Creepy vibes.


Space Monkey
space monkey
Sep 2, 2020
So I took a walk with my little brother today. And from afar we saw this woman who looked quite young with a child in the kiddie pram. She was a light skin with a dark afro. Quite a slim body. It might have been a babysitter or Milf who knows. Didn't look quite old

As we approached it was tough to remain with strong eye contact as she had a resting bitch face. The child was just being to himself. Is it socially acceptable to greet with kids around. I sense that I wasn't too aware of the social interaction and the context were in. Late afternoon walk around sunset time

To fill the anxiety, I unconsciously started talking to my little brother. Who also seemed to realise t what I was seeing. As we neared her I couldn't help but get an interaction so I decided to throw a hand gesture at the kid.

No response and just felt this unease and emberassment. I looked to my brother and all he did was smile and say what?! (

I should've raised my voice and go for the greeting instead of being indirect.

Note to self
In the face of anxiety, do not look away. Try your best to put your head up high and slowly project the voice from the stomach. Not faint voice, congested from speaking from the nose or chest

any tips are welcome


Space Monkey
space monkey
Sep 2, 2020
Notes on eye contact
Actively trying to study so I get invested and clear flaws
so here we go

-sub communication at the core level, talking in the absence of words
The eyes are used to communicate a wide range of feelings and messages, and what might seem trivial to an untrained guy may well be a crucial signal a more experienced man will jump all over.

From <>
The eyes tell a story, and its quite easy to not notice how it communicates how you are in a social setting. And to what extent you control the situation or remain stoic in it.'
Didn’t quite know this conciously,and can look back in interactions where I was almost scanning too directly, but the point is for the girl to be looking at you first
When she looks at you, she is subtly choosing her attention to you. They are indirectly initiating interest.

To get good at noticing this little nuance, you ought to work on peripheral vision. Apparently it makes the difference.. We will have to try this out
- Move your head slowly
- Move your eyes slowly
- (There is a calmness and sense of Law of least effort as I note this and imagine. You seem less frantic and almost as a natural of the area youre in, street smart)

Stealing glances is bad. Women are too aware of non-verbal comunication/body language
Instead look to the bridge of the nose, make it direct

• Get girls to look at your eyes first.
• Get good at using your peripheral vision to know when girls are looking.
• Move your head and eyes slowly.
• Don't steal glances – if you look at a woman, really drink her in.
• Focus your eyes on the bridge of a girl's nose, in between her eyes. Don't scan.

From <>

- Look from the corner of your eye to communicate sexual vibe
- Be the first to break eye contact before opening, in the case that she caught you looking at her
- Smile warmly and seductively.
- Again don’t spring fast when she initiated eye contact, wait for about 2 seconds

In conversation
Hold eye contact most of the time, however breka from time to time, especially when talking about yourself and using witty remarks( Cheeky joke, laugh etc)
Mirror the interaction. If she is being attentive with her eye contact be attentive, if she is not so attentive, tone it down so youre not overly interested

Videos to increase and improve peripheral vison.
Quite informative to how it helps and prevents neurological dysfunctions.
Used for athletes so this knowledge and research is quite recommended and useful.

Peripheral Accuity was also interesting
