FR  Early group ejection and number close on the tram home


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Jan 17, 2019
This just happened - had our work christmas party in a casino. I got pretty drunk but then started hitting the waters to sober myself up. A sexy tall blonde walks past as I'm talking to my coworkers and they pretty much all comment on how stunning she is. She goes to sit down amongst a group of equally attractive blondes and all my coworkers keep commenting on them. I get some balls and walk up right next to them and ask them if they're part of a bachelorette party - they jokingly say they are and I try to guess who is getting married - up close I notice that two are significantly older (40s) and the other four must be in their early 20s. Everyone except one of the girls is loving that I'm there and keep engaging me in conversation as i kneel down next to them. I keep conversation playful, guessing their professions after they asked me what mine was - which involved staring at the one who walked past me in the eyes - and she is loving it. At some point I ask them if they're staying here and then they ask me where I'm going. This is where I start to drop the ball - I have no idea where to go in the casino. So I say this and one of the girls comments:

"Wherever you go, we'll go"

This would have been the perfect opportunity to just tell them that we were going dancing and find a place - but I dropped the ball and said to the closest one for her number so that later on I could let them know where I was. Then that's when they started teasing me that this was a dare from my coworkers. I told them no, that this was just me getting the balls to talk to them because no one else would. After a little while I ejected and went back to my coworkers, who then congratulated me. This was so stupid.

I started kicking myself - why didn't I stay in set and get them to the dance floor or somewhere else? Closing would have been hard but at least it would have been some good experience and a fun night. Later on when my coworkers bailed I texted the one whos number I got asking where they were but no response, of course.

So now I was super pissed at myself and thinking - I have it in me, these chicks appreciated my boldness and I dropped the ball by going back to my coworkers. They were probably disappointed that I left.

I ended up leaving, and approached a cute woman in a cheetah dress walking home with a direct opener, but up close she was older and told me she had a husband and two kids.

Bummer. Still pissed at myself, I decided to go home on the tram, and sat directly opposite a pretty girl with pink hair. I started chatting to her about what she had been up to that night, turns out she'd had a christmas party at the same casino I'd had mine at. We continued talking, it was pretty platonic but I used strong eye contact and voice. When she had to get off I quickly asked for her name and number - she entered them into my phone but I caused her to miss her stop. Oops. She teased me about making that happen and then got off at the next one. At least something good came out of not staying with the blonde chicks, I wouldn't have number closed this one. Make the most of whatever shitty situation you find yourself in at least!