FR  FR The Fraternities first mixer


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Dec 9, 2012
Hello all,
Just here with a tiny FR from my newly founded Fraternity chapters first mixer.
It was on last Saturday the 14th and we were having a barbecue themed mixer with Phi Sigma Sigma(otherwise known as Phi Piggy Piggy because they have some real landmines but I digress…).

I arrive an hour late but I do not miss much, everyone is talking here and there with pong and grilling going on as well. I talk to Sugartits who says these girls are pretty chill and easy to talk to but I just hang around for a tad to say hi to everyone. Eventually I join Sugartits in his conversation with these two girls. One’s name was Sophia the other girl’s name I didn’t care for because her face and body could peel paint of walls. Even when I was in the circle I for the most part was a spectator. I tried to talk to Sophia a little but she was more interested in listening to Sugartits and so was the other girl so I just chilled.

Here is what I need an opinion on and advice.

At some point this girl named Jackie breaks into the group and says
Jackie: Hey you’re that vegan!
Me: Why yes I am(or something like this)
Jackie: I heard from your friend, I’m a vegetarian
I take a lot of crap from my new found vegan diet (I still use leather and wool so im not a full fledged vegan) and everyone in the Frat knows at this point. I notice she was talking to Deepthroat and he must of mentioned it and then she came.

The rest of the interaction was weird because it was a big group of people and not one on one but here are the main things to take notice of.
Throughout the little circle talk she is very flirty, well I think so anyway. Like she goes on a tangent about her nose piercing and asks if people want to look at it and then looks at me and directly asks me if I would like to. I say just a tad with a coy smile.

Later the sun appears above the tree line and begins to blind me. I say this and she then puts her hand up to try and block the sun for my eyes. Now I muff this part up, I don’t say thank you or try and flirt with her because the sun is still bothering the hell out of me. Sugartits then says to just go stand over there with the sun to my back and I do but I do it fast and lame and end up next to Jackie.
Later somehow I end up talking to her once more, we get into a short discussion.
Her: So why did you become a Vegan?
Me: Well I liked the health benefits of it
Her: Oh (I realize she was expecting something about saving the animals or some crap)
Me: but I have seen a lot of the videos about animal cruelty and at this point when I see a piece o steak I only see a dead piece of animal flesh
Her: Did you hear that “name” a dead piece of animal flesh( her biological sister was standing right by kind of just chilling)

I don’t talk to her for the rest of the day, I just chill and observe from the upper floors. Ronaldo starts talking to her later, and they are just talking alone in the middle of the back parking lot and I think he gets her number.

Later in the night a bunch of crap that I can’t really remember but this is the most important one. Another thing to mention is we had the mixer at 4 pm during the day mostly because we wanted to get our reputation up. If we had it at night drunk brothers would be making mad sloppy drunk moves and we didn’t want that.

As a thank you for reading this far I will put up my composite photo for your entertainment. The story behind this is that I was just a lazy bastard and did not get a haircut.
The comments I got during them mixer from girls were “hey you’re sideburns guy” and “you’re the guy with the sultry smile”.
