Calls & Texts  Don't be Boring...


Tribal Elder
Tribal Elder
Nov 21, 2012
Just Dave here,

The absolute worst thing you can do is be boring and dry during a texting interaction. You want to have a purpose and length, the reason you're texting and how long you'll be texting her. You want her to look forward to receiving your texts and be engaged during the conversation. ;)


Boring: "How are you", "Hey", "Whats up" these come across as needy and say you have nothing else to do other than to text her.
Breakdown, this conveys you don't have an interesting lifestyle and you're already hooked on her. The point she's already won the chase and there's nothing left to do with you.

The fixers: "Hey gorgeous, hope your weeks been good. :)" the reason something like this works is because it let's her know you care about her. But it does it in a very cool way with an added smile for emotion.

If you know something about her personality use something like this, "Hey Tori, I saw a cat that reminded me of the one you showed me the other day :)". Not only does this bring up a memory, but it shows that you listened to her and remember stuff from her life.

Date Fixer: Chase, myself and I'm sure many others of you use something like this. "Hey Meghan, What's your schedule like this week?"
This gives her an indication of your purpose, the length of the conversation, and the reason you're texting her.

Just a few quick suggestions.

Take care,

Just Dave


Staff member
Oct 9, 2012
Just Dave,

Just_Dave said:
The absolute worst thing you can do is be boring and dry during a texting interaction.

Absolutely. It's funny, you can actually be really OBJECTIVELY boring in a face-to-face interaction - e.g., you don't talk at all about anything interesting, you just get the GIRL talking - and she'll think it's an amazing interaction. But that's because what's interesting then isn't what you're saying, it's what you're not saying - who is this mystery man asking her all these pointed questions, making the occasional insightful remark, and otherwise in no hurry to go spilling all his beans about how great he is and how wonderful his life is like most men?

In text, you get no such luxury. Closest you can come to it is building intrigue:

  • "Hey Lonnie, hope you're kicking ass on that deal closing this week. Let me know when you've got a moment for that bite we talked about - probably going to take you to this wicked out of the way little cafe I know."

It's got to be pitch perfect though, because there are so many ways to make intrigue sound gamey or tryhard over text:

  • Wait til you hear about the craziness that happened to me this week.

^ sounds like the guy's not in control of his life and things just "happen" to him.

  • Wait until I tell you this wild story about last weekend / my trip.

^ sounds like the guy's a party guy, which most women won't relate to (even many seeming 'party girls').

Being interesting - it puts the punch into a killer text.



Tribal Elder
Tribal Elder
Nov 21, 2012
Being interesting - it puts the punch into a killer text.

Thanks, for pointing that out Chase. There have been too many times when having conversations via text, phone call, or live when conversations just seem to drag on with certain people I know. Even when I stop responding after awhile, they just kept going. In my area we call them motormouths.