favorite sequence of feelings to put girls through?


Space Monkey
space monkey
May 23, 2021
whats your favorite sequence of feelings to put girls through?

Oh wow this is a good topic… likely slowed down by being posted during covid..

Fog, how do you go about putting girls through these feelings?


Modern Human
Modern Human
Jul 20, 2015
Fog, how do you go about putting girls through these feelings?


gotta say, I love your interest in making women feel. It’s one of those skills…that can bring you to the next level as a seducer.

We’ve discussed this briefly before - but only from more of a 2D angle [How to make women feel something] rather than a 3D angle [how to make women feel a series of emotions].


So, your question. How to go about putting girls through a series of feelings?

Part of it comes down to figuring out natural emotional progression. We can look at a girl falling in love for example. She’s gonna feel connected, then she’s gonna feel chemistry, then she’s gonna feel X, Y, and Z, until she’s feeling in love. If we know the natural emotional progression of a set of feelings, then we can actively work to trigger them in succession in the girl. To trigger specific feelings, there's all sorts of verbal and non-verbal tech you can work with to achieve this. Like the ones mentioned in the above thread i linked.

Let’s look at a simple emotional progression that happens when I first meet her and I’ll break it down for you how I build it.

Emotional Progression
uplifted -> curious -> intrigued


Typically the first feeling I trigger in a girl happens during the preapproach, with the use of states. States are contagious, and you don’t even need to be talking to the girl in order to make her feel something. All you need to do is have a stronger state than her, and she will get sucked into it.

My own state is so contagious that, when a girl comes into my presence, she is instantly influenced by whatever I’m feeling. Her body language, overall energy, and facial expressions change to be more closer than mine.

The best states to make a girl feel are positive ones - and when I’m feeling on top of the world (uplifted!), the girl will feel the same. This gets the interaction started on a high note.


With really strong bait, you can make her feel curious about what you have to say about her. One such way to bait is to use the “do you know who you look like” opener - which gets her wondering who she looks like. Holding back on revealing the juicy information will only make her feel more curious.

FOG: I've got something important to tell you
HB: ...
FOG: Has anybody ever told you...exactly who you look like?
HB: No!?!
FOG: This is blowing my mind right now...
HB: What! *giggles*
FOG: She's a famous actress from the 90s....and you are just like her.
HB: Tell me!


sometime after curiosity i start making her feel intrigue. The two are pretty closely related but have differences to how they manifest in-set. In this case, intrigue is different than curiosity in that, with intrigue, she's wondering about YOU as a person and what you have to say about yourself - rather than wondering what you have to say about HER, as is with curiosity.

With proper balancing and management of gunwitchs 3 keys (social frame, emotional stimulation, and sexual arousal), she ends up feeling intrigued by me. When that happens, a hook point has been reached and she starts asking questions about me.......who are you, where did you come from? etc

You can build out this intrigue at the hook point by being mysterious and not revealing too much about you at a given time. Same as you did with building the curiosity.
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