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Do IUD's, like pills, change who a woman is attracted to?

Regal Tiger

Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Mar 16, 2015
Lol I went from looking up stuff about the male scent and going natural and etc. and somehow I got into looking up why a woman changes who she's attracted to on the pill.

My question; is this just for the pill or is this for other types of birth control as well?

After some short Googling I don't think it does, but not really sure.

EDIT: so what I'm reading is that birth control pills completely stop ovulation, which leads to the whole "need men similar to family" feelings. But with an IUD I believe that ovulation still happens, so that means that women aren't going to be hit with the weird flip that happens when women come off of birth control.

Though again, I've never looked this stuff up in detail and is quite over my head :p


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Jan 7, 2015
All contraception based on female sex hormones (estrogen and progestesterone) have the similar feature that they prevent ovulation. Pills, implants, patches etc. work like this. My take on the issue is that all contraception based on preventing ovulation affect whether she feels attraction towards stronger men or not. I think Chase had a study in one of his articles stating this.

There are two type of IUD's:

The hormonal IUD that prevents ovulation like above.

And the copper IUD - which makes one of the few female contraception not based on female sex hormones. The copper changes the uteral enviroment, which makes it less likely for sperm to reach eggs. This should not affect whom she feels attraction towards

Regal Tiger

Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Mar 16, 2015
Ajay said:
All contraception based on female sex hormones (estrogen and progestesterone) have the similar feature that they prevent ovulation. Pills, implants, patches etc. work like this. My take on the issue is that all contraception based on preventing ovulation affect whether she feels attraction towards stronger men or not. I think Chase had a study in one of his articles stating this.

There are two type of IUD's:

The hormonal IUD that prevents ovulation like above.

And the copper IUD - which makes one of the few female contraception not based on female sex hormones. The copper changes the uteral enviroment, which makes it less likely for sperm to reach eggs. This should not affect whom she feels attraction towards

Gotcha... but what other IUD's? Like I remember one of them mentioned something about progestin and I don't think that prevents ovulation? I could be wrong though

EDIT: looking it up again, I know that progestin is a synthetic progesterone. But I remember reading that some IUD's don't stop ovulation while I'm reading about progestin by itself says that it does....

I do remember BD going into the facts that copper IUD's aren't as good at preventing pregnancy as Merina though, is this why?


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Jan 7, 2015
A little edit to my first post since I was wrong: the copper is toxic to sperm cells while Mirena changes the uteral enviroment and "sometimes" prevents ovulation (Wiki, under section "Types")

I haven't heard of other IUD's than the ones I mentioned..

The copper IUD doesn't prevent ovulation. I think that's the one you're talking about?

Maybe the difference in how they work, is what BD is talking about. If you can show me the post where he states the difference between hormonal and copper IUD's, I can say more
the right date makes getting her back home a piece of cake

Regal Tiger

Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Mar 16, 2015
Ajay said:
A little edit to my first post since I was wrong: the copper is toxic to sperm cells while Mirena changes the uteral enviroment and "sometimes" prevents ovulation (Wiki, under section "Types")

I haven't heard of other IUD's than the ones I mentioned..

The copper IUD doesn't prevent ovulation. I think that's the one you're talking about?

Maybe the difference in how they work, is what BD is talking about. If you can show me the post where he states the difference between hormonal and copper IUD's, I can say more

http://www.blackdragonblog.com/2013/08/ ... rol-pills/

I think he just means the ones that use hormones whereas it sounds like the copper one doesn't. It's just a small mention in the above article, it must have been in one of his books. I'll have to try to hunt it down what he said to be sure, or it might have just been that little bit... not sure, I have some hunting to do.

Neat information to know, thanks for the quick response! Though I'm pretty sure you've already answered my question I'll still end up Googling for the next few days sporadically lol

EDIT: Quite the bummer though, this isn't much of a theory as it's just a thought that spawned this whole thing:
So if a woman isn't ovulating and who she's attracted to is flip-flopped because of it should one of the criteria a man look for is a woman who isn't on BC at all? Healthier children that way, right?

Would a woman on BC go as crazy about a guy that she falls for as a woman who isn't ever on BC?

Those are the thoughts that kinda spawned this search lol. As well as the male scent stuffs that I'm still looking up here and there


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Jan 7, 2015
Regal Tiger said:
I think he just means the ones that use hormones whereas it sounds like the copper one doesn't. It's just a small mention in the above article, it must have been in one of his books. I'll have to try to hunt it down what he said to be sure, or it might have just been that little bit... not sure, I have some hunting to do.

Found it. I had hoped his sources were studies showing a number of unplanned pregnancies while on the copper IUD. Let me know if you find anything in his book!

Regal Tiger said:
So if a woman isn't ovulating and who she's attracted to is flip-flopped because of it should one of the criteria a man look for is a woman who isn't on BC at all?

I think there's been a little misunderstanding? Or maybe I don't get this quote :) Please tell me if I'm not getting you.

It's not like lack of ovulation completely changes who she gets attracted to (which is what I understand when you say "who she's attracted to is flip-flopped" ). But rather, it's about how much she gets/is attracted.

In the few days her ovulation phase lasts, that's when she feels the instinctual urge to get knocked up fast by the desirable, attractive lover rather than the guys she prefers on a conscious level. But the rest of time in her menstrual cycle (and when she's on BC), I think it's more safe to say that she looks more for the guys she prefers on a conscious level, give or take.

But I also think of it like this: you attract her and fuck her. once you are fucking her regularly, she's going to feel bonded to you eventually. Her lack of ovulation won't matter at that point. So with that in mind, should a man avoid a women on BC? I personally don't think it matters. She is just not as attracted to you as she could be, but I wonder if it makes a huge difference

Regal Tiger said:
Would a woman on BC go as crazy about a guy that she falls for as a woman who isn't ever on BC?

I think I answered this above. So just gonna say it like this: attract her, fuck her, bond with her. And then I think she could definitely go as crazy as one not using BC. But somebody more qualified should probably answer this.

But it makes me wonder: what if she stopped using BC, ovulated naturally and started to feel that natural urge to get knocked up once again? Don't you think she would be extra horny for this physically attractive lover whom she is already sleeping with? I would like to think so!

Regal Tiger said:
Healthier children that way, right?

How is this related to BC? :)

Regal Tiger

Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Mar 16, 2015
Ajay said:
Found it. I had hoped his sources were studies showing a number of unplanned pregnancies while on the copper IUD. Let me know if you find anything in his book!

Will do!

I think there's been a little misunderstanding? Or maybe I don't get this quote :) Please tell me if I'm not getting you.

It's not like lack of ovulation completely changes who she gets attracted to (which is what I understand when you say "who she's attracted to is flip-flopped" ). But rather, it's about how much she gets/is attracted.

From my understanding, women change who they're primarily attracted to during different parts of their cycles. Women in ovulation want men who are very unlike them, immune system wise. During the other half of the cycle she wants someone more like her family, someone who is more like her (immune system wise).

There are also plenty of stories about women coming off of birth control and no longer finding their husbands attractive when they try to have a baby. So it stands to reason that the opposite could happen.

https://therationalmale.com/2012/09/25/ ... struation/
http://time.com/3596014/attraction-sex-birth-control/ --> 3 linked studies in that article about MHC
https://www.bustle.com/articles/50401-t ... -as-hot-as
https://www.telegraph.co.uk/women/sex/1 ... ctive.html

In the few days her ovulation phase lasts, that's when she feels the instinctual urge to get knocked up fast by the desirable, attractive lover rather than the guys she prefers on a conscious level. But the rest of time in her menstrual cycle (and when she's on BC), I think it's more safe to say that she looks more for the guys she prefers on a conscious level, give or take.

But I also think of it like this: you attract her and fuck her. once you are fucking her regularly, she's going to feel bonded to you eventually. Her lack of ovulation won't matter at that point. So with that in mind, should a man avoid a women on BC? I personally don't think it matters. She is just not as attracted to you as she could be, but I wonder if it makes a huge difference

I think it's something worth thinking about. Why would I want a woman who rates me a 6 compared to the same woman that could instead rate me a 10?

In addition, when you are talking about women and their feelings you always, ALWAYS, have to preface said feelings with 'right now'. Sure, she has the hots for me 'right now'. She really cares about me 'right now'.

You put 'right now' by anything she says and you'll understand women a lot better. Granted, as long as I'm still doing my part then it's unlikely that she'll bail on me, but that's only for a woman that I've gotten hooked in.

What about women that are on birth control and find me repulsive? That same woman might have loved me if she wasn't on birth control.

I think I answered this above. So just gonna say it like this: attract her, fuck her, bond with her. And then I think she could definitely go as crazy as one not using BC. But somebody more qualified should probably answer this.

I didn't make a complete point in my previous posts, but have on this one. But to repeat for clarity: birth control changes who she's attracted to in the first place.

But it makes me wonder: what if she stopped using BC, ovulated naturally and started to feel that natural urge to get knocked up once again? Don't you think she would be extra horny for this physically attractive lover whom she is already sleeping with? I would like to think so!

Depends on if she's still with said lover. The girl I'm seeing is about to switch to a different IUD in the next few days (just found out yesterday lol). So apparently our immune systems combining would create better babies :p. The one she will get will give out doses of hormones, which means that she won't be as attracted to me. I know it's only one woman, but I'm half interested about what will happen and the other half disappointed lol.

How is this related to BC? :)
MHC genes. A wide variety of genes leads to healthier immune systems in your children. https://www.britannica.com/science/majo ... ty-complex



Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Jan 7, 2015
Hey Regal,

Regal Tiger said:
Ajay said:
I think there's been a little misunderstanding? Or maybe I don't get this quote :) Please tell me if I'm not getting you.

It's not like lack of ovulation completely changes who she gets attracted to (which is what I understand when you say "who she's attracted to is flip-flopped" ). But rather, it's about how much she gets/is attracted.

From my understanding, women change who they're primarily attracted to during different parts of their cycles. Women in ovulation want men who are very unlike them, immune system wise. During the other half of the cycle she wants someone more like her family, someone who is more like her (immune system wise).

I feel like we are pretty much saying the same thing with different wordings. Like, if she had two guys while not on BC, guy1 is a 10 on an attraction scale, and guy2 is a 4, then her attraction towards them could be completely reversed, were she on BC. Yes? (okay, saw the rest of your comment, and we pretty much agree).

Regal Tiger said:
There are also plenty of stories about women coming off of birth control and no longer finding their husbands attractive when they try to have a baby. So it stands to reason that the opposite could happen.

https://therationalmale.com/2012/09/25/ ... struation/
http://time.com/3596014/attraction-sex-birth-control/ --> 3 linked studies in that article about MHC
https://www.bustle.com/articles/50401-t ... -as-hot-as
https://www.telegraph.co.uk/women/sex/1 ... ctive.html

Regal Tiger said:
MHC genes. A wide variety of genes leads to healthier immune systems in your children. https://www.britannica.com/science/majo ... ty-complex


These were interesting reads! Thanks for sharing. I have one for you too I just found; a personal anecdote from a woman leaving BC.


Regal Tiger said:
I think it's something worth thinking about. Why would I want a woman who rates me a 6 compared to the same woman that could instead rate me a 10?

In addition, when you are talking about women and their feelings you always, ALWAYS, have to preface said feelings with 'right now'. Sure, she has the hots for me 'right now'. She really cares about me 'right now'.

You put 'right now' by anything she says and you'll understand women a lot better. Granted, as long as I'm still doing my part then it's unlikely that she'll bail on me, but that's only for a woman that I've gotten hooked in.

Sure, there is the present moment. But I have yet to hear of a trend where women constantly dumb their guy once she goes off of her BC because they want babies. While women feel and live more in the present moment, they also consider the big picture a lot more than men. If they went off of the pill and said "well, right now I don't feel like having babies with you anymore, despite all the years we have invested in this relationship, goodbye" every time, I think a lot of hormonal BC would be drawn back from the market :p but sure, you run the risk of her attraction take a sink... or a rise!

Regal Tiger said:
What about women that are on birth control and find me repulsive? That same woman might have loved me if she wasn't on birth control.

True, but I think you're simplifying things with this statement alone. There are lot of ways to attract girls, not just physically. You can attract her through status, verbals, non-verbals etc. Of course it will be harder if her fundamental attraction isn't there, but it should not be impossible.

Regal Tiger said:
Ajay said:
But it makes me wonder: what if she stopped using BC, ovulated naturally and started to feel that natural urge to get knocked up once again? Don't you think she would be extra horny for this physically attractive lover whom she is already sleeping with? I would like to think so!

Depends on if she's still with said lover. The girl I'm seeing is about to switch to a different IUD in the next few days (just found out yesterday lol). So apparently our immune systems combining would create better babies :p. The one she will get will give out doses of hormones, which means that she won't be as attracted to me. I know it's only one woman, but I'm half interested about what will happen and the other half disappointed lol.

Haha! Hit me up in a pm if you want share details. My current lover is considering the progesterone-only pill. I won't look into it now, but I wonder if estrogen+progesterone pills change attraction in women more than progesterone-only.

Regal Tiger

Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Mar 16, 2015
Ajay said:
Hey Regal,

I feel like we are pretty much saying the same thing with different wordings. Like, if she had two guys while not on BC, guy1 is a 10 on an attraction scale, and guy2 is a 4, then her attraction towards them could be completely reversed, were she on BC. Yes? (okay, saw the rest of your comment, and we pretty much agree).

These were interesting reads! Thanks for sharing. I have one for you too I just found; a personal anecdote from a woman leaving BC.


Sweet! I’ll check it out in just a bit! And no problem, I find all of this fascinating lol

Sure, there is the present moment. But I have yet to hear of a trend where women constantly dumb their guy once she goes off of her BC because they want babies. While women feel and live more in the present moment, they also consider the big picture a lot more than men. If they went off of the pill and said "well, right now I don't feel like having babies with you anymore, despite all the years we have invested in this relationship, goodbye" every time, I think a lot of hormonal BC would be drawn back from the market :p but sure, you run the risk of her attraction take a sink... or a rise!

Tis true and I acknowledged a little bit of that in my post, I doubt a woman would leave a man she’s invested in just for changing birth control. But it very wel could end up being a major factor in her changing feelings

Which, I think is half of the reason I’m against BC: I have no control over her changing feelings. At least with most forms of game I improve myself and improve women’s attraction towards me (in general). Or if I start getting needy then a woman will not be attracted to me anymore. But with this it’s like nope, fuck you and your feelings lol. That rubs me the wrong way

There’s also the fact that I don’t like the idea of drugs fuckin around with my body and I could be projecting that to other people as well. Not sure, but as far as attraction is concerned the better I get the more I feel like natural is the best way for most things

Not entirely sure on the why yet but I do know I don’t like it :p

True, but I think you're simplifying things with this statement alone. There are lot of ways to attract girls, not just physically. You can attract her through status, verbals, non-verbals etc. Of course it will be harder if her fundamental attraction isn't there, but it should not be impossible.

Yea, that’s true. But I’d rather have that base, gut level of attraction. It feels more real to me, maybe that’s why I’m against it? Need to think about it more

Haha! Hit me up in a pm if you want share details. My current lover is considering the progesterone-only pill. I won't look into it now, but I wonder if estrogen+progesterone pills change attraction in women more than progesterone-only.

Never thought about the differences between the different combinations. As for me, if I remember (and I probably won’t) I’ll post about it all here. She forgot to schedule her change this month (apparently her IUD has to be changed out during her period and last i checked she never scheduled it) so it could be another month before anything happens. Then who knows how long after that for the changes to really set in

Sent from iPhoke so my bad about probable mistakes in writing