Finding the judge guilty ;)


Space Monkey
space monkey
Jul 31, 2023
I was talking with the girl of the not escalating back at my place report, planning a date for tonight, but she said she wasn't feeling well and wanted to rest, so I decided to just head downtown around 23:00 grab some takeaway food and walk around a bit, maybe making some approaches at the same time. I was feeling pretty tired from not having eaten for some hours and also having had a small hangover from the previous night, and these are things I should start reducing as much as I can with better meal and sleep scheduling, as well as less minimal drinking. As a result, my first street approaches almost didn't land at all, but I slowly embraced my very low energy and they kinda started rolling.

At some point around 00:00 I was walking in the historic part of the city, towards a food place and saw a short very stylish beautiful older looking woman just standing at the corner of the street. I was in fact thinking for a second whether to approach or not, but I just realised I would do it with her by her looks, so I should just go. I told her I saw her standing there and she had an very special energy, something feminine but also really classy, so I wanted to come and talk. She looked receptive, and I pretty fast learned that she was in my city as a tourist for the weekend, and that she is Brazilian studying law in Spain. After telling her where I am from and exchanging names, I proposed very fast to go for a drink somewhere around since she had no other plans, and she happily agreed.

We started walking and I asked her where she lived, and after I learned the location of her hotel more or less, I thought of some bars to go not to far from where we were, so that it would be possible and make sense to go back to the hotel eventually. We arrived at a bar I knew, quite a lot of people, and fairly loud music but we were lucky to find a place looking at the window with two chairs close to each other. In general during the whole convo I was touching her leg or back from time to time, but that was all the physical contact.

From the beginning of our conversation even from the walk I was asking her about travels, how and why she likes doing it alone, telling her I appreciate the open mindedness and that you can always get into adventures through that. Then as we were sitting we got into what she is doing, whether she enjoys it and why, and she told me about having her own business making her clothes and also being a judge back in Brazil, that came to study some more law in Spain. She asked about me and said I love acting and also talked about my studies a bit and why I loved my field.

At some point she noticed a guy outside the window and said: "Oh this guy is also alone here, I saw him going around before." After making a small joke about how she is always watching, and maybe has been watching me as well, I took it as an opportunity to ask her about her relationships with men. She told me she doesn't have any, and there is someone back in Brazil that will be there, but it seemed pretty unimportant for the moment the way she mentioned it. At some point she asked if I have a girlfriend and I said: "10, I change them everyday to not get bored". Later she also mentioned she was in a gay bar before and she was telling people she liked both men and women to feel included, I joked about it a bit also mentioned how the energy there can be cool because everyone is free spirited. I was putting a lot of ideas regarding how I believe we should experience every day, explore and live life in the moment, during the conversations when I felt I could, especially as we were going back to the travelling topic and the experience doing it alone, as she said that her friends kept being worried about her and calling her crazy for doing it.

There was a point were I also inquired what kind of experience she like with men and if she is romantic, and likes to be given chocolates and flowers and she said no, but she doesn't get that anyway, so I grabbed two small flowers from the vase that was decorating the table and gave them to her playfully, telling her I am fulfilling her dream but she has to take them and hide them quick, and she did. Then she also told me she doesn't like Brazilian men because they are too fun and she prefers men in Europe, because they are more masculine somehow, and I mentioned that I like the passion of Brazilian women. I also told her I suspect it would be difficult to get with a man as a judge because most would get scared by such a profession, and mentioned a lawyer friend I have that told me something similar because she was working long hours. She agreed with me, and I told her how difficult it is for women nowadays with all the conflicting messages, so I really appreciate when I find one that has dreams and pursues them, but can also remain in touch with her feminine energy, as this can beautifully complete me as a man. She also asked me what I consider most difficult in life as a man, and I said going after what you want and living life in yours terms and I believe I have done it and I am happy with my life.

I also noticed a small tattoo she had in her hand through all that and asked her about it, so learned she has 2 adult daughters studying in University back in Brazil, and they did it together with one of them in Tailand. I told her I appreciate her even more now knowing that. Throughout this whole time, she rejected us trying each others drinks, and generally she felt like she was holding a reserved frame with her body language, but she was generally agreeing verbally with most of the things I was saying. So I proposed we go for a walk as we were finishing the drinks, with the plan to take her to a nice viewpoint, kiss her there, and then go back to her place, as I felt that requesting to go back to the hotel right away would be a bit too much, and also my place would be an even bigger commitment judging how far it was.

That's what we did then, so she was following me as we were walking around the city by night, and I took her to the place with the view, we sat there next to eah other watching the view, and as we were talking I was thinking of an organic way to go for the kiss. I probably could have done it a bit earlier, the situation was quite romantically obvious by the setting, but after exchanging one eye contact that felt inviting as she was telling me how beautiful the moon is, I kinda told her something like: "Yeah, the moon really is beautiful... but I would like to steal you from it..." and went in for the kiss. She reciprocated very well, I stopped first, looking at her and telling her I enjoyed the way she kisses, and then we went back in few times quite passionately and that was when I proposed to continue to her place.

In the beginning she was like: "No, let's stay here, I am also busy tomorrow, have to go to the museum". I then thought, cool just arouse her more, so we kept making out heavily but also teasingly, she was kissing my neck and I took her sitting between my legs at some point so she could surely feel my hard on, and I could say she was getting pretty excited. The thing is I kinda got pretty excited as well having her squeezing on me, and being so passionate, so I did ejaculate inside my pants, but honestly at this point, I brushed it off pretty quickly, because I know it has happened before, I accepted it and knew that by escalating more I would be ready to go again.

After a while of us being there she kinda mentioned going somewhere else herself, I could tell she was getting pretty horny, so I proposed her place again since mine was far and she agreed pretty easily. So we started walking and kinda holding hands, kinda hugging during the walk to her hotel. There we got in, was a bit funny because the receptionist saw her bringing someone in her single bed room, and she told me she is not allowed, but I was chill and unreactive. When we arrived at the room, after going to the toilet and finding some Mtv channel for music, went into kissing and escalating towards sex pretty fast and naturally. Her bed was pretty small, but I think we managed well, she looked even hotter naked in fact. I had some issues with not getting fully hard, or my erection softening from time to time, especially when I was inside her in fact from behind. I think though that my state of not having eaten as I never went for my dinner eventually, together with the extra alcohol of the drink, was kinda affecting me a bit there, because I've had sex even faster after ejaculating with quite strong erections. So there were some awkward moments during the sex, she was pretty smaller, so even managing to find right angles to get in was a bit of a struggle, I think her being on top worked the best in the end, but in general we went at it for quite a bit, penetrative and not. In the end I got overstimulated while she was bouncing on me, and I finished, but what I didn't like was that at that moment I said: " Sorry, I'm just cumming, it's too hot. " I don't think it created any very weird vibe, we were still chill after that, but I didn't like that I said I am sorry for orgasming, it was in fact a compliment that I did that for her, since she made me!

Anyway we laid together for a bit, and then she told me she'd like to sleep, so I checked my train, dressed up and left, after exchanging contacts and names, since we had both forgotten them. I guess I have to become a bit more used to this dynamic, because I still feel a bit awkward when leaving from an obvious one night stand, I mean I'm not sure how much care to show, what exactly to talk after sex, and how to bid farewells. I am doing all these in my natural way, but I am just not sure what is the best way to treat the situation, so that the girl feels fully satisfied by her choice to have sex that night, looking back at it as a great memory.

Aftermath: After going out from the hotel I saw a pretty hot girl, dressed with a long dress with a deep cut and some sexy high heels coming my way talking to the phone, but I was still in the zone of having had sex, so didn't feel the drive to go and approach. So I noticed that after orgasming, I have to deliberately make myself go and approach again, because the natural drive and horniness is not there. I lost this one, but at least I talked a bit later with a less hot but cute girl I invited to my place. She wanted to go rest, but we exchanged numbers and she was asking me to keep in touch.

And something to note, not sure exactly how, but they know you have had sex. This first girl I didn't stop outside the hotel, we had eye contact for few seconds, and she looked at least intrigued, like she really knew I was with another woman. Probably there is something subtle in the way you hold yourself, and you have a relaxed assured gaze of not needing the sex but still appreciating the woman you see in front of you that hooks them hard.


Staff member
Jan 24, 2021
@ChrisXKiss awesome! You made her feel good enough and want it enough for her to invite you back to hers.

I can tell that you already know what you want to do with women, you're not afraid of your intentions or of your own character. And this makes everything much more real, and makes her respond to you all that much more. And it will make all kinds of women give you opportunities they wouldn't normally give.


Space Monkey
space monkey
Jul 31, 2023
Thanks @Will_V I appreciate it!

I do feel that whenever I am present and unapologetic about my desires it's always appreciated and received well no matter the result. Still struggling sometimes with the confidence of knowing I can offer them a great experience, but I feel that every interaction and bump along the way helps to grow and strengthen that :)

Atlas IV

Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
May 21, 2023
There was a point were I also inquired what kind of experience she like with men and if she is romantic, and likes to be given chocolates and flowers and she said no, but she doesn't get that anyway, so I grabbed two small flowers from the vase that was decorating the table and gave them to her playfully, telling her I am fulfilling her dream but she has to take them and hide them quick, and she did.
I really like this part. Grabbing the flowers from the vase and giving them to her teasingly was like taking the "provider" frame and making a tasteful joke out of it.

Then she also told me she doesn't like Brazilian men because they are too fun and she prefers men in Europe, because they are more masculine somehow, and I mentioned that I like the passion of Brazilian women. I also told her I suspect it would be difficult to get with a man as a judge because most would get scared by such a profession, and mentioned a lawyer friend I have that told me something similar because she was working long hours. She agreed with me, and I told her how difficult it is for women nowadays with all the conflicting messages, so I really appreciate when I find one that has dreams and pursues them, but can also remain in touch with her feminine energy, as this can beautifully complete me as a man. She also asked me what I consider most difficult in life as a man, and I said going after what you want and living life in yours terms and I believe I have done it and I am happy with my life.
This is awesome. You showed an understanding of her world (obviously very important for a career woman) while making it clear that you enjoy the male-female polarity by talking about feminine energy and how it completes you as a man.

Nice report!