Authenticity vs. Acting... What is YOUR view?


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Dec 23, 2012
Hey guys, Garrett here!

I had a couple of questions to ask some of you guys who are currently and actively involved in pickup, but if you have insight anyways, I'd also be interested in hearing what you have to say!

1. When you are around family and friends, do you act authentic or do you do things like talk with a deeper voice, slow down movements/talking speed, using a sexy smile, law of least effort, alpha male etc.

Why I ask - Well for one, it's a lot of energy expended, especially if you are new to implementing all of these things into your life. Also, if you have a goal set, like trying to get better grades in school like myself, it's a bit distracting and it is a lot of work/energy. Also, I noticed I got a bit better reception when I was being my authentic self than implementing those other things into my life. Mind you, I've been at this for a little while, so it's not coming off tryhard, and by better reception, people were more open to me, but when I was playing around with my behavior, I felt I gave off a more dominant/king-like vibe (as opposed to a jester), and that people were warm when I approached them in social situations, but may have been slightly intimidated. I don't have time for pickup, and have no logistics so it's not my main focus at the moment; however, I'm interested in learning about it, and I also figure, if you aren't practicing your walking/talking and other behavior in conversation with your family/friends, how will you master it and come off as natural with women when you do go out stag to approach them?

2. When you are trying to make new friends and talk to people, Chase recommends that you should front load your value, meaning, to keep offering value until the other person offers it back in return. What I'm wondering is, wouldn't this come off as being a jester? I mean, I understand that you must offer value. Have you ever noticed that the people with the biggest egos, will offer no one value, and expect a lot of it in return? I wouldn't call those types of people a king because they aren't putting in enough value into other people's lives to make them want to be friends with them. So what I want to know is, how can you front load your value in a way that doesn't come off too much like a jester? Or in other words, how do you apply the Law of Least Effort to making friends? Chase mentioned it, I'm struggling with how to apply it so you don't go from one extreme (offering TOO MUCH value) to the other (not offering enough)

Why I ask - I've had pretty extreme views about things and sometimes look at things in a black and white context. I've been working on applying the mantra of balance to my life, and I deffinitely want to keep some of my value-providing friends around, without going overboard and at the same time, refraining from offering them little in return.

Thanks, and looking forward to any tips or suggestions that YOU have!


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Nov 24, 2012
Hello Garrett. Interesting topic. When it comes to authenticity vs. acting, I value authenticity over that of acting in most cases. However, when it comes to life, we are all actors to some degree or another. I feel that the best part is when one is able to assimilate these behaviors into his ordinary life so that they easily become an indistinguishable part of one's behavior. Definitely, being always "on" expends a lot of energy and really can take a toll on one's psyche. I feel as if people who are famous who are always "on" value their privacy so much because they are indeed the best actors.

When I'm around my family, I am always myself but I try to establish myself as a man now instead of the boy that they always knew me as. Just standard exhibition of masculine behavior, sprezzatura, etc. It's worked pretty well.

I've never heard of front-loading value or at least exhibiting value right away to another person. By the way I carry myself and my body language, I demonstrate value de facto leading the other person to inquire more about myself. I do this by firm handshakes, good posture, steady eye contact, and an overall "breezy" vibe (that's what some of my friends have said I give off) when meeting new people. Not only do I establish my masculinity with this type of behavior but I also display that I am a friendly, warm person that they've known for years. Because of this, people trust me and want me to lead them because they know I come up with good ideas, am friendly, but not a pushover either.

Did this clarify anything?


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Dec 23, 2012
Hey Rationalis, thanks for the input!

My conclusion is that if you behave a certain way for a while, it eventually becomes habitual, and my behavior has changed for the better. I naturally am talking with a deeper, slower voice, have slowed down my movements, walk with feet pointed forwards (I used to walk with feet to the side like a lot of people), and many more things, all of which came with a lot of mental strain and practice in the beginning, but it's more effortless and less tryhard now!

I think you have a point about your masculinity, but I don't think that's the best way to make friends. If you meet someone and offer value to their life in a way that they will appreciate, then it's easy to befriend them. For example, if you meet a cool guy and he's into football, if you don't know anything about football, than your alternative to relating to him, could be trying to learn from him. Ask him questions about the game, the positions, and anything relevant that he can connect to and relate to. People LOVE talking about themselves and their hobbies/dreams/personal aspirations, so cut the fat and deep dive and get to know the person's interests. Not only will you make a new friend, but you will learn more about something that you may have known NOTHING about, thus expanding your knowledge, which in future, could make good conversation if you ever meet another person or know people who love football. Remember, knowledge is power, so it's good to look at other people's perspectives and to take away anything that will help you IMPROVE.



Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Dec 20, 2012
Hi Garrett

In regards to authenticity/acting - everyone's an actor, some are just better at it than others. Most people are molded by years of practise into a role they feel most comfortable in. I contend that whether we are acting or not is irrelevant - if the end result is positive for everyone involved (successful seduction) its worth it. (To clarify, my argument is pretty simple. The ends justifies the means. Any thoughts?)

In a practical sense, I do think you should be practising your posture, voice control, all the fundamentals whenever and wherever you can - but you also must constantly analyse each situation to see what persona is most appropriate.



Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Dec 23, 2012
Jarradical said:
Hi Garrett

In regards to authenticity/acting - everyone's an actor, some are just better at it than others. Most people are molded by years of practise into a role they feel most comfortable in. I contend that whether we are acting or not is irrelevant - if the end result is positive for everyone involved (successful seduction) its worth it. (To clarify, my argument is pretty simple. The ends justifies the means. Any thoughts?)

In a practical sense, I do think you should be practising your posture, voice control, all the fundamentals whenever and wherever you can - but you also must constantly analyse each situation to see what persona is most appropriate.


Hey Jarradical!

After thinking about this, I couldn't agree more. Interesting way of putting it though, when you said that everyone is acting, and that they typically fill a role most comfortable to them. A bit of luck is evident in this too, as some people fit the "acting mold" of the type of guy who moves slowly, or talks slowly, or just unknowingly does what a sexy man would do, like unintentionally using sexy eye contact, or smiling during social interaction for example.

Here's the difference though; a man who is trying to constantly improve/work on themself will do whatever it takes to perform optimally, whether it be through sport, art, or what I among others consider to be the most worthwhile skill to master, being social skills/getting better with women.

Therefore, I agree with your approach to this. There are certain situations where certain behavior is appropriate. It takes a good actor to be able to elicit the correct emotions, at the correct time; all of which, depend on the situation at hand. Nevertheless, it's complicated stuff, especially for a beginner; however, through reading Chase's blogs, people's comments, and watching youtube videos, my sexiness has improved drastically


Little Jester

Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Dec 20, 2012
I act all the time when I'm around people. Actually lately I keep the mask up when I'm alone too, just to make it more comfortable to be like that and it starts to feel authentic in itself. It is draining energy for sure, but since I worked on eating healthier food, started taking supplements for stuff I don't get enough off, started working out and make sure I'm getting enough sleep, I now noticed that I no longer have these off days, that I'd be all out of energy and turn into my cold, distant, old self again.


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Dec 21, 2012
Garrett and others,

When I was still getting down my fundamentals, I did force it in as many situations as I could without it seeming forced, because I wanted to throw myself into the deep end and immerse myself in the idea that I was a sexy silver tongued devil, so it could become a ingrained part of my psyche as quickly as possible.

These days what was previously acting has shifted into authenticity, simply because I focused on it for so long that it became second nature. I still 'drop my sexy defenses' so to speak around my family and my closest friends, because it is OK to be goofy sometimes, and I have found that just relaxing every now and again to be weird with the people who are closest to you tends to eat away at the slight God complex that tends to develop with frequent success with women.



Space Monkey
space monkey
Jan 6, 2013
its interesting reading this thread because today i noticed (after practicing the material on this site for some months now) the effect i have on my mom lol she touched her hair while i was talking to her while i was at her house for a short while


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Dec 21, 2012

Dude I'm not sure how you should feel about that haha; I'm not sure how I feel about that myself.