Article request


Space Monkey
space monkey
Dec 24, 2021

This thread got quite the attention and had great tips on handling the situation in terms of not following other people's frames.
(Basically dealing with authority frames)

I have seen that many times a person might tell us to do something that we were already planning to do. This will make one look like a follower and it is a tricky situation to navigate especially when you actually have to do the task.

For example :-

1) Someone telling you to remove shoes in a house when you were already planning to do so.

2) Someone trying to lecture you about something you already know.
Ex :- A person telling you about how an interview works.

3) Giving you condescending advice.
Ex :- telling you to be more confident while talking with someone.
"Just be more confident when you talk to girls bro" (A nasty social move to frame you as unconfident)

What do you think about this?
@Chase @Teevster @Bacchus @Gunwitch
@Karea Ricardus D.