People Starring at you when you're Talking in Public


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Dec 17, 2015
Has anyone else found this annoying? I remember once being tempted to turn towards such a person and say "you've made your point, can stop starring at me now, thank you". It might be silly to do that of course... because the people around you mightn't realise that the person is starring at you, and then you'd just look self conscious person over analysing something.

If, for what ever reason, I'm next to someone that I've concerned for, who is is about to say something in public (something that they might be nervous about), I'll make sure not to stare at them. It'll only put them under extra pressure, and they probably know exactly what you're thinking when you're starring at them. There's nothing worse than being reminded of someone's doubt towards you when it's supposed to be your moment. But for the person being starred at - there's sort of nothing they can do about it? is there?

I'm sure there's better examples out there, but if you go to about the 0:55 mark in this video, you see this guy's girlfriend starring at him while he's talking. I'm sure she knows the guy pretty well, but it's probably her first time seeing him under those exact conditions so she probably can't help but to get a look at him while he's speaking in order to figure out more about him.

Or in season 6 episode 1 of The Mentalist, I remember Patrick Jane saying "I'm trying to work here an you're starring at me like I've two heads? Do you mind?"

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