FR  Fuck it


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Jun 22, 2014
I don't know how to begin this but I guess I'm just gonna start, today was my first day off in a couple days and I had a date later on and usually I would stay inside all day recharging since I'm an introvert but I had the random thought of taking the trial day at this gym I've wanted to check out. 

Prelude you can skip
So I shower real quick toss on some black bball shorts with the white stripes on the side a grey tank from h&m, some grey hi top chucks and lastly this black bead bracelet from h&m. 

Right before I leave I get a call from my dad asking me to bring something down for him, I do and he gives me a ride to my barber and I get a fresh ass cut and get my facial hair on point(I've got quite the baby face so the facial hair helps ;)) anyway after the cut I leave the shop and head for the train to go to backbay so I can take another train to the gym on the way I notice massive attention from women and I mentally masterbate for a few minutes... 

After the train I get off at my stop I head to the nearest cvs to grab some gum and a drink I'm Fucking thirsty. I end up running into an old co-worker that worked at the cvs that liked my boy a fellow co-worker but she played hard to get while wanting a relationship and my boy wasn't having it so that ended back to the story chatted her for a few seconds and she asked how he was n I said good, you know the usual but I could feel she was interested but I wasn't. After I bought my stuff bid her fairwell and went towards Newbury street , which is where all the trendy girls go to shop and eat its a nice place.

 After enjoying the sights I head to the nearest t stop which would get me to the gym pretty quickly, but I decided not to take the train instead I decided fuck it ima walk because I know I won't approach girls on the train. so I decide to check out Google maps and I walk along the route, as I'm walking away from the stop I spot this pale red head with this little black dress on and I decide I'm gonna approach.

Main story
She's pretty far away she's about at the corner of the street I'm on waiting on the light to walk and I'm about halfway down the street heading towards the corner but ultimately in the same direction she's going. Some anxiety pops up but she does the hair flip and I'm like okay she wants me to approach I'd better Fucking do it.

So the light turns and she crosses I cross where I'm at and pickup the pace a little anxious and I eventually catch up to her I almost decide not to approach but I move to her side and cup her elbow to pre open but I made the mistake of looking at her while doing it. All anxiety I have is gone I was Fucking surprised and I comment about her amazing figure and I introduce myself she says thanks and she gives me her name Renee.  I ask where she's heading and she says back to her convent. I said wait... Your a nun? She says she isn't and she's a violinist a thought pops in my head about saying she's good with her hands but I save it. 

I say wait before I forget let's exchange numbers what's your schedule look like? She mentions being busy with work and school and I press for a hangout I get a maybe and I shrug it off, she still gives me them digits tho. She mentions she's a good girl a bit after and I retort but your dressed like such a bad girl with a smile. We keep talking about the violin and how she plays in a symphony I then ask if she's played the chello. She says yes and something else I don't remember, anyway I drop the line in my sexy but playful voice and she says yes and chuckles a bit.

I don't remember the rest but we cross to anotther street and she says this is her stop I say but I thought that was a comic book shop? She says that this part is and points to the side street and says the convents that way. We exchanged pleasantries and hugged she seemed a bit surprised when I went for the hug.

Later on about two hours later I shoot her a text

Me:Renee save my number - Raqimus

Two minutes later


Two days later well today really, I shoot her the follow up

Me:Hey Renee pretty chill weather we've been having hopefully you accomplished more than me haha, oh when would you be free next week?

About 40 mins later

Her:Right now I have no idea because I haven't been given a new work schedule yet

About an hour later I respond 

Me: Ah, okay then

Then two minutes later

Her:It's okay, I'm sure you got some other girls' numbers off the street lol, so maybe they will be totally free

I decided not to respond but I don't even know if that's the best option. Funny thing is this is the first girl I've approached on the street with the actual intent of practicing day game. I've approached others sporadically on the street over the years like 4 girls max and she's the first this year. Did I come off to uncalibrated? Too smooth? Anyone have any ideas cause I'd like to see how far I can push this. Thanks for reading.