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Attraction is either there or it isn't, or is there?. This one is for you Chase!


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Oct 18, 2018
Hey guys,

I noticed the strangest thing recently. Usually I go with the intuition (also backed up with Chase's article https://www.girlschase.com/content/attr ... or-it-isnt ) that a girl is either attracted to you or not. I also like Varoon's traffic light system. Makes things efficient, which I like.

Well more than once, and also yesterday, a girl who in the past was kind of aloof against me, with things like trying to make me comply (which I denied with random bullshit, lol) and not eager to deep dive became super enthousiastic with me. I had this happen with multiple girls, girls I had already written off and maintained a "polite" distant relationships with. Suddenly months later they become very enthousiastic and receptive. Yesterday's girl invited me over to her place for drinking "tea" which was quite forward from where we stood in the past.
What am I missing here? I have not suddenly become a millionaire or much prettier. Also can't say I was preselected because I was in an introverted mood for some time.

So have these girls hidden their attraction in the past or are these really newly attracted girls? I am confused and would like to hear your opinions.

MAYBE relevant by the way: I am not a conventionally handsome guy, but I sure have my perks, which maybe become clear a little later on besides my obvious athletisism.

From a pragmetic side, it ofcourse doesn't matter, but I remain interested about the theory.
a good date brings a smile to your lips... and hers


Modern Human
Modern Human
Dec 17, 2018
Re: Attraction is either there or it isn't, or is there?. This one is for you Ch

DarkKnight dude, it's true that attraction is either there or it isn't an there's nothing much ya can do if someone really isn't interested but if there's something there it can be worked. Attraction has an expiration date, but ya can increase attraction all the same.

Girls can be aloof with ya for lots of reasons, it can be a shit test or a game an if ya pass the test or stop playing the games attraction spikes. When ya show strength an confidence an a a can take it or leave it attitude again attraction can go up cause ya not needy.

Not forgetting girls non receptiveness is the guy non approach. If ya ever bottled an approach, this is her doing the same. Attraction is there they're just nervous about it an fear rejection.

Ya not missing anything, they either decide to stop playing an become receptive or they're attracted to the mystery how dignified ya handle yaself. Or in some instances they've noticed ya perks...

Attraction at face value is just that. How well presented are ya? Fundamentals dude! Beyond that it's how ya make people feel. Girls that are less attractive realise this an are good at making ya feel yah? Love bombing is a thing. Not that ya have done that, it's just related to making people feel