Videos  Cultural hostility towards seduction


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Jul 31, 2019
Hi all,

I’m sure many of you will have noticed but there’s a weird trend at the moment of loser dudes on YouTube making videos “debunking” pickup videos. I can see where some of these are coming from; I saw one where it was a 16 year old trying to hit on girls who were clearly acting and it was fairly funny. But now there are big YouTube channels (with fairly wide influence) aggressively denouncing ideas like there being such a thing as an Alpha Male. It’s kind of funny coming from some of these people, who are in no position to give out advice to young men. Looking through the comments on these videos as well, it’s almost all vitriol directed at pickup/seduction. I think there was always some of this, as both regular men and women would feel a bit threatened by the idea of a conniving pickup artist. Lately it’s become much more mainstream and kind of saddens me. On top of that usually the youtubers will give some milquetoast advice like “Look bro, just be yourself.”

For example:


Mike Silvertree

Staff member
Nov 12, 2019
A long time ago
I only made it a bit past 5 minutes. This guy is laughing at someone explaining what are fairly well established archetypes, that can help you to understand who you are, and can help you work on becoming the best version of you. Let him laugh, let all the incel dweebs that watch his channel laugh along with him. Instead of worrying about this idiot with a haircut straight out of the days when The Beatles and Led Zeppelin were our cultural icons, spend your energy studying, working on yourself, and getting better with women. The more guys follow him, the less competition you will have. Seducers who got laid have always existed and always were hated by the guys who were not getting laid. Have the last laugh, learn to seduce women.

Today's tip: Hating on cool or popular people is uncool and won't make you popular. Jealousy is never attractive.


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Jul 31, 2019
I only made it a bit past 5 minutes. This guy is laughing at someone explaining what are fairly well established archetypes, that can help you to understand who you are, and can help you work on becoming the best version of you. Let him laugh, let all the incel dweebs that watch his channel laugh along with him. Instead of worrying about this idiot with a haircut straight out of the days when The Beatles and Led Zeppelin were our cultural icons, spend your energy studying, working on yourself, and getting better with women. The more guys follow him, the less competition you will have. Seducers who got laid have always existed and always were hated by the guys who were not getting laid. Have the last laugh, learn to seduce women.

Today's tip: Hating on cool or popular people is uncool and won't make you popular. Jealousy is never attractive.

Sorry for the cringe vid Mike! Its weak, negative stuff for sure. It’s never something that interferes in the field, though I’ve had one or two guys get SUPER angry seeing me pickup before. Just weird seeing it being such a popular thing, disparaging guys who want to be better with women. I mean it’s really a positive, motivating thing so it sucks that people have a bad outlook on it.


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Oct 18, 2018
Pretty much second Mike... these kind of "cultural" things never really bother me. In life you have winners and losers and unconsciously everyone has picked their side.