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Categorization of 1500+ GirlsChase Articles - Comments & Suggestions


Space Monkey
space monkey
May 11, 2022
If everything goes well, @Will_V should finally post the complete categorization thread soon.

If you've found any mistakes, typos, etc., post here.

Is there a favorite article or forum post that you think should be added?
(First check that it isn't there.)

Is an article grossly miscategorized?
Many article don't categorize neatly, which is to be expected given the overlap between the various aspects of seduction.
Only post if I've missed the mark by a lot.
a good date brings a smile to your lips... and hers


Staff member
Jan 24, 2021
I haven't been able to figure out a way to move the comments from the old thread here so that I can delete the old one, I've pinged @Chase on it to see if it's possible.


Space Monkey
space monkey
May 11, 2022
The complete categorization thread is finally out.

I had some difficulties with posting the original thread (see my profile)... it took me almost a month to get some support.

Anyway, to respond to @Chase (from the old thread)
Chase said:
Beautiful work, @thundercock.

If only you were about 6 months earlier...!

I in fact this year completely redid our article structuring, creating 16 total categories and over 100 subcategories. I tried to outsource this (@Grand Pooba took a crack at it years ago, and we actually paid him for it, but he never sent me the final list) but in the end ended up doing it all myself. It took ages.

That sucks. Could have saved me a lot of time.

But perhaps "categorization" is a wrong word.
A categorization already exists for GC, and I see that this week you've updated the navigation bar with categories and subcategories.
I was aiming more at making an easily-useable overview of all the GC content.
Hence the detailed "Contents" and "Overview" in the thread. Like in a book (or at least a good one; modern publishers like to have a list of attention-grabbing and vapid chapter titles in the contents, without any content description of course, making subsequent referral difficult).

Chase said:
All articles are categorized and subcategorized on the backend. We're just waiting for our dev to complete the new theme where you'll be able to navigate this way, both via the mega menu:


You will also be able to filter articles via our tremendously beefed up elastic search (which allows you to filter by category, subcategory, series, experience level, author, and year).

That said, you've also got the learning progression here in some of your lists, which is very helpful to guys.

We had a suggestion for this called "Tracks" years ago that we still want to implement... I think your lists here are fantastic.

So when will this new theme finally come out?
(I see you've announced it at the start of 2021... seems things never pan out as hoped ;))

In the new navigation bar you have "Girl Thieving" appearing twice under "Seduction", and "Confidence" is under "Female Mind" instead of "Mindsets".
Also, although having all the articles neatly categorized is great for the (regular) readers, if you want to hook new readers in, you should probably add a "Start Here" section to the navigation bar (or somewhere).
A well-worded introduction under "Start Here" with a list of greatest articles might get you more customers than those pop-ups you've added.
It might be a good idea to make, say, 20 of those greatest articles freely available in addition to the monthly limit (to get them hooked).
Anyway, I can give some more comments on the page design, if you want. Don't know how much sense it makes if a new design is gonna be rolled out soon.


Staff member
Oct 9, 2012
Well done on the updates, @thundercock. It's a very comprehensive systematization you've put together.

You're right, it's rather different from the categories/subcategories we've added and approaches systematizing things more around utility than simple organization.

The menu items you noticed are fixed.

Our main site developer assures me the new theme is "almost ready." That said, he has been assuring me of this since last December. I'm bringing someone else in to speed the process up.

And, we do in fact have a large, prominent bar reading "START HERE" right at the top of the page on the new theme -- visible on desktop and at the top of the slide-out mobile menu on smart phones.

We have an entirely new "Start Here" page for that design, as well :)

Whenever we get the darn thing deployed, anyway...!
