post was a combination of approaches I did when I was running through material and testing stuff, its why you see indirect, direct, and situational openers here. But in my current game, I'm a day game direct guy.

Annndddd... in my opinion whenever you open a girl with an intention in mind then you're chasing her, the point is to turn the tables and get her chasing you. Doesn't matter who starts chasing who because you can do a lot to get her thinking about you as the "prize (as Chase says)" so she chases you.

Sounds like you've got some outcome dependency going on ;)

Mr. oblivious

Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Apr 13, 2014
Zphix said:
Me: "Here to keep me company are ya?"
Her:"Just a little, you seemed a little down..."
Me: "A little, but nothing I can't handle.."
Her: "Well, what's going on in your life?" I was spacing out a little bit
Me: "You ever notice how beautiful the stars are?"
Her: "All the time."
Me: "I'm sorry, I haven't introduced myself, I'm Richard."
Her: "No biggie, I'm Lisa."
Me: "Lisa... so Lisa, why are you jogging at this time of night? instead of at home relaxing"
Her: "I am relaxing right now, jogging puts me at ease."

I just wanted to point out this wonderful transition (removed the focus from you to her so smoothly)