Hey guys, Garrett here.
So you could probably tell from the title... yes I'm a virgin!
I've had my chances to lose it, I'm just picky with who I want to lose it to. Lately, I've been honing my skills and attracting girls more easily. There are girls who I could sleep with if I put the effort in, I'm just hesitant. Let me explain my situation...
So earlier this year I met this Asian girl from school. Typically, a lot of Asian girls who I've encountered have thin, smaller figures. I go to a predominantly Asian school, the thing is, I'm not attracted to this body type. Then I came across this girl, let's call her Maria.
Maria, on the other hand, has an explosive figure. Picture an Asian girl with a Kim Kardashian body... Smoking hot if you ask me!
Anyways, I know the window is definitely still open, and the first time I hungout with her I grabbed her and madeout with her, and she seemed into it. I screwed up a bit by texting her too much and not sleeping with her then and there, but I know I can turn things around fairly easily. She's easy to get out, and I know exactly what I have to do. I'm considering losing my virginity to her, and I believe she's a virgin as well. I'm too concerned/nervous to take a risk I feel is potentially life changing...
Although I'm picky about sex, I feel that more of the reason why I avoid it is because I'm extremely worried about getting a girl pregnant. I don't know much about sex, nor do I watch porn/masturbate either; however, I have a decent amount of testosterone in my veins and I really want to get intimate with this girl.
I've gone to Catholic school my entire life until starting University, so I've been warned countless times about sex. I'm just worried that the condom will break, the awkward moment when you put it on, and I don't know the true facts from an unbiased perspective. I know I'll be a bit nervous, but once I'm in the act I'll be fine! Also, I've read Chase's articles about this, and Ricardus' dangers of sex, but I still don't feel as though I could go out and do it. I'm looking for a bit more insight from those of you who are experienced in the game...
Anyways, that's why I'm posting on here. I know I could find more information pretty well anywhere, but I feel like the media, teachers, and family provides biased insight about sex, and I know a lot of experienced guys on this forum probably have more realistic advice and a more accurate perspective. I have big plans for my life just like many of you all, and I don't want to risk that on a quick night of physical fun...
Any genuine thoughts, statistics, or advice would be greatly appreciated!
So you could probably tell from the title... yes I'm a virgin!
I've had my chances to lose it, I'm just picky with who I want to lose it to. Lately, I've been honing my skills and attracting girls more easily. There are girls who I could sleep with if I put the effort in, I'm just hesitant. Let me explain my situation...
So earlier this year I met this Asian girl from school. Typically, a lot of Asian girls who I've encountered have thin, smaller figures. I go to a predominantly Asian school, the thing is, I'm not attracted to this body type. Then I came across this girl, let's call her Maria.
Maria, on the other hand, has an explosive figure. Picture an Asian girl with a Kim Kardashian body... Smoking hot if you ask me!
Anyways, I know the window is definitely still open, and the first time I hungout with her I grabbed her and madeout with her, and she seemed into it. I screwed up a bit by texting her too much and not sleeping with her then and there, but I know I can turn things around fairly easily. She's easy to get out, and I know exactly what I have to do. I'm considering losing my virginity to her, and I believe she's a virgin as well. I'm too concerned/nervous to take a risk I feel is potentially life changing...
Although I'm picky about sex, I feel that more of the reason why I avoid it is because I'm extremely worried about getting a girl pregnant. I don't know much about sex, nor do I watch porn/masturbate either; however, I have a decent amount of testosterone in my veins and I really want to get intimate with this girl.
I've gone to Catholic school my entire life until starting University, so I've been warned countless times about sex. I'm just worried that the condom will break, the awkward moment when you put it on, and I don't know the true facts from an unbiased perspective. I know I'll be a bit nervous, but once I'm in the act I'll be fine! Also, I've read Chase's articles about this, and Ricardus' dangers of sex, but I still don't feel as though I could go out and do it. I'm looking for a bit more insight from those of you who are experienced in the game...
Anyways, that's why I'm posting on here. I know I could find more information pretty well anywhere, but I feel like the media, teachers, and family provides biased insight about sex, and I know a lot of experienced guys on this forum probably have more realistic advice and a more accurate perspective. I have big plans for my life just like many of you all, and I don't want to risk that on a quick night of physical fun...
Any genuine thoughts, statistics, or advice would be greatly appreciated!