Lion's Journal


Jan 4, 2015
Hey homies,

I'm an 18 year old college student and virgin (I haven't even kissed a girl haha). I've spent most of my life hiding the sexual side of myself because I didn't have the guts to take action for myself. If I had taken action for myself, I would've proven to myself how much of a pussy I was/am (and considering the fact that I thought my skills with women would be a static thing, I could see how I made this mistake in my life). But stuffing my interest for women in a small jar and pretending like I didn't have an interest in going for women did nothing for me. I've had a handful of the women in my life chase me, and then get disappointed because I was too afraid to make a move. And I deeply regret it.

Eventually, I went to the Internet to try to find a way to help myself out and I stumbled upon GC. A whole new world was opened up to me. Random ideas I had about women (women secretly love sex, etc.) were confirmed and a ton of new information for me kind of made this website stick for me. I started vigorously reading articles and got myself to a point where I knew a lot of theory (with zero practice). I hastily worked on fundamentals like eye contact, posture, my walk, and I tried my hand with redesigning my mindsets and mentalities. Honestly, I can say I've gotten pretty far since I found the site, but I have absolutely no experience in the real world.

Fast forward to right now as I'm typing this journal entry, I finally made my first stroke on the painting of my progress to becoming good with women. Here's how it went. By the way, this isn't a new year's resolution (new year's resolutions can go die in a hole).

Today I went out with the intention of cold approaching a cute girl during the day... with a couple of rules. In no order of importance, Rule 1: If she's with a group of people, don't approach. Rule 2: Don't come back home until after the approach (I kinda winged this rule when I found out I locked my keys in my house).

I really didn't know where to go at first, so I just started walking around my town looking for places with girls. Supermarket was okay, but I did nothing. Public transportation yielded nothing (it's usually kind of hit or miss). So I went to a Target next to a mall. I saw plenty of girls, most of whom approach anxiety got the best of me for me to approach. There was this one girl with tight who I noticed walking around the electronics area. I really wanted to approach her, but I kept swerving off to "look at something" the shelves nearby. What I noticed the last time I saw her was how she walked toward something that caught her eye. She was fixing her hair as she walked (which I took to be a sign of interest), but when I didn't make the approach on that last time, I noticed, out of the corner of my eye, her kick the shelf she was walking toward. She was getting frustrated that I wouldn't approach her. And it was this moment that I realized that a number of interested women are usually thinking of ways to invite men to approach. And when the men they invite don't approach, they count it as a rejection by the man when it could really just be some dude like me who is just overcome with AA. The more I think about it, the more I realize it's irresponsible as a man to not make the approach.

This kind of thing has noticeably happened to me at least 2 times before, too. The other two times were both separate instances of waiting for a bullet train at the station. What would happen is I'd go up the escalator, see a cute girl at the top, pretend not to have seen her, walk in the direction away from the girl, and then while sitting at the bench, I would see the girl "coincidentally" walk directly in front of me to wait for the train. And for some reason, even knowing she had taken interest in me, I still wouldn't do anything. We would both enter the train and sit in different seats. End of story. It's pretty sad.

So with those past incidents in mind, I decided I had to at least approach someone in the store, so I can help me and the girls who would want me out. So I did. I saw a girl with a kind of preppy outfit and told her she had a really cute outfit. She kind of gave me a weird look and responded too quietly for me to make out the words she said (probably a thanks). It got really awkward standing there saying nothing after that, so I just walked out of the exit with a smile on my face. I finally defeated myself. I opened the Reese's peanut butter cup I had bought and ate it as a reward for approaching and saying something.

This might be nothing to you guys, but it's kind of a stepping stone for me.
Feedback? What could I have done better (in terms of writing and my approach)?


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Jul 14, 2013
Lion, kudos to you for prioritizing this at the age of 18. A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step!

Good job posting on here and taking that first step! Your account is completely normal. The important thing is to keep at it. I often get caught up in analyzing what happens during a single outing, and forget that this is a long-term learning journey. Just keep documenting your outings here, try out new ideas from feedback you get and you'll be good.

I look forward to reading about more of your adventures.