How does social high strategy / strategy / operation works?


Space Monkey
space monkey
Apr 30, 2020
I just ask this question a couple minutes ago:

And there is the concept of strategy levels. Basically there are:
- High strategy
- Strategy
- Operation
- Tactic

Let's say tactics for example.
I make a social experiment today: Going to a luxury car show (higher social value) BY bus (lower social value).
In the luxury car show, most people dress better than me. I talk with a woman but I'm nervous and babble.
In the bus, I am the only guy that dressed well. I chat with a man easily throughout the bus conversation.
So my weakness is operating in environment of higher value (value). No problem with operating in environment of lower value (attainability).
I can search and improve on value.

Next, in social skill, what is:
- The end game
- The big picture
- The cohesive framework


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Oct 21, 2019
I feel that this kind of questions are counterproductive.
You are trying to match seduction to an abstract mental model that does not quite fit.

It can be useful if we compare something from seduction to something for strategy for ease of understanding.
But trying to match both will be an exercise of futility.

If you feel you are lacking a big picture view of seduction, I can strongly recommend Girlschase products.
I bought the old Mastery Package (no longer offered) and it was amazing.
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Space Monkey
space monkey
Apr 30, 2020
Thanks @uriel,

I agree that trying to fit an abstraction to socializing does not help.

For now such a product is out of my budget so I’ll read articles and figure out things by myself. I have article subscription and so far they help me a lot in seduction and socializing.


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Oct 21, 2019
Do that and make sure to apply in real life.
Trust me man, you will get this in some time.

As long as you keep practicing, you intuition will kick in and show you the way.