Date Plans  Loss of Frame when Letting a Girl Drive?


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Mar 27, 2023
Yeah it's her investment in you... This was obvious to me as a beginner after reading Chase's book, sleeping on a couch dating a woman who owned two places. Turning things down, like if she offers you a water... you would be hurting yourself to not take it.

To me this is basic seduction 101 stuff you need to rewire your brain for as a novice. It's similar to pre-selection/jealousy, white knighting, paying for nice dinners, etc. She's your chauffer.

Not related to first lay car sex - but if picking up a fuck buddy, rubbing her under the pants while I drive usually helps in skipping awkward conversation. Also try putting her hand on your cock while you drive, but again, this is already with very high compliance.