Circumstantial Diversity


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Nov 27, 2012
in an air-plane toilet, having sex
Each and every single interaction you have with somebody is diverse in its own way and features its own set of characteristics and variables that can marginally or vastly affect how that interaction unfolds and how said person responds to you. Talk to a girl on a nice sunny day and repeat in exactly the same fashion on a cold & rainy evening, the differences in reaction and outcome may surprise you. This is one of the main reasons why a specific, robotic, process, detailed down to the last tee is ineffective - it doesn't acknowledge circumstantial differences and allow for adjustments to your game. A process is always important to have in your mind, but keep things generic.

Considering this with seduction in mind, I believe it is always advantageous to be aware of the diversities that each interaction brings, understand how to act accordingly in order to maximize your efficiency, and finally implement this understanding into your 'game', resulting in a more fluid, flexible and considered approach. Too many guys regard seduction as a linear, black and white process and if you say this or that to this or that girl, regardless of certain differences it will always yield the same responses and result from the girl. Almost like a mathematical equation.

By all means, solid fundamentals, correct vibe, conversation abilities, escalation & logistics will usually be enough to see you through in most situations regardless of any changes, particularly if you are a top range male who pretty much all girls view as the man and see as nothing short of desirable.

However there are no doubts to the benefits offered. If you are a beginner you can offset some of your lack of ability by being flexible, and if you are an expert you can utilize the extra advantage which could make or break your success.

I am not going to explain specifically how to change and mix things up, that is another post for another day, but I think it is important that guys are made aware of what the major circumstantial diversities are, so that they can, using the information here on GC and their own brains, work out how they could make slight changes here or there and adapt their game accordingly to the situation offering them that extra edge. Perhaps your will need to be more direct, more aggressive, pull the jealousy card, consider negs, use more compliments, go indirect and many more. So here are the main factors to be aware of that many guys overlook.


Time of Day



Girls Personality/Experience/Social Status/Ethnicity

Relationship Status

Emotional State