Night Game Blueprint [Part 2 - Screening and Efficiency]

Warped Mindless

Tribal Elder
Tribal Elder
Nov 20, 2012
Part 2 – Pre-Seduction
Screening and Being Efficient

Screening and Being Efficient

The biggest way to make your job simple and easy is to screen for receptive women. Sure, its possible to approach a women without first screening for receptiveness and get her aroused and wanting to have sex with you but in a nightgame type venue there will be many women who are receptive towards you so why waste more energy than you have too?

Screening for these women is super easy and once you get good at it you will find yourself doing it naturally, without thinking about it. So, what do you look for when you want an easy lay?

Eye contact. Eye contact is so majorly important that it cant possibly be overstated. Eye contact is the biggest indicator of women who are interested in you. If you meet eyes with a chick, hold it longer than most people would have and look at her in a sexual way. If she holds longer than most women normally would, its extremely safe to assume that she is interested and wants you to go meet her.

Another form of eye contact is when she keeps glancing over at you. Women are submissive by nature and are naturally shy because of it. This makes it likely that she wont hold direct eye contact for very long and sometimes not at all. However, if a woman has noticed you and you spark her interest she will throw glances at you every so often. The tricky part to catching them doing this. Women are sly and are very good at checking us out when we arn't paying attention. Most women are so good at this that most men get a lot more signs of interest from women on a daily basis then they ever realize.

If you believe a women is throwing glances towards you there are a few great ways to catch her.

- Look at her from the corner of your eyes. She will think your looking some place else and will safe to check you out.

- Reflections in a window or other reflective surfaces. A great way to catch a woman checking you out is to pretend to be looking through a window or in a mirror. You can then look at the reflection of her and catch her checking you out.

- Above all else, if you think a chick is cute, approach her. Maybe she was checking you out, maybe she wasn't. Who cares? If you find her attractive, go meet her.

Seducing women who either gave you solid eye contact or women who you have caught glancing towards you will be some of the easiest lays you will ever get.

Another highly important part of screening is to screen for Down To Fuck (DTF) women. DTF women are women who go out to get laid. These women make for very simple seductions and easy lays because they make it easy for you. They are after the same thing you are!

DTF women usually fall into a few basic categories

- Lone Wolfs. If you find a desirable women who is out alone, its extremely safe to assume she is wanting some quick dick.

- Women that show more skin than most of the other women around.

- Women who don't look like they club a lot.

- The older women in the room. This is highly subjective and depends greatly on the venue. In a room full of 21 year olds, a 28+ woman would be considered the older woman.

- Women who's eyes keep wondering around.

- Women who are still in the club at closing time.

- Dancing very sexy like on her own or with a female friend.

- Being loud, taking up space, or anything else that she does that draws attention to herself. A woman who's wanting dick wants men to notice her.

In addition to being on the lookout for women in the above categories its also important to be aware when a woman is giving you an approach invitation. An approach invitation (AI) is when a woman sends of subtle hints that she wants you to approach her.

These hints include

- Women who give you prolonged eye contact.

- Women who keeps glancing at you.

- Women are are giving you proximity. Women who want to meet you will often times come and stand in your general area hoping to catch your attention.

- Open body language. Women who are interested in you will often times display open body language such as her body facing towards you.

- Displaying overexertion's. This is anything a woman does to get you to notice her. Often this means coming into your line of sight multiple times. Fixing her hair and clothing when your looking at her, being loud, ect...

Usually any women who wants to meet you will display a combination of the above hints.

Notice: Don't use this as an excuse to not approach. If you don't find any cute woman giving you any AI's then simply pick a woman who you find desirable and go approach her. Just because a woman hasn't giving you any AI's doesn't mean she wont like you it just means she didn't happen to yet notice you in the sea of men.

Another extremely effective but often sneaky way of spotting woman who are easy lays is to look for a woman who has a high buying temperature (BT). BT is simply a fancy term for hornyness. The higher the BT, the more horny the woman is. Usually when you see a woman whos BT is high she is talking to a guy. She may be surrounded by a group but if you pay close enough attention you will notice she is mostly fixated on one particular guy.

Most newbies just assume that when a woman in a nightime venue is talking with a guy, she must know him. It comes as a shock to them when they learn that usually she doesn't really know him at all. He isn't usually her friend, certainly not her boy friend, but most of the time he is just a random guy she met in the club.

When you spot a woman who has a high BT it can be pretty effective to approach her and blow out the guy. The random guy will loose all hope and walk away leaving you with a horny girl. Whether she was horny before she got to the club or the guy did all the work and turned her on doesn't matter, all that matters is that you now have a horny chick in front of you.

There are a ton of ways to blow a guy out but the simplest and easiest way is as follows:

1) Approach her
2) Ignore the guy
3) Lead the conversation. Whenever the guy starts to talk just redirect the conversation back to where you want it to go
4) Escalate with the girl

Eventually the guy will get bored or loose all hope of getting anywhere with her and he will leave you both alone.