Advice from a Renegade



I don't give a fuck. And it works. Like a charm.

Don't take approaching women seriously. It's a game. The more you treat it as such, the more you win. If you get rejected, fine. Better to break than to bend. Move with a purpose. Do full body weight training. Grow facial stubble (shave neck). Don't steal glances. Use mind expanding drugs. Learn to handle your liquor. Don't talk so much. Let your actions speak for you. Humor is HUGE('Devil may care' attitude + humor = slain pussy.) Expand the vocab. Seek to use interesting verbiage. Dress well, but not too well. Hair should never be too perfect. Play an instrument. Hike up a fucking mountain. Be self-deprecating. Be humble. NEVER TRY TO IMPRESS. No humble brags. Wear Ray Ban Aviators. Tattoos are optional, but help. Don't judge others. Don't be afraid to express emotion, but do so in moderation. I'm going to bed.


Tribal Elder
Tribal Elder
Nov 20, 2012
United States
Couldn't help but think of this video when I initially read this..

If you don't give a fuck, then why exactly do you care about moving with a purpose, doing full body weight training, growing facial stubble, not stealing glances, using mind expanding drugs, handling your liquor, not talking so much, letting your actions speak for you, using humor, expanding your vocabulary, using interesting verbiage, dressing well but not too well, having the right haircut, playing an instrument, going hiking, being self-deprecating, humble, not trying to impress, not bragging, getting a tattoo, wearing ray ban aviators, not judging others, not being afraid to express emotion, or sleeping?

All kidding aside, the whole approach to women you have is similar to how a man with an absolute abundance mentality thinks. It's a game; the things women do are cute and funny. Don't take yourself too seriously man, it's just life ;).


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Dec 23, 2012
Agreed with Ross,

You don't have to do any of those things. A lot of the things you did recommend would be beneficial though. Take me for instance, I learned the craft of cutting my own hair, and through studying how to do this, I can basically give myself a salon like haircut by simply using a trimmer and scissors. The haircut is half the battle, the way in which you style your hair significantly impacts how your hair will look. I get girls complimenting my hair almost every time I'm at school, more so than when I used to go to get my hair cut at a salon! You also don't need to go into insane full body workouts. You should, however, consider mastering the skill of body building and developing a muscular physique from sed experience.

I've developed very well rounded skillset in a number of areas; however, none of which I would consider at the level of mastery. Thanks to this website, I now have goals and plans this summer, rather than just hanging out with friends playing soccer and going swimming all the time. Not that I'm giving that up either (balance is key), but Girls Chase is great for helping guys understand the importance of reaching their full potential, and the journey to get there is quite exhilarating as well!

It's best to pick one goal at a time, get great at it, then implement it into your life while simultaneously finding more goals to master. For example, take brushing your teeth. Hopefully, most of you do this at least twice a day, and how much mental effort does it take to do? Not a whole heck of a lot, sometimes you don't even remember doing it because it's subconsciously ingrained as patterns in your brain. That's what happens with mastery, and it's great how you can keep implementing new things into your life. Take fashion, these days I know exactly what goes with what article of clothing, and I'm out the door right away. I almost always get compliments on my attire, and it's through passionate hard work that I was able to achieve consistent appraisal from others. I did it to look great, and get more attraction, and it has worked out! Fashion, for any of you out there, isn't hard to master, and it's not nearly as hard as something like pickup!

I do think that in order to be successful, there has to be some passion there for whatever you're doing. Before I wondered if you could be successful at something you hate. I think it's possible, but I don't think anyone without some form of personality disorder can master something they hate, and get the results they truly want (unless they have lower standards). For example, school bores the heck out of me. I was never able to get the super high grades (straight A+'s) like some kids, although I'd consistently be getting A's and B's. I've spent so much time trying to figure out how to get amazing grades to get into med school. Now I realized that I was wasting my time, and I just need to force myself to do the work when it needs to get done, and not try to devote my life to it, because it's something I sincerely dislike, as I'm sure many of you can relate.

Just some inputs, if anyone has some thoughts to share, or personal experiences, feel free to comment!


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Dec 23, 2012
After reading my response above, I hope I didn't come off as a cocky prick, I'm just confident in what I do.

The Dude,

I think you have a solid point about not caring. In my opinion however, you should care, and almost everyone cares what other people think, it's human nature. Can you train yourself not to? Probably, but I care what people think because it helps me improve and help others once I get good at something. I enjoy getting feedback on everything I do, as I can filter out what helps me improve and what information I can disregard.

Anyways, I know where you were coming from in that post, you probably hit some success and proposed a valid theory as to why building yourself up and not caring works before hitting the sac. I feel that stoicism is effective to a degree, but without emotional influence, your decision making abilities and judgments will be hindered, thus a lack of productivity and efficiency. Develop a balance between stoicism and emotions via experience, not through masking emotion amidst your attempt at faking your self proclaimed disinterest in others...




I hear ya brother. What works for one, doesn't work for all. As a med student, you clearly have more discipline than me and are a different type of fella. The post was obviously written with an underlying satire. Obviously doing these things and not giving a shit doesn't necessarily make just anyone a pussy magnet. However, the accompanying attitude can turn you into a man that causes many vaginas to become saturated with moisture - especially if you apply the fundamentals and techniques laid out in this blog.


Staff member
Oct 9, 2012

The Dude said:
I don't give a fuck. And it works. Like a charm.

Don't take approaching women seriously. It's a game. The more you treat it as such, the more you win. If you get rejected, fine. Better to break than to bend. Move with a purpose. Do full body weight training. Grow facial stubble (shave neck). Don't steal glances. Use mind expanding drugs. Learn to handle your liquor. Don't talk so much. Let your actions speak for you. Humor is HUGE('Devil may care' attitude + humor = slain pussy.) Expand the vocab. Seek to use interesting verbiage. Dress well, but not too well. Hair should never be too perfect. Play an instrument. Hike up a fucking mountain. Be self-deprecating. Be humble. NEVER TRY TO IMPRESS. No humble brags. Wear Ray Ban Aviators. Tattoos are optional, but help. Don't judge others. Don't be afraid to express emotion, but do so in moderation. I'm going to bed.

Great all-around knowledge dump. I can't comment on the mind-expanding drugs, although a few friends of mine'd heartily concur. Everything else, though - most definitely.

The Dude said:
the accompanying attitude can turn you into a man that causes many vaginas to become saturated with moisture - especially if you apply the fundamentals and techniques laid out in this blog.

True that. Being nonchalant and letting things roll off you like water is tremendously appealing to women, and the calmer you get and the less you (seem) to care, the more excited they become. It's almost a 1:1 correlation... your calm goes up, their calm goes down (and nervousness, enthusiasm, and lust goes through the roof).



Chase said:
the calmer you get and the less you (seem) to care, the more excited they become. It's almost a 1:1 correlation... your calm goes up, their calm goes down (and nervousness, enthusiasm, and lust goes through the roof).



Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Dec 9, 2012
God I just realized that I steal glances all the time and it is BAD.

Part of it has to do with my peripheral vision not being to good... But I am going to work on it from now on.


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Dec 20, 2012
I like the whole idea and its definitely something I'm searching for. Here's my question: What kind of humor do you use? Because when you crack jokes, its easy to come off as high energy, which I don't think you want.