How Soon To See Girl Post-Sex?


Modern Human
Modern Human
Oct 8, 2015
Hey everyone-

I want to hear your thoughts on when to reach out after you've slept together, and how long after you should plan the date.

I've heard it go both ways on this site. For instance, Pablo's most recent article advocates waiting for her to reach out to you, then setting it up. I know this is a very viable strategy, however it relies on your attainability being perfect, which it often isn't.

I've also read from Chase that you want to reach out a couple/few days later, and that even with girls you intend for a casual relationship, you want to knock the second meet out right away to ensure she converts, and then go for weekly or longer invites. This has been my modus operandi, but I feel like, especially with younger girls, texting her too soon can have her feel like you're chasing her.

I even remember Chase detailing how he'll sometimes see a girl the day after they get together.

So when do you reach out, how soon do you want the second meet to be, and how do you calibrate it to the girl?