Frontal Opening vs Side Opening


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Apr 11, 2013
Okay, obviously side opening wins.


Say you're waiting to cross the street, and a really hot girl is on the other side of the street, waiting to cross too!

What do you do here?

Ricardus' answer taken from 16 tips that will make it easier to meet a girl...

Tip #6: There She Goes...

Challenge: She’s walking TOWARDS you… and by the time you open your mouth to talk to her, she has already passed you.

Solution: You need to start speaking while she’s still a good 20 feet away from you. This gives her time to process the fact that somebody is talking to her, break out of her own internal dialogue, extrovert, focus her attention on you and stop. Then you can do what you would usually do in day game.

Chase's answer from his post on fine tuning your opening...

Avoid full frontal opening. When a man opens a woman facing directly at her, he comes on very strong, and he can seem overwhelming. Instead, open somewhat across your body or over your shoulder, only turning to face her more fully as she earns your attention. The one time that opening from the front can more or less be considered standard and acceptable is when you are doing street stops – approaching women walking the opposite direction of you by walking straight into their path facing them, holding your hands up, and telling them, “Stop.” Even then, it’s typically more effective to let them pass you, then turn around and catch up to them and open from the side.

My point of view...

I would say that if the girl is around a bunch of strangers, then wait till she's past you, then turn around and talk to her when there's no one nearby her anymore. But this could indicate that you were stalking her or beating around the bush/hesitating. While, if you opened her right before she passed you, there would be a lot of people staring = a lot of social pressure. So either way, it seems like you lose...

If she's walking on her own and about to past you, then I say you must open her before she passes you. If you let her pass you, then turn around and catch up to her, it paints you as the chaser/stalker/hesitater. The one exception to this is that you don't see her until she's really close to you, then she passes by you. Then you can turn around and catch up to her.

Question about stopping her non-verbally.

How do you signal: "Stop"

Do you just put your hand up like you're about to give someone a high five? Palms facing out and away from you? The reason I'm asking is because a lot of girls wear earphones as they walk.

What are your guy's responses, thoughts, regarding this issue of front vs side opening?