FR++  "Alyssa"


Tribal Elder
Tribal Elder
Mar 2, 2013
Hey fellas,

I'll get right to the story: I had just left my house to go to the big city of the state. I happened to be dressed up because I was going on a date that night, and while I walked on to the sidewalk where I saw this small brunette walking briskly behind me. Figured I wanted to have fun before the date so I said "Look, you don't have to try and follow me, you could have just asked". She laughed and I motioned her over to walk with me. Got compliance, and we were walking and flirting. No deep diving really, but fun conversation. After the date finished (beaten at LMR, damn!), I checked back on my phone, and here are the first set of text messages:

Me: Hey Alyssa, glad to have met you :) - Nick
Her: Hey, nice 2 have met u 2. How's Perth? I probably should hav mentioned Perth is pretty dead on a Monday night...Espec when it's a public holiday
Me: Just found that out! lol. Luckily I'm meeting someone here, so no biggie :)
Her: Oh tht is lucky haha otherwise ur perception of Perth might hav been ruined forever hav a good night :)
(next day)
Me: How's the new walking regime treating you, Alyssa? :)
Her: Haha yes good, I just got back, actually, good day?
Me: Right on, you inspired me to hit the gym finally, lol. Anyways, wanted to chat before I leave tomo, but it's already so late tonight..!
Her: Ohh thts a shame, what happened to staying a while? Too boring haha?
Me: Nah, just a brief vacation. To be back soon :)
Her: O cool, going far?
Me: All the way ;). Thinking i'm heading to bed early. Sweet dreams, Alyssa!
Her: Night, enjoy the vacay..!

I went on vacation for a while, and when I came back I tried to call her to see if she wanted to hang out. She didn't pick up, but she texted almost immediately after:

Her: Heeey just saw ur call, what's up? U back in Perth ?
Me: Alyssa, hey! Back, yes. If you aren't otherwise booked, was thinking we ought to just chill and watch a movie/grab some food!
Her: I'm at left bank having some drinks! Tht would hav been really good, mayb a night during the wk?
Me: Right on! We'll figure it out. :)
Her: Cool, u should come to lefty it's alrigggght

I accidentally sent her a text the next morning at 8 a.m. and thought my goose was completely cooked:

Of course, I over-reacted, and this was the text conversation after:

Me: Hey Alyssa :) How's that schedule looking?
Her: Yeah busy haha! I'm free tomorro after work or otherwise wkend... at some point!
Me: Great! I've a hectic weekend coming up, so why don't we tomorrow...say 6?
Her: Yeah, ok sounds good, freo?
*Some back story - we both live in the same neighborhood, and the town she was describing was a 10 minute drive from either of houses, so I gave radio silence as sort of a -- "duh, no!" kind of deal*
Me: And ignore this beautiful river next to us? No way! :) how bout you speed walk down and we'll bring some food with us. Cool?
Her: Haha jeez what a tourist, ok sure, wher'm I speed walking 2
Me: You know it ;). Meet me at 51 westbury crescent.
Her: Ya sur c u then

She drives up in her car at 6:00, and we greet and all polite stuff. We walked to the river with some sandwich materials so we could make PB&J. We talk about her family and her travels and I threw in some chase frames about her and French men. My game wasn't very good for the first 30-45 minutes of the date, uncomfortable silences would pop up here and there as we were both a little nervous, but she would always fill the gaps. She mentioned that she was a bit masculine (a turnoff for me), and not very feminine at all. She hadn't acted like it to much, either. Anyways, she mentioned having a food called "vegemite" at her house, so when we got back to the car 30 minutes after we met up, I told her she should show me this vegemite stuff. She seemed a little thrown off, but she drove me to her place.

Made small talk about the music she was playing so she wouldn't feel weird about her driving me to her place. Anyways, got inside and go for the kiss in 10 minutes, but it still feels... not right. Don't know if I had gotten her comfortable enough to feel sexual tension, but there wasn't a lot there. We're kissing for a minute or two and she says

*both of us kissing, and she draws back*
Her: Um, I don't think I can do this. I don't do one night stands.
Me: Mhmm
*goes for kiss again, but she pulls away very quickly*
Her: No, really. I can't do this.
Me: Well...I'd be really more inclined to talk to you again if we DID do this, actually. Girls that make me wait, I usually get bored with.
Her: *Says something non-purposeful that I don't quite remember*

So we go back to small talk about things in her house, making fun of some her stuff. We get to her bedroom 10 minutes later, and we're sitting on the bed, and I go for the makeout again. She accepts a bit more, and I start feeling her all around her body for, maybe, 20 seconds, and she pulls away again with the same little remark "Ah, I'm sorry. I can't do this". This keeps happening for a while, and this is when I was starting to use long sexual EC stares, and we'd just stare at each for a few seconds.

For about 2 hours we are sitting and laying on her bed, and we start getting heavier into makeouts. A little while in I started rubbing her through her jeans, which she let me do, but whenever I'd try and get my hand in her jeans she would stop kissing or pull my hand away. And in between makeouts, we'd talk, do some deep diving, a lot of cuddling, and then i'd go back for it. In total, this happened about...7 times? I was never able to extend past that point, and she kept saying she couldn't do one night stands, and that we wanted opposite things. She asked what I was doing tomorrow, and I said hanging with a couple of friends. Didn't think it would matter if I couldn't pass LMR that night, anyways. I could tell she was inexperienced, sexually; she gave me long eye contact stares in silence.

Eventually she mentions that she has work in the morning, and that she had to go to sleep. I asked if she could give me a ride home, and she said yes. We left in an unsatisfied ride to my house, but I could NOT figure out how to pass that point in LMR.

Any strategies for passing LMR here would be great, would love to hear y'all's thoughts or if anybody needs more details on a particular aspect of the date.



Modern Human
Modern Human
Jun 16, 2013
I have very little experience with LMR but it sounds like you did a pretty good job all in all (though from a very untrained eye I might add). In speculation I think you either didn't do a good enough job encouraging her sexual side to come out (she obviously didn't want to let you think she was an easy slut, although she may have wanted dick), you didn't do a good enough job of coming of non-judgmental, or not enough sexual tension like you hinted at. But like I said that's all in speculation so no absolutes from me. I'm curious as to what the top members have to say about this. Either way you did a better job than me. The LMR I ran into I got impatient and kept trying to escalate to the point she got up and left because I kept disregarding her feelings (learnt a lot from this lol). Read up on Alex's newest article on GC on "what to do when women resist your charms" if you haven't already that seemed to me pretty insightful.

Either way you got some good experience under your belt so your that much better prepared for next time. Keep it up!



Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Dec 25, 2012
I think you can feel what is off and thats the sexual tension. That off feeling when you made the kiss was mostly likely due to not a whole lot of tension being broken at that moment. The moves you make are best made like a breathe of fresh air, like she needed it to happen to relieve the tension.