FR  Was this bartender hitting on me?



Last night I found myself sitting around with nothing to do. Then words from "" rang through my head. So i got in my car and hit a few local bars. Had a couple good conversations that led to nothing more then phone numbers or sweet goodbyes.

It was nearing midnight and I wasn't yet ready to throw in the towel, so I decided to check out a restaurant that was having salsa night. Ive never danced salsa in my life but it seemed a good a time as any to learn. After taking an observant stroll around this place I realize they may be finishing up, so I walk over to the bar and ask the girl what time they close. She was a gorgeous Latina, petite with long black hair and fiery light brown eyes that could stop time (At the very least slow mine down).

She flashes a smile with her reply: We close in a couple minutes, but your welcome to stay and have a drink.

I weigh the decision in terms of time and money then decline the offer, turn towards the door and begin to walk out.

As i walk i hear her voice: You have really pretty eyes by the way.

I respond with a thank you and walk out the door as I always do when im in my head and not expecting to hear that. FUUUCKKK, there must be a better way to respond to that compliment....

For future reference. Was this an invitation to invite her somewhere after she got off work for some deep diving. Or was she looking at my wallet for a few more dollars she could accumulate in tips?


Tribal Elder
Tribal Elder
Mar 1, 2013
Re: Was this bartender hitting on me?

Ahhhh, I'm so ashamed ;) You never ever ever ever EVER pass up an opportunity to talk to a Latina, especially a gorgeous one. I'm a little biased as you can tell, haha!

Gusto, it's a little tough to say because she was a bartender, and bartender's usually work a little charm to get extra tips, and they flirt a lot for those tips...

But, I know from my personal experience with Latinas which can be found in that link, that they generally have one of two personalities: either hot tempered, or sweet as can be (I'm sure all Latinas have both, but it changes from person to person.)

So, with that in mind, if she found you attractive or interesting then I'll go ahead and say she was genuinely flirting with you... the place was closing, she complimented you (Latinas are also more straightforward than Western women), so you should've made your way back around to her, and pulled her home with you that night ;)
