Any advice for "end of the night" pickups?


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Dec 20, 2012
Chase swears up and down that end of the night pickups are great and work often....but I can never seem to get them to work. What's the difference between this and a pickup earlier in the night? I'm talking mostly about when the bar is about to close down/just closed down/street game after when everyone is just hanging out outside. I've never so much as gotten a phone number this way...and I've probably only even had 1 good interaction this way (albeit on only a few tries). Any advice on this?


Tribal Elder
Tribal Elder
Nov 14, 2012
Hey Scofield,

I am actually beginning to learn the true value behind these types of pick-ups myself. There will be nights where I go out and things just seem kinda... "slow" the entire night. Maybe I talk to less than 10 girls; maybe I only end up with one or two phone numbers; or maybe I just get distracted talking with other guys (or friends) who show up at the club or bar that I am hanging out at. But the one thing I ALWAYS do is make sure I hang around at least 30 minutes after the clubs and bars close downtown.

The reason is this: usually, even if I haven't gotten a single phone number that night, I almost always have some momentum by this point, and I don't want to lose it. I've opened on a few girls, done some deep diving, and probably moved a few of them, so my level of "sexiness" tends to peak before I go home. This is a GREAT time to aggressively approach women that are just leaving bars. There are several other reasons for this:

  • 1) Girls often walk out of the club or bar alone because they lost their friends. These are the girls you'll see walking out with their cell phones in hand trying to text their friends so they can meet up with them. This is a great opportunity to open on them because they won't have to worry about the social pressure of their personal friends judging them.

    2) Girls usually have the best "head-buzz" by the end of the night, which makes them more likely to go home with a new, sexy guy. You might have some liquid courage in you by this time as well, so it helps keeps the playing field even.

    3) The girls who come out of the bar or club by themselves might be quite disappointed that they didn't meet a sexy man that night. And this is EXACTLY where you come in! ;)

Also, just projecting a sexual vibe on the streets and exaggerating your fundamentals (i.e. sexy walk, eye contact, fashion, etc) can grab the attention of the types of women I mentioned in #3. In fact, this past weekend, I was approached by a girl on the street as I was about to head home. We talked for about 3-4 minutes, she asked for my number, and I set up a date with her this week in about three text messages. It was that simple!

So I highly recommend hanging around after clubs and bars close. It's an absolutely great time to meet women!




Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Dec 20, 2012
Good stuff man. I really can use this.
@Franco: I'd like see an example of how an approach looks at the end of the night. What kind of openers do you use? How fast do you have to escalate?


Tribal Elder
Tribal Elder
Nov 14, 2012
Hey cccrunner,

What kind of openers do you use?

With the experience I have doing this, I find indirect and situational openers to be the best for this type of "after hours" pickup. From what I've experienced, direct openers and openers such as "Are you single?" tend to fail pretty badly here. I think the reason for this is that women, at this point in the night, are very used to being hit on aggressively by drunk men (who usually use direct openers since it requires that much alcohol for them to do so). Generally, their guards are up for "creepers" that pop up out of the woodworks since they are alone.

I still have a very sexy vibe when I approach them, but I try to make conversation first.

How fast do you have to escalate?

I actually do not escalate very fast at all in these situations. Chase mentioned to me that he had a mentor that would actually meet women after hours and take them somewhere private (meaning any nook or cranny) as quickly as possible and try to escalate there, so that method is probably possible.

From the times that I've had success, I've usually made sure to get a number quickly as I know the conversation could end at any minute if she suddenly gets that "phone call" from her friends that she's waiting for. After I've gotten the number though, a lot of times she'll just simply invite me to come with her to find her friends! Two weeks ago I ended up hopping in a cab with two gorgeous girls because the one I was talking to just pulled me along!

If she doesn't move anywhere, and I've grabbed her number, I'll sometimes just start to push for getting her out of there. This can be as simple as, "why don't we chill in my car where it's warm while we wait for your friends?" She will probably resist and insist on staying put, but the hard push technique can be effective here. Once she's in your car, then you can help her get "warmer..." ;)

These are just a couple of examples of scenarios that happened to me, but I'm sure a million different things can happen since you're not stuck inside a bar or club. I would highly recommend that everyone experiment with this. The great part about it is that you can still get your early momentum while you're still inside the bar or club as well as have a couple of drinks to get you in a relaxed state. From there, you can then come out and pick a woman up off the street before calling it a night!

If anyone happens to have some stories of their street pickups, feel free to share!




Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Dec 20, 2012
hmmm...thanks for the advice...but the bars/clubs I go to always try to clear people out asap. I def don't have 30 minutes to hang you have this same problem Franco?


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Jan 28, 2013
Scofield said:
I def don't have 30 minutes to hang around


A couple months ago, I was out late and was bummin' out because I wasn't able to move any girls in the bars I went to that night, while my friend/wingman (with whom I work very well) was actually grabbed by a girl that night and was later whisked away to be her lover for the night.

Since I was being asked to leave the area by the bouncers, I decided to just call it a night and head home. On my walk home I thought it might be a good time to try out an "end of the night" pickup on the streets. I noticed a girl walking on the other side of the street, alone. I just walked over to her and simply asked where she had spent her night out on main st. (Note: I think it's definitely important to walk with a sexy vibe so you don't come off as a creeper.)

Like Franco said, the indirect opener seemed to work here. We had had a short conversation when she stopped and told me, "Welp, I'm going to my friend's place tonight, which is right here. See ya!" I quickly responded with something like, "Well I don't live much farther down this road so why don't we make a quick stop at my place, maybe have a post-game beer?" Then she insisted she had a boyfriend but I continued to deflect.

Long story short, she came home with me that night but kept telling me she had a boyfriend, then eventually left. Although I DID get her number, I had pretty much chalked this one up as a loss. However, about a week later, she texted me something like, "I wish I didn't find you so attractive...and I was lying, I don't really have a boyfriend." Needless to say, I took her to bed that night.

Moral of the story for me is that, as Franco said, girls might very well have their 'creeper-goggles' on late at night when they're walking home, alone and inebriated. So just because they put up some barriers, I suggest deflecting them and at the very least, trying to get her number and set up another time to meet. But if you do it right - walk up with a sexy vibe, talk slowly while being warm and genuine - she shouldn't write you off as a creeper.

~ Cheers


Tribal Elder
Tribal Elder
Nov 14, 2012
Hey Scofield,

As Ryan also mentioned, you don't have to do this directly in front of the bar you exited. This type of street pick-up works best if you happen to be in a bar-laden area or "downtown" where you can actually move around and meet women who come out of other bars. If you go to a bar that is isolated, then you are probably going to have more trouble pulling off this type of pick-up.

- Franco