Non-creepy approach/opening examples


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Oct 19, 2013
Southern California
Quick background:
After reading most of the articles on GC over the summer, I've made 12 cold approaches since September on the streets/on campus/in stores, and 10 of those openers were a variation of "Hey, FAIRLY-GENERIC COMPLIMENT, and I was wondering if you are single". My first number was totally DTF, took the second girl to an instant date, then I entered a dry spell. I considered the last 10 girls I approached as rejections because they told me they were taken, and I felt like it was too early for me to push things. I tried my best to exit as gracefully and quickly as possible by telling her that (her response) was heart-breaking with a smile or by making a heart with my fingers on my chest and splitting it with an exaggerated pout followed by a smile, then I'd maybe compliment once more and leave the scene telling her to have a great day/evening. For opening, I either jogged up to them from behind, stood/sat right next to them, or did a full-frontal opening, and I can't recall for sure if I was smiling or not.

The issue:
I plead guilty to watching pickup videos on YouTube of RSD's Owen/Tyler, SimplePickup, and Vitaly. I let myself get brainwashed into thinking that I could do those wild/apparently-ballsy things and find success. I haven't done anything YouTube-y on my cold approaches yet, and the "wildest" things I've done were: "guess my ____ within 3 tries or you owe me a kiss" at a party which wasn't very successful and quite retarded now that I think about it, and a cold approach that I opened with "you have an amazing body...are you single by any chance?". I was considering being more ballsy with my cold approaches when I came across this post:

Now I am confused about what is creepy and what is not. I've read the GC articles on how to not be a creepy guy and social calibration, but I feel like I need some concrete examples. I can't really afford to experiment and find out what's creepy and what's not first-hand because I don't want to stir up a bad reputation for my fraternity and my brothers. I can drive out elsewhere and practice, but that's not very optimal for a broke and busy computer science major.

Bottom line:
Can you list some sample openings that went well for you as well as those that didn't?

Much thanks in advance for the guidance.
This site is a gold mine.


Modern Human
Modern Human
Jun 16, 2013
It's all about your vibe you convey. You can have the most perfect, charmingly worded opener and come off as creepy because of "how you say it". Likewise you can have the most creepily worded opener and said with a charming sexy vibe have it go perfect.

For example: "Hi, you have the sexiest ass I've seen all day! I'm doing everything in my power right now not to grab and caress it in front of everyone. But no promises how long I can hold out."

Say this without a smile and no positive emotion to back it up or like a "nice guy" and you will get labeled creepy.
On the other hand say this with a smile, charming emotion, and a charismatic fun vibe (not too fun but promiscuously enjoying yourself) and the girl is not in a completely shit mood (or too conservative) you will have opened successfully.

My advice is don't worry too much about this. Go approach 20 girls and see what the average reaction is. If one of them calls you creepy and the rest are happy/indifferent to meet you no worries, your not creepy. On the other hand if you approach 20 girls and 15 call you creepy and tell you to quit approaching girls and fuck off then you need to work on your vibe a little bit. Your vibe (emotions you project) is the most important part of your fundamentals. You can be the hottest hunk walking in a 20 mile radius but if you have a weird vibe (usually a vibe that doesn't match your identity) your going to be considered creepy.

So yeah approach 20 girls write about it in the FR's and see where you need to improve and don't worry too much about this for now.

Over and out,


Space Monkey
space monkey
May 24, 2013
One thing you need to get down is your frame control.

1. You got to know what you want. (Do I want to get this girls phone number? Do I want her to buy me a drink? Do I want to take her home?)
2. Dont bow down to her frame. Women can sometimes lie to you by saying that they have a boyfriend just to see how you would react.
3. If the interaction does pan out the way you wanted it to take mental notes and move on to the next one.

I suggest you read one of chase's articles on frame control, its very helpful.
