FR  First date since last year


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Jun 11, 2013
Went on a date with a girl from yesterday not the same girl from the FR. When I first approached her, she commented on how awkward this was (for her) and I easily dismissed it: “No, it’s not”. She tried to pull the same thign on the date but I said early on: “From now on the words awkward, weird, and strange are banned from this conversation”

Truthfully, I don’t even consider this a date. There was zero chemistry, she wouldn’t even sit next to me, and she refused to open up to me emotionally instead trying to ask me “Tell me about yourself” Silly girl doesn’t understand that it’s not about what I tell HER, it’s about how she opens up to ME. I feel like she wasted my time and feelings. I told her things about myself and for her to still call me a stranger is…hurtful. Wow, I went into auto-rejection. So I’m going to go and find myself a girl who IS interested in me. Let’s put the pedal to the metal!


Modern Human
Modern Human
Jun 16, 2013
Ahh I'd still call it a date Tom (nice to see you back btw) you met and got her interested enough to see you again. Honestly as beginners I think these types of dates have to happen a couple time to separate the wheat from the chaff and improve our conversation skills to the point we're charismatic enough to get anyone to open up (along with their legs ;). I've certainly gone on a few dates like this and tried hard to overcome the resistance and failed (creepily at times lol).