Field report: Social proof while in a relationship

Fuck This

Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Jul 24, 2015
So my Girlfriend is working a booth at a fitness studio when an attractive young lady starts talking with her. My Gf starts talking about group activities and showing her pictures on her phone. The stranger is looking at the pictures and says "Hey I know that Guy! That's Fuck This!"

My girlfriend quickly responds "That's my boyfriend!"

Then the stranger tells her a story about how when she was new in town and didn't have a boyfriend, that she came to our family Easter.

So my GF takes a picture of the two of them together and texts it to me with no explanation.

So I don't know whether that prompted any competitive instinct in my girlfriend or what, but I got laid almost immediately upon arriving home in the middle of the day....

So moral of the story...having attractive female acquaintances can help give you social proof even when you are not in the market. But don't rub it in her face..