4 Users Banned; No More Race Victim Mentality


Staff member
Oct 9, 2012
Just banned:

  • Avalanche
  • The Armani Code
  • Fuji Follower
  • Altair

We banned these users because everything they post is about race. And has been for years.

There is also a fifth member we've PM'ed who is borderline. Our message to him was no more of the race stuff. That's not what this place is for.

Except for one of the banned users (Fuji Follower, who was Asian), all these guys were (non-black) brown-skinned guys. And to a man, each of them constantly, constantly posted about how hard brown (or Asian, in Fuji Follower's case) men have it getting blonde bombshell white girls.

We get it. Blondes are hard. I even wrote an article on it a while back. I have red hair and freckles, blondes didn't want me for years either. But man, did we beat that dead horse to death and more. It's obscene how much time and energy we spent on this topic.

Here's the thing. This is the Girls Chase Boards. This is not the Brown Guy Forum. We cannot have the boards taken over by whiny victim mentality brown guys who always moan about not being able to get blondes.


We have brown guys on the Boards who do just fine with blonde girls. Grand Pooba is a prime example. He's one of the senior members here, he shags blonde girls, has blonde girlfriends, and yet the brown victim mentality guys on here just ignore his advice. These guys will start thread with titles like "CHASE / FRANCO ADVICE ONLY" and then not listen to anything Franco or I say when we respond. It's insane.

Anyway, we want this place to be as open as possible, but that has to have limits. These guys exceeded those limits. So the Boards are closed to them now.



Oct 10, 2016
I guess I’m new to the forum. I haven’t posted very much but I have lurked plenty of threads here. I recall reading the posts of some of those users which sparked discussion and even featured a post where you warned one of the said users that you almost banned them after a post that they left.
I think that the users that you have decided to ban were unfortunately the “victims” (pardon the pun) of being individuals that had a lack of respect, which I mean consideration; not taking into consideration the perspectives of the type of women that they are into: Blonde Bombshells

What type of girls are Blonde Bombshells?
https://www.girlschase.com/content/how-h ... bombshells
• They want to “fit in” with the crowd that “stands out” in the “cool” way.

Here are a few points
https://www.girlschase.com/content/mind- ... d-feelings

#1 – Peer and Media influence
People (women included) are usually overly concerned with how others (including and especially their peers) perceive them. If you grow up/live in an environment in which your peers don’t see “Asian/Brown guys” as part of that “fit in” crowd (In this case stemmed from American popular culture, American History, school years, etc.) then is it truly unreasonable to want to live a comfortable life where you aren’t constantly anxious about standing out in the way that you don’t want to in the eyes of your peers as that is primary part of your life? Respect their opinion even if you disagree with it and know that it’s influenced by their peers and the media.

#2 – Depression
https://www.girlschase.com/content/why-e ... nd-himself
Being overwhelmed with depression due to poor results in regards to women only furthers being inconsiderate of others (including women). Like you stated in that article, people are clearly not living perfect lives. Many Blonde Bombshells struggle with insecurity/depression over natural looks (in comparison to other women such as other blonde bombshells, especially if they are trying to break into fields such as Acting and Modeling) and peer pressure (partying, drug abuse, promiscuity, conspicuous consumption, etc.).

Of course this website is a tool to help you in spite of any factors (such as peer and media influence) not being in your favor. Like a game a poker you can win in spite of starting with the worst hand and having terrible gains in the beginning (countless people have a great hand with big gains in the beginning yet end up owing people money at the end).


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Aug 30, 2015
after reading girlschase i quickly became a mesiah,,spreading gc to everyone who needs it...only to realise that waht chase says about victim mentality is true...most people who have it dont know they have it,,they think they are actual victims


Staff member
Oct 9, 2012
One more user banned, named Snazzy.

Probably has some game from the sound of it, but if you can't share it without insulting everyone, a forum is probably not the right venue for you.

@ Uncharted-

Yeah, that's the thing with victim mentality. You often cannot help a guy until he is ready to be helped. It's the "give a man a fish and he'll eat for a day; teach a man to fish and he'll eat for a lifetime" thing. The guy in victim mentality is convinced he cannot fish. Or that he tried to fish before and no fish bit his hook, so he knows it doesn't work for him. All he wants from you is to give him fish. Or, failing that, for you to validate his experience and commiserate with him: "There, there, it's okay. Fish totally suck. They just ignore some people, for no reason. Those people are fish-victims."

You try to help those guys if you can. And a lot of guys will clean up their acts. But if they just won't listen to any advice and continue to poison the well with victim complaints, you can't let them stay. It's a tough situation without a happy resolution.

@ Ree-

It's sad, huh?

Life is filled with opportunity, for anyone willing to grasp it.

Most folks are convinced there's no point in reaching because everything's out of reach. Or they won't be allowed to reach for it.

It extends far beyond women, too...


Big Daddy

Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Jan 26, 2013
Suggestion: is there any way to display a public "banned" on their posts?

Sometimes I read a post and think "wait, isn't this the guy who was banned?" only to see it's a similar username. It's easier to dismiss someone's posts when you see they're banned.