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5000 approaches, no lays


Space Monkey
space monkey
Mar 11, 2014
I've started a thread about the daygame dogma a few days ago. https://boards.girlschase.com/viewtopic.php?f=8&t=5555&sid=c451c729d34a52aa79906ab5e026d895

One of the main things that people who suggest daygame to everyone say is that you just have to do more approaches, wear new shoes, take a shower regularly and you'll be fine (this site is good, because it suggests better alternatives). However, what is not mentioned is that you need shitload of free time and effort to do that. Also, it develops certain fanaticism among the followers, whose new biggest purpose in life is to put their small Asian/Filipino American/nerdy genitals in some girl's mouth (nothing wrong with that). But, almost all people just want to fix the wrong things they're doing, find new insights and do something more productive with their life.

Here's a nice example of a young guy that did approach many girls, but no results:
http://www.happierabroad.com/forum/view ... sc&start=0

1. I've approached roughly 5000 girls(sets)
2. The approached i've done was mostly non-asian girls(I wasn't interested in asian girls, i was mostly interested in white women, sometimes persian or latina women)
3. the girls i've approached were mostly either average looking/ HOT/or Thin. I rarely approached fatties or uglies
4. I'm Filipino American, 5'7 average looking.(25 yrs old now)
Another poor Asian guy did 10k approaches and got laid once:
Google more examples if you want. Some say that 5k approaches is just warming up. or move to another continent just for pickup.

There are many cult leaders (pua masters) that brag about sleeping with 100+ girls (probably for validation purposes or they're sex addicts). That means they've done minimum 5k-10k+ approaches. Not to mention the amount of mental effort put into all that. You would expect more productive things from people who are self-improvement oriented.
Just look at youtube videos of people doing pickup and all you will see is young guys with too much time on their hands.

If you're a DJ at famous clubs, celebrity (not even A list), rich guy... you could sleep with that many girls without wasting you precious time and youth on untargeted cold approach.


Tribal Elder
Tribal Elder
Mar 1, 2013

I find this quite funny actually because things like these are riddled with problems:
-The guy tried outdated "game"
-He used techniques that betrayed his personality --> so women who are receptive see through him and become disgusted
-He most likely shotgun approached --> amassing numerous superficial approaches
-He hardly ever varied his approach --> He varied his technique but not his approach
-He focused on techniques instead of fundamentals --> He tried to look better than he is by talking his way into attraction instead of actually being attractive.

When you mix things like this together, I don't care if you approach 100K+ women - they'll almost all be non-receptive.

The greatest thing about GC is that Chase started it because he disagreed with common PUA thought and saw that it was full of holes - it's the exact reason why GirlsChase provides you with the insight to actually get results.


Tribal Elder
Tribal Elder
Jun 13, 2013

Anything worth doing and learning takes time. Whether it's learning to paint, play the guitar, learn to surf, learn martial arts, new languages etc. Learning to do cold approach is no different. The statistics seem to vary a bit, but the average american watches 30 hrs of tv a week. That's more than an entire day a week! Most people really aren't that busy and can find time to learn new hobbies and skills.

If a guy approached 5000 women and got no results, he should have gone back to the drawing board a long time before that. He probably:
-Did not move girls to get investment
-Missed escalation windows
-Did not work that much on his fundamentals

This is no different than buying a guitar and randomly plucking at strings two hours a night without taking the time to learn how to actually play. You need to learn what the different chords are, how to read music, how to tune the instrument, etc.

As far as your number of 5000 to 10000 approaches to get 100 lays, that's extremely high! I remember reading (on this site) that roughly 7% of the female population is attracted a to typical guy. I'd say that's pretty accurate, and that number can go up the better your fundamentals are. So using that math, that's about 1 in 14, not 1 in 100 as you mentioned. The more experience you gain, you start to notice which girls are interested in you before you approach. This means that number will go down.

Now let's say that each approach takes you 30 mins (It really shouldn't be this long, I'm just aiming high to make a point). So if you approached 14 women that week it would take you seven hours. So if the average american guy cut out tv completely, he'd be able to sleep with 4 girls a week based on the number of approaches vs failures. Heck, even using your number. it would work out to about 1 girl every 2 weeks.

Again, these are highly inflated numbers to make a point. Just like any other skill, it takes a lot of time and energy at first, but it comes easily and naturally with experience. The amount of time it takes you drops off dramatically as you learn.

Better than the alternative of spending countless hours in a girl's friend zone in the hopes that something happens. That takes up a lot of your time and often yields no results for your efforts.

Just my thoughts,



Space Monkey
space monkey
Jan 4, 2014
This is why reviewing your technique and keeping a track of what you do is important. I've done around 150 approaches in the last five months (when I started doing the Newbie Assignment, although I would write about 20/30 off as too indirect) and have already seen and felt substantial improvement. If I hadn't, I would be questioning whether what I was doing was the right process.


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Nov 20, 2012
This is a fairly bitter opinion, topic creator.

It's fairly easy to get a date if you just walk along and talk to the ones that are making eye contact with you as you walk by.
the right date makes getting her back home a piece of cake


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Oct 28, 2013
First thing that came to my mind was, "Did he try different things or did he do the same thing over and over again?"

I can hit a steel wall with a pencil as many times as I like, but I doubt I'll get through it unless I change the method with which I hope to break through my obstacle/objective.


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Jan 8, 2013
I wonder if this guy was getting his opinions from the wrong sources and thus hindering him further


Tribal Elder
Tribal Elder
Feb 13, 2013
Obviously, mass approaching is mainly for teaching/learning purposes only.

If you already are cycling 2 or 3 FBs in and out, and always have a few more on the cusp, what's the point in going out and spending 3 hours a day at the mall?

At some point you just meet chicks. It's not even like you spend time going out specifically to look for them. You just run into girls at the bus stop, or maybe while you're in line at the liquor store, or walking past an abortion clinic. You know, ideal meetin' spots. Lol.



Space Monkey
space monkey
Feb 18, 2014
chalk one up for natural selection. i'm sure he has some great stories!


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Feb 14, 2013
Some people go to college and they study business. They study and study until they know everything about business. After they know all about business, they chose to study more about business. They become masters of business - except that they never open one or run one. They missed the whole point, their focus is on studying and passing with good grades rather than having and running business. They are not true businessmen, they are good students.

Other people never go to college, they never learn about business - but they open one and learn as they go, taking hits, learn from mistakes and falls, and if they persist they usually became good businessmen. Their focus is on business itself, they don't really need college knowledge to be good at running business. They are good businessman, but many times they have to work harder to compensate for what they missed in college. After all, college is NOT a piece of paper, one can learn many useful things.

Another ones, they want to open business. They go to college and learn as much as they can, after they finish they open business. Their focus is on learning from mistakes of others for their own benefits, for their own business. They are focus on studying as well as doing. They become good and proficient businessmen

Your friend with 5000 approaches is a student of approaches. He knows 5000 times more about approaching than any guy who got laid. He is a master of approaching, and he will most likely approach another 5000 girls without getting laid, just to make sure that he is the best at approaching. His focus is stuck on approaching in stead of on getting laid.

Approaching itself will never get you laid. You approach the girl in 2-3 seconds, you smile and say: Hi, my name is XYZ, how are you today? and that is all. Approach is done, finished, no more approach is needed except those 3 seconds! Why would one need to repeat it 5000 times is beyond my comprehension.

Exactly the same with PUA. Some study and study PUA, they become masters of PUA, yet they never get laid. Why is that? Because they are focused on PUA skills in stead of being focused on getting laid. They became masters of PUA, masters who rarely get laid...


Space Monkey
space monkey
Mar 3, 2021
This is a really insightful post, especially what @Drck says !

that means that an approach is only 3 or maybe 10, 20 seconds !

after that the next steps begin !

ok this is making sense

holy sh** this stuff is technical and actually hints at being a science of some type, but applied on a very general basis and very, very sleekly & smartly