FR++  Virgin Indonesian Girl


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Apr 18, 2016
I met this girl on happn a dating app which shows you the people you passed by.

After much rescheduling we finally meet up. The girl is with a friend. The friend was also waiting for someone. We wait with her for a bit then I lead her to my usual pub. She is receptive to my touch. I run a really smooth game tonight.

In no time she is melting at my eyes. I deep dive. I lusten to her dreams. We touch each other a lot. I move her to another table. We flirt and she goes for a kiss. I kiss her just a little to wet her appetite and pull back. I ask her about the culture in Indonesa regarding sex. She tells me it is taboo. I tell her that people always find a way. She agrees. I ask about her. She tells me she is a virgin.

I play the cube game with her. She tells me she is so hot. Wipes the sweat off her braw. Laughs nervously. I look at her seductively at the corner of my eye. Smile a little devilish smile. Tell her very slowly "you are hot huh?". She laughs nervously again. Tells me she is. I cold-read. She is amazed. (She supports her supporters more than the other way around).

She is gonna stay with her friend tonight. I tell her to text her friend and tell her she's gonna be late tonight. She complies. I escalate a bit and when things go heavy I give her a hug to defuse tension. Then turn on the heat again. I compliment her to up attainability. She tells me how sexy I am. She tells me to stop looking her that way in a shy, excited voice. Snuggles up to me. Can't keep her hands off me.

I take her outside. I tell her we're gonna go someplace with more privacy. She has to pee. We walk in front of my usual hotel. We go in. She is excited but embarrassed at the idea. I tell her that I told her sometimes I stay in hotels near my work. We go in, give the receptionist our ids. I pay.

We go up the room. She pees. I go to the toilet. My plan is to make her super horny before I escalate. I come back. She is talking with a female on the phone animatedly. She seems bummed. She hangs up and tells me she has to go. She tells me her friend is waiting for her. Appearently, her friend told her boyfriend that she was with my girl (she was with another guy is my guess). Now she has to go help her friend. I kiss her and tell her we have a connection. We make out but whenever I go back just a but she says she has to go. I escalate telling her this is a once in a lifetime experience. I dry hump her. Lick her boobs. She has to go. I persist and on and on we go in circles. Finally she goes telling me she may come back. I know she will not. I say sure.

She leaves. I masturbate.

The end.