Does anyone think America is just not worth it anymore?


Space Monkey
space monkey
Oct 26, 2020
I've been living in Europe for the past 2-3 years. I was raised as an American but just don't feel like America is it anymore. Everything from the police, the gun laws, school shootings, racism, quality of western women, vaccine mandates, arrogance and the entitlement of the general population compared to other countries etc. I feel like quality of women isn't even comparable to Eastern european women or any other women. It makes me not wanna go back to the U.S ever again.

Any inputs or thoughts?


Feb 3, 2020
I think America is still a great country to live in depending on the location. The media makes things seem crazier than they actually are.

When I read the media, I get the feeling that America is one step away from total chaos. But when I step outside and wander around, it's far from that.

In the South where I am usually, things are calm, there's pretty women around, it's business as normal. Work is the same way.

Sure there's some governmental or societal changes that are worrisome but so far most of it does not immediately impact me (aside from things like inflation).

I can't speak for the popular US cities (San Francisco, LA, NYC, etc) though which seem to be the most chaotic by comparison as an observer. But someone from them can chime in.

Of course one's mileage may vary depending on their income, location, etc.


Staff member
Jan 24, 2021
I live in Australia, which is nowhere near as far along as the US from what I gather.

For me the real issue with western countries is the long term one (marriage longevity and raising kids with a good outlook on life). I feel quite capable of navigating society myself, enjoying the opportunities (which are still very plentiful) and avoiding the stuff I don't like. But it's when you become tied together with people who are not able to discern things well, who may or may not listen to you (and are encouraged not to) but are still heavily dependent on you, that things get difficult.

As far as the quality of women are concerned, I haven't had a chance to explore Europe, but I have heard the women in many countries there tend to be more feminine (though not necessarily easier to lay, in fact sometimes quite the contrary). I hope to make my way there soon to find out for myself.

But there are still pretty, enthusiastic girls to be found anywhere in the world, and game is not going to stop working any time soon.


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Oct 21, 2019
As an outsider to the USA, I can only say that the “racism” thing you have going on seems ludacris to me.

Everybody is constantly reminding people how “inclusive” and “not racist” they are.
Companies get badges if they buy from “minority” businesses.
White straight men are nonexistent in corporate images.

I don’t know but all this “definitely not racist” trend looks pretty racist.


Space Monkey
space monkey
Apr 6, 2019
From Europe, the US certainly looks like a fourth world country right now. But it's not that much better in Europe.

In some countries they were going to introduce the vaxx mandate forcibly as well, and this was the first pride month where we got a drag queen story hour for kindergarteners.

The rot of the US is spreading to all other parts of the world, there is no safe country in the eyes of the 2030 Great Reset plan, unless you go to a zero technology zone like some parts of Africa and become a bushman in the Kalahari.

Imo before you think about moving, consider the chances you have where you are right now. And unless you're completely fucked in every single state, then you can think about moving.
But it's getting shit everywhere, and it will keep being shit for at least another couple years before the pendulum swings back, and that's only in the event that it does.

Regardless, hope you'll get to improve your situation somehow.
