how to get and keep the hottest girls by being like christian grey and deadbeat drug addicts


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Jun 9, 2019
first off what does christian grey have in common with a deadbeat drug addict?

for those who don't know christian grey is a fictional character from the book fifty shades of grey. that book is the reason choking has become a normal part of sex. anyone it is about a young multi millionaire ceo. he has great looks and everything a woman would want. he is also a bdsm dom who makes women his slaves. he is a narcissist. women everywhere fantasized about him. the book was an overnight best seller and exposed to a lot of people who were paying attention how kinky women are.

then take the deadbeat drug addict. if you're familiar with the movie casino, sharon stone's character has a deadbeat ex (i believe gambling addict but same thing) that she keeps funneling robert deniro's money too. obviously he is none to happy. but is this indicative of real life? it certainly is. a large percentage, much larger than you may believe, of model tier women are taking care of a deadbeat that can't take care of himself. beautiful women date losers. and it's nothing new.

the thing that christian grey and the losers have in common is they are both self obsessed. the beautiful girl has men obsessing and bending over backwards to please her. the narcisistic ceo type and drug addict is too concerned with themselves. everything she says they've heard it before. they both have more pressing issues in their life than her. she cannot understand why other men fawn over her and these men don't care. in her mind she will make them love her.

pua teaches you high value behavior and taking women off the pedestal. but unless you are fully self absorbed the hottest women are going to bring you into her reality. why do you think the best guys often disagree and argue with each other. because they're totally self absorbed and can't fathom someone else being as good or better than them. let alone be right, because that could mean they are wrong. even though often it doesn't mean that at all. social dynamics are so complex that two people can have opposing views and both be right.

conversely being totally self absorbed will push less attractive women away. they are not constantly gettting validation and will need your validation.

if you want to fuck and keep the hottest women around you don't have to be a ceo or a drug addict. but you, in my opinion (disclaimer) do need to be so focused on yourself that she is not able to suck you in. you have to start believing your own bullshit. when you tell yourself that you're awesome you need to stop questioning it. this is just my opinion again, but i believe that the majority of very beautiful western women are reserved for the narcissists. if being self absorbed is so far outside of your reality you'll probably never get the hottest girls. the hottest girls do go for assholes. assholes are not mean. they are often quite likeable. but they don't really care about other people the way most people do. does that mean you have to be a sociopath? if you really want to have success with the hottest women, in my opinion your odds are exponentially better with dark triad personality traits. it doesn't mean you have to totally lack empathy. but as soon as she cracks your shield, you are going to lose her. again, it is just my opinion, but to hook a beautiful woman for life (why would you want to. they don't stay that beautiful) you most likely do have to be a sociopath. i'm not, but i have enough dark triad personality traits to get them and keep them for a while and i'm happy with that.